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Prayer Thought

Prayer Thought

Clay Elliott

Start your week off right with a prayer thought from your favorite bow tie wearing prayer guy Clay Elliott. Clay serves as a prayer pastor and biblical counselor for Kontaktmission USA, a mission organization sending missionaries to plant churches all over Europe. Every Monday enjoy a short devotional thought to think and pray through to start your week.

60 - Day 40 - 40 Days of Prayer
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  • 60 - Day 40 - 40 Days of Prayer

    You did it! You made it to the 40th and final day of the KMUSA 40 Day Prayer Journey. We want to thank you for your prayers because they make a difference in our ministry. As the final day we want to encourage you to make this 40 day prayer journey a continued practice. You can pick another missionary to pray for, you can continue praying for the missionary you chose, you can pray over KMUSA as a whole, or you can spend 40 days praying over one aspect of missionary life. 

    Today we ask you to pause and ask God, “What do you want me to pray for for [INSERT MISSIONARY]?” Then pause and wait to hear what he says. It is easy to get distracted during this waiting so we encourage you to put some light music on in the background, make sure you are in a private place, and have a journal ready to write down every thought that comes to mind as you listen. Making a practice of listening for God to speak into a particular situation is a great way to continue to pray for our missionaries. Some missionaries are facing financial battles, others spiritual battles,  others health issues, and others unspoken prayer requests. The Lord knows exactly what they need and by practicing listening to his voice he will reveal what you exactly need to pray for. 

    Prayer: Lord, thank you for being my strength and perseverance on this 40 day prayer journey. Thank you for [INSERT MISSIONARY] and their calling to go and spread Your Word. How else can I pray for them?

    Sun, 17 Dec 2023 - 03min
  • 59 - Day 39 - 40 Days of Prayer

    Seasons of spiritual growth and feeding ebb and flow possibly for much of our time here on earth. Let me ask a very difficult question: Has there ever been a time in your Christian walk where you knew you couldn’t make it through a day without the Lord? Yes, I do mean through prayer and Scripture reading. But, go deeper with me here. When was the last time we felt His presence so deeply in our lives and hearts that it became hard to breathe if we were away from Him for a time? Our very breath taken away if we’re not in His presence. I’m not suggesting we all immediately become nuns and monks, but this question begs for an answer. And I think a big part of this answer comes in 2 parts; who or what are we worshiping? And who or what are we trying to control or relinquish control of?

    Why did we start the topic about missionaries getting spiritually fed on the mission field like this? I believe it’s because these questions lie at the center of their growth and maturity in Christ as well. Missionaries are constantly pouring their whole entire lives into people, meetings, teammates, church members, community outreaches and so much more. When they give and give and give and give, how do these missionaries regain spiritual vitality, energy, and focus? It’s imperative that we pray that our missionaries are growing in strength and maturity on the field. Certainly, it can take place as they go to church, hear a good sermon, or do an outreach. But real maturation in faith comes through digging into God’s Word. Being a man or woman of much prayer…believing that nothing can be done, no plans succeed unless they go to the Lord in prayer first. And also that they find like-minded believers to hold them accountable and encourage one another in the journey. Read this from the Apostle Peter and you’ll get a better understanding of what I mean:

    “His [God’s] divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pt. 1:3-9).”

    Prayer: Heavenly Father, I want to praise You that I can come to You at any time, unencumbered, and have a truly intimate relationship with You. I ask that You would strengthen (Your Missionary) and give them a spiritual fervor they have never experienced before. I ask that (Your Missionary) would diminish any pride or desire to control certain things in their life and worship and serve You alone! Help them to embody these beautiful character qualities in 2 Peter in increasing measure with each passing day. In the strong and mighty name of Jesus I pray, Amen!

    Sat, 16 Dec 2023 - 04min
  • 58 - Day 38 - 40 Days of Prayer

    We are all holistic beings. I know, I know that sounds like a $64 word, but all it means is that each of us have five characteristics that make up our whole being. We are all physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual beings. It’s very important for us to understand this fact because if even one of these five are not working as they should, all the rest of them are strained. When was the last time you got REALLY sick? Did you want to run right out and have coffee with 3 friends? Or when was the last time you were in a dry spell spiritually? Was your first instinct to pop right out of bed, grab your Bible, and start to pray and praise the Lord? You see, keeping these parts of ourselves running as they should takes the Lord’s work first, but then we also have moral responsibility to keep in step with Him as we go throughout our day and week.

    Our missionaries deal with a lot of emotionally and mentally draining things and people on a weekly basis. Not to mention just what a spiritually taxing position they’re in as well much of the time. We all can attest to the fact that being in relationships is hard work. I plan to talk about this in a later post, but where do missionaries get encouragement? Much of the time I think they are led to believe that they need to get their spiritual food from God Himself! And while that’s true in a sense, we were also made for relationships and to be encouraged as we encourage others. These things need to be our prayer for our missionaries today. They need to know that we are praying for their overall health and well being as they continue in the mighty work they’re doing.

    Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for creating us as You did. Thank You that we are image-bearers of Christ because He shared humanity with us. I pray for (Your Missionary) to understand that You designed them to be holistic in nature. Please continue to keep them healthy as they do the work You have asked of them to do. I pray that (Your Missionary) has some people who are of great encouragement to them in all facets of life. Thank You for Your sovereign grace in this way. In Jesus name, Amen!

    Fri, 15 Dec 2023 - 03min
  • 57 - Day 37 - 40 Days of Prayer

    Some of our missionaries are serving in places where their physical safety is at risk (like in Ukraine).  Others face the risk of censure of their ministry activities or even loss of visas.  Pray for wisdom for these missionaries as they seek to advance the gospel in the love and power of the Holy Spirit, without unnecessarily alienating people.  Jesus calls us to be wise as serpents and as gentle as doves.

    Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for placing your ambassadors for the gospel in every country of the world, even in places where there is danger or hostility to your sent ones.  We ask that you protect them from physical harm and from persecution.  Give them cultural awareness and wisdom as they negotiate the complicated environments they find themselves in.  We also ask you to protect them from the attacks of the evil one.

    Thu, 14 Dec 2023 - 01min
  • 56 - Day 36 - 40 Days of Prayer

    Discipleship is a big topic! It probably starts with the first act or conversation revealing Jesus to us. And it ends with… What? Do we ever reach the point that we don’t need to be discipled? Until we see Jesus face-to-face, we strive to be better, more surrendered disciples.


    Stateside, we have so many resources to continue to grow, be challenged, have spiritual conversations, and have other Jesus followers speak into our lives. On the field, especially in the early years, your opportunities are much more limited. It is much easier than when missionaries like Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) left England for China. He said goodbye to his family knowing it would be years, if ever, he would see them again. No phones. No Zoom. Only occasion and unreliable mail. The only fellow believers were the ones you took with you or the ones who learned from you. It is easier for missionaries to be spiritually fed now, but it has to be very intentional. It does not happen without purposeful and self-disciplined actions.


    Please be in prayer for our missionaries across the world to be growing not just in discipling others, but in being discipled in their own walk with Christ. Pray that the Father will continue to feed and tend His shepherds as they tend, feed, and lead new sheep to the Great Shepherd.


    Prayer: Father, we come on behalf of those You have called to other parts of the world to make Your Name and Your Gospel known. Please help them to hold tightly to Your Hand! Help them to find ways to have deep fellowship, vibrant prayer lives, and spiritual meat to feast on. May they continue to grow, mature, and flourish in their relationships with you!

    Wed, 13 Dec 2023 - 02min
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