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Orgasmic Embodiment with Sayler

Orgasmic Embodiment with Sayler

76 - Returning To Our Original Design – More Energy & Less Stress
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  • 76 - Returning To Our Original Design – More Energy & Less Stress

    Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler  Do you hear others saying they'd like to have less stress in their lives? Are they complaining of not being able to sleep, have trouble concentrating, and remembering? Do you hear others talking about needing more money? And what about you, are you having some of the same challenges? Have you been racking your brain how to get out of this mess? How to have less stress, greater clarity, and ease? There is a way, by returning to your original design. What is your original design and how do you return to it, you ask? Join Sayler Shiningstar and guest, Rowdy Koenig, for a conversation around your life design, returning to it, and the benefits. And, Rowdy has a couple of gifts for our listeners: 1. Free 10 day trial to have a personal experience - you can find it here at my link - 2. 50% off $100 Life Energy Reset/Recharge one day only, for anyone listening or watching. (Date to be announced on the show.) This is Sayler's last show on ICN and she is currently creating classes and a membership program for Orgasmic Embodiment and Being A Modern Shamanist. Some might call this being a Goddess, or a Queen, being a Bad Ass Bitch, or being magical. If the shoes fit, honey let's dawn those babies and dance, dance, dance. Giving your body a voice and a choice! Do you feel depleted, depressed, in pain, or filled with anxiety? Do you have trouble concentrating, remembering, or can’t sleep? Do you lack energy or the desire to exercise or to do the things you enjoy? Do you feel rushed, chaotic or short-tempered? Do you feel that money is hard to obtain or can’t get a break in this world? You are not alone. But have you ever noticed that some people have ample energy and seem to be happy all the time? They sleep well and talk about the peace and calmness that they feel. Are you able to see and feel their positive energy or witness it in their presence? They just seem to glow, look healthy and vibrant and talk with a confidence of happiness. They exercise and don’t appear to feel overtired and are not suffering and complaining about pain. Money comes easily to them and flows through them and they live an abundant life. They seem to get all the breaks and have little stress. What do they have or know that you don’t? What is this magical medicine that they must have possession of and they are not telling you? Would you believe that you already have it all and all that YOU really have to do is connect with it? What is it? Where is it? Rowdy Koenig is here to explain how we ALL have access to our own energy stores. Our own healing. Our own freedoms within. We all have the ability to restore ourselves, by ourselves. It takes practice, purpose, and the willingness to connect to our brain and then let our brain connect and communicate to its body it was designed to care for. When this communication happens, this is when the real work takes place. This communication practice gets our mind and body back to the way we were designed to be, to live, and to flow. Our brain has an amazing ability to recharge and heal our body and all it needs is a clear communication pathway. What is blocking this pathway? We are. Who can unblock this pathway? We can. The key is learning how to clear that pathway. How to connect to our own energy flow. How to have an abundant source of energy at our disposal. Rowdy has been in the healing industry from an early age. Practicing over 15 years in medicine as an ICU nurse, he learned and witnessed what our bodies can go through. Healing has always been near to his heart and nursing was the best way he could contribute and give back to his community until now. Along this journey, he suffered his own injury and was in significant pain needing his own healing and relief. He became enlightened to discover that all along, he had the ability to heal his own pain and tap into his inner self, and boost his own energy stores, thus allowing his body to be pain-free by resetting his body with its own control source. With this amazing discovery, after being taught how to tap in and live a different way in communion with his body rather than fighting with it, he was able to live in a state of ease and rest rather than a state of dis-ease and deterioration. When our brain is in a fear state, we do not function optimally and sickness, worry, and depletion happen. When our brain is at rest, it can rationalize real threats and take care of its own needs as they arise. It can communicate and heal when needed and function at the most optimal level. Keeping our body in this free state of rest and raised energy levels offers ease and improved life. Each time we fall out of this rest and ease, we have the ability to reset ourselves and live a healthier and happier life. Let today be different. Open your mind to the actual possibilities and listen with ease as Rowdy explains and walks us through freeing ourselves from pain, negative mindsets, and lack, and teaches us how to tap into our own energy source and raise our own vibrational levels. Experience recharging your energy stores quickly and allow yourself the best life you were designed to live. Rowdy is here to share his journey and to enlighten us on how we all have this gift within. His passion for wellness and restoration can be heard in the many testimonials he will share with us. His purpose is to help us find our own purpose and to live in harmony and better health both mentally and physically. By sharing his gifts, his hope is to help humanity heal itself and live by our greatest design in wellness and restored life. http://LifeEnergy.Academy *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler ~  Sayler Shiningstar is an energy whisperer and sexual healer, changing bodies simply by being the space, kindness and caring she naturally is. Orgasmic Embodiment was birthed out of Sayler’s body’s desire to bring about greater awareness of, for, and with bodies, what they desire and how a turned-on, orgasmic body is the prima materia of creation…quintessential! Sayler is a mother, daughter, friend, nature and animal lover and steward. She is an Access Consciousness Bars & Energetic Facelift Facilitator, Happy Mouth Generative & Restorative Energetic Systems of Healing Facilitator, Akashic Records Consultant, Reiki Master, Rebirther, Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher and Co-creator of Infinite Possibilities with Horses. For online and in-person sessions with Sayler Shiningstar, contact her via ~ email:, Facebook: Sayler Shiningstar, phone: +1 720.979.6781(in the USA), along with WhatsApp and Telegram To get more of Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

    Mon, 29 Nov 2021
  • 75 - Gratitude & Opposites ~ Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler

    Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler  Do you hear others talking about their lives, how bored they are, or how they don't have the money, time, or enthusiasm to do anything about it? I've had these thoughts, have you? What if 2 simple tools could change our life, our thoughts, and how we live? If those tools were gratitude and opposites, would you use them, or dismiss them and keep judging you and your life, and the lives of others? If you don't get around to doing something different you will keep getting the same results. Let's get the ball rolling now for happier days, greater awareness & choice, less judgment, and more fun for our futures. Using these easy tools of opposites and gratitude can be fun, enlightening, and orgasmic as our bodies change and become lighter. And, they are so simple you can use them with your loved ones to change just about anything you and they desire. Join Sayler Shiningstar and be the inspiration and invitation for change. Giving your body a voice and a choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler ~  Sayler Shiningstar is an energy whisperer and sexual healer, changing bodies simply by being the space, kindness and caring she naturally is. Orgasmic Embodiment was birthed out of Sayler’s body’s desire to bring about greater awareness of, for, and with bodies, what they desire and how a turned-on, orgasmic body is the prima materia of creation…quintessential! Sayler is a mother, daughter, friend, nature and animal lover and steward. She is an Access Consciousness Bars & Energetic Facelift Facilitator, Happy Mouth Generative & Restorative Energetic Systems of Healing Facilitator, Akashic Records Consultant, Reiki Master, Rebirther, Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher and Co-creator of Infinite Possibilities with Horses. For online and in-person sessions with Sayler Shiningstar, contact her via ~ email:, Facebook: Sayler Shiningstar, phone: +1 720.979.6781(in the USA), along with WhatsApp and Telegram To get more of Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

    Mon, 22 Nov 2021
  • 74 - All Lives Matter & All Of Life Matters – With Sayler

    Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler  Do you hear lots of different reasons why certain lives matter? What happens in, with, and to, your body when you hear and see this phrase? What if all lives matter & all of life matters? Have you asked your body what it knows about this? Invite your body to the show and see what your body has to say. Giving your body a voice and a choice. Join Sayler Shiningstar, energetic coach and body whisperer, for a different look at this topic. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler ~  Sayler Shiningstar is an energy whisperer and sexual healer, changing bodies simply by being the space, kindness and caring she naturally is. Orgasmic Embodiment was birthed out of Sayler’s body’s desire to bring about greater awareness of, for, and with bodies, what they desire and how a turned-on, orgasmic body is the prima materia of creation…quintessential! Sayler is a mother, daughter, friend, nature and animal lover and steward. She is an Access Consciousness Bars & Energetic Facelift Facilitator, Happy Mouth Generative & Restorative Energetic Systems of Healing Facilitator, Akashic Records Consultant, Reiki Master, Rebirther, Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher and Co-creator of Infinite Possibilities with Horses. For online and in-person sessions with Sayler Shiningstar, contact her via ~ email:, Facebook: Sayler Shiningstar, phone: +1 720.979.6781(in the USA), along with WhatsApp and Telegram To get more of Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

    Mon, 15 Nov 2021
  • 73 - You Can’t Do That ~ Especially During The Holidays

    Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler  How many times do you hear yourself say, "I can't do that", when it comes to being you during the holidays? I can't say no, I can't say yes, and I can't eat this. Or what about the have tos? To keep my partner (or parents) happy I have to do what s/he or they want/ expect me to do. What would the holidays be like for you and your body if you choose for and with your body this year? Join Sayler Shiningstar and her body as they talk about the holidays and giving your body a voice and a choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler ~  Sayler Shiningstar is an energy whisperer and sexual healer, changing bodies simply by being the space, kindness and caring she naturally is. Orgasmic Embodiment was birthed out of Sayler’s body’s desire to bring about greater awareness of, for, and with bodies, what they desire and how a turned-on, orgasmic body is the prima materia of creation…quintessential! Sayler is a mother, daughter, friend, nature and animal lover and steward. She is an Access Consciousness Bars & Energetic Facelift Facilitator, Happy Mouth Generative & Restorative Energetic Systems of Healing Facilitator, Akashic Records Consultant, Reiki Master, Rebirther, Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher and Co-creator of Infinite Possibilities with Horses. For online and in-person sessions with Sayler Shiningstar, contact her via ~ email:, Facebook: Sayler Shiningstar, phone: +1 720.979.6781(in the USA), along with WhatsApp and Telegram To get more of Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

    Mon, 08 Nov 2021
  • 72 - Awakening To Magic ~ Being Orgasmic You ~ With Sayler Shiningstar

    Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler  Have you ever wondered what the draw is to awakening to magic, or being magical? Who, what, where, when, why, & how, is awakening to magic, being magic, and being orgasmic you? What if being orgasmic and being magic is simple, so simple it's hiding in plain site and we don't see it, get it, and be it? What does your body know about this? Join Sayler Shiningstar and her body for the ease and joy of being orgasmic and being magic. Giving your body a voice and a choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler ~  Sayler Shiningstar is an energy whisperer and sexual healer, changing bodies simply by being the space, kindness and caring she naturally is. Orgasmic Embodiment was birthed out of Sayler’s body’s desire to bring about greater awareness of, for, and with bodies, what they desire and how a turned-on, orgasmic body is the prima materia of creation…quintessential! Sayler is a mother, daughter, friend, nature and animal lover and steward. She is an Access Consciousness Bars & Energetic Facelift Facilitator, Happy Mouth Generative & Restorative Energetic Systems of Healing Facilitator, Akashic Records Consultant, Reiki Master, Rebirther, Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher and Co-creator of Infinite Possibilities with Horses. For online and in-person sessions with Sayler Shiningstar, contact her via ~ email:, Facebook: Sayler Shiningstar, phone: +1 720.979.6781(in the USA), along with WhatsApp and Telegram To get more of Orgasmic Embodiment With Sayler, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

    Mon, 01 Nov 2021
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