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Reflections on Investing

Reflections on Investing

Cornell Capital Group LLC

Drawing upon his 40 year career in both academia and investment consulting, Prof. Bradford Cornell tackles todays important investing issues from both a practical and scientific perspective. His straightforward approach will help investors or all stripes make reasoned financial decisions.

58 - Ep57: Risk and Return Revisited
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  • 58 - Ep57: Risk and Return Revisited

    A common refrain is that to get more return you have to bear more risk. But what exactly is risk? We revisit this important issue.

    Mon, 03 Jun 2024 - 09min
  • 57 - Ep56: The Medallion Fund vs Market Efficiency

    Professor and Nobel Prize winner Eugene Fama put forth the efficient market hypothesis and based on that concept Warren Buffet suggested that holding a passive investment in the S&P 500 was the best advice for most investors. If the market were efficient and if passive investing was best for everyone, how can that be reconciled with the performance of Jim Simons' Renaissance Technologies Medallion fund.

    Wed, 06 Mar 2024 - 12min
  • 56 - Ep55: Stock Prices - For Every Buyer There is a Seller

    When attempting to explain movements in stock prices the media often overlook the key facts that for every buyer there is a seller and every outstanding share must be held continuously.

    Tue, 20 Feb 2024 - 04min
  • 55 - Ep54: Damodaran's ERP and Future Stock Prices

    The decade ending in 2023 was a great one for common stocks. Is the next decade likely to be as good? We provide an analysis using Damodaran's equity risk premium (ERP) and a framework developed by Jordan Brooks of AQR.

    Fri, 12 Jan 2024 - 08min
  • 54 - Ep53: Real Interest Rates

    Real Interest Rates have an immense impact on the stock market as well as the bond market. Nonetheless, they are widely misunderstood.

    Wed, 08 Nov 2023 - 07min
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