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Radical with David Platt

Radical with David Platt

David Platt

Radical with David Platt is a podcast that highlights sermons weekly from teacher, author, and pastor David Platt.

517 - Live Your Truth?
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  • 517 - Live Your Truth?

    In our day, we’re told that you need to “live your truth.” You need to be the authority in your life. And this isn’t a new thing: ever since Satan’s original temptation in the garden, man has been tempted to look to some authority other than God. But as Matthew 5:17–20 tells us, true life is found in submission to the loving authority of Jesus and his Word, and in leading others to Jesus. In this message, David Platt points us to the authority of Scripture and its witness to Jesus Christ. We ...

    Wed, 16 Oct 2024
  • 516 - How Do Christians Engage the Culture?

    It can be tempting, particularly in an election season, to think that the most important things going on in the world have to do with political leaders and political parties. We can even be tempted to use the world’s tactics when engaging the culture. In this message from Matthew 5:13–16, David Platt highlights Jesus’ exhortation to be salt and light and to let our good works lead others to glorify God. In a world corrupted by sin, people’s greatest need is the gospel, and the church ha...

    Wed, 09 Oct 2024
  • 515 - The Good Life Redefined

    Believe in yourself. Promote yourself. Be true to yourself. Satisfy yourself. According to the world, this is the good life. But this is precisely the opposite of what it means to live as a citizen of God’s kingdom. In this message from Matthew 5:7–12, David Platt helps us see the radical, upside-down nature of what it means to live the good life according to Jesus. While followers of Jesus may be weak and maligned in the eyes of the world, the promise of an eternal kingdom, along with God’s ...

    Wed, 02 Oct 2024
  • 514 - An All-Encompassing Vision

    What happens to people who never hear the name of Jesus? Would a good and just God really send them to hell? In this message from David Platt from Romans 1–3, we’re reminded that all people, without exception, stand condemned in their sin and deserving of God’s just and eternal wrath. That’s why it’s so crucial that we understand the urgency of getting the gospel to them. Better yet, we need to ask the question, “How might God use me to help spread the gospel to those who have never heard?” A...

    Wed, 25 Sep 2024
  • 513 - An Awe-Inspired People

    Is being an “expert” in religion yet lacking reverence and respect for God’s Word possible? According to Isaiah 66, it’s entirely possible. Like God’s people in the Old Testament, we too need to be reminded of God’s awe-inspiring character as it is revealed in his Word. In this message, David Platt urges us to consider the weight and value of God’s Word, reciting Romans 1–8 from memory. God’s greatness should compel us to hear, believe, memorize, meditate on, and live according to his Word.Ex...

    Wed, 18 Sep 2024
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