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The Archers

The Archers

BBC Radio 4

An intense and gripping week of events unfolds in Ambridge. Listen to all the drama here.

2545 - 31/05/2024
0:00 / 0:00
  • 2545 - 31/05/2024

    Writer: Sarah Hehir Director: Pip Swallow Editor: Jeremy Howe

    Ben Archer… Ben Norris Jolene Archer…. Buffy Davis Pat Archer…. Patricia Gallimore Harrison Burns…. James Cartwright Lilian Bellamy… Sunny Ormonde Vince Casey…. Tony Turner George Grundy…. Angus Stobie Jakob Hakansson…. Paul Venables Chelsea Horrobin…. Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin…. Susie Riddell Freddie Pargetter…. Toby Laurence Fallon Rogers…. Joanna Van Kampen Lynda Snell… Carole Boyd Robert Snell…. Michael Bertenshaw Oliver Sterling…. Michael Cochrane Jason Burntwood…. Ian Conningham

    Fri, 31 May 2024
  • 2544 - 30/05/2024

    Freddie is in the loading bay at Casey Meats talking to Vince on the phone. Yet another customer called yesterday complaining their delivery is short. Freddie thinks a driver is taking the missing meat. Vince sets Freddie to trying to spot a pattern. He mentions that one of the drivers has a criminal record. But Freddie says he’s served his time. Freddie asks Jason how easy it would be for something to go astray from an order. Jason points out that most customers don’t have time to check through deliveries when they arrive. Later Vince and Freddie look at a spreadsheet of incomplete deliveries. There’s no pattern that links to a single worker. They’ll have to follow drivers on the late shift. Vince still thinks ex-con Antonio is the prime suspect. But Freddie points out that he himself has been in jail. Later, Freddie leaves a voicemail for Vince saying he’s going to follow Jason tonight.

    Lilian and Oliver meet on the way to the shop. Inside Vince is buying champagne. He’s taking Elizabeth away for a long weekend but he forgot to pre-order the fizz. Lilian gets a call from Jakob – the tests results for Cinnamon are back. She rushes to the surgery. It’s bad news – Cinnamon has strangles. Jakob recommends a full lockdown. And with the horse’s paperwork missing the stables looks incompetent at best. Horses will have to be quarantined when it’s show season, the cross country course will shut and lessons will have to be cancelled. Lilian needs time to think. But later she tells Jakob a lockdown is the only way.

    Thu, 30 May 2024
  • 2543 - 29/05/2024

    It’s Lynda’s birthday and Robert serves pancakes with raspberries and Bridge Farm yoghurt in the garden. Ben stops by with a birthday card from all at Brookfield. Lynda wastes no time in press-ganging him into giving a presentation on wartime nursing for their D-Day event. At the Tearoom Chelsea presents Lynda with a whole marmalade cake baked by Fallon.

    Meanwhile, Fallon is at The Bull dropping off some loaves for collection by the brewery for its bread beer. She tells Jolene Lilian had planned to help at the pub but something has come up at the stables. Jolene is looking for pictures of Auntie Connie, who served in in Egypt, when she comes across photos and artwork from Fallon’s schooldays. She finds a picture of Connie with a note from her American sweetheart, and a poem. Fallon confides that Harrison sent her a poem but things are difficult and he is still sleeping on the sofa. They find a diary entry written by Connie but Jolene’s not sure Fallon should read it.

    When Fallon returns to the Tearoom she tells Lynda she is on board for the D-Day event. She agrees to make Woolton Pie, a hearty but frugal vegetable-filled dish. But as she tells Lynda and Robert about Auntie Connie’s diary entry she is overcome and has to step outside. The situation feels impossible, she tells Lynda. But she loves Harrison – misses him.

    That evening at the Bull, the participants in the D-Day event gather to finalise their plans. During their chat they take the opportunity to toast Lynda’s birthday.

    Wed, 29 May 2024
  • 2542 - 28/05/2024

    Lynda and Robert are in the attic sorting through some of the Edwardian furniture her mother left them. She wants to bring some down from there, but there’s barely enough room with all the things they’re already using. She spots a chest of Robert’s father’s military memorabilia, including the medal he tried to give to Freddie. There should be an event in Ambridge to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, says Linda. And she has an idea. Over tea on the lawn she suggests that they have a living history museum evening at Ambridge Hall. Robert will start with an account of the D Day landings. Then visitors can watch demonstrations of different aspects of the war. Chelsea could do wartime hairstyles and fashions, and Tony or Pat talk about wartime foods. Fallon could do Blitz baking! At the Tearoom with Robert, Lynda broaches the subject. Chelsea is keen and Fallon recalls a great aunt who served in Egypt during the war.

    Lilian asks Jakob to take a look at a horse called Cinnamon, a new arrival at the Stables, who is a bit under the weather. But Lilian can’t find his stables contract, which Alice would have filled in. It has details of his health and vaccinations. When they go to see Cinnamon – who following protocol for new arrivals is still in the quarantine field - they notice he's not in a good way: lethargic and not wanting to lift his head. Jakob is going to send off some samples for tests. It doesn’t look good, but they’ll have to wait for the results to come back.

    Tue, 28 May 2024
  • 2541 - 27/05/2024

    Lilian and Oliver chat as he takes an early bank holiday ride before another busy day. Oliver asks after Alice who is still staying with Ruairi in London. Lilian wishes she could have done more before everything got so out of hand. She feels guilty about encouraging Alice’s relationship with Harry. And she fears things might be awkward at The Bull after the crash. Later, Lillian awkwardly broaches the subject of Alice and Fallon with Jolene, who has no problem with her being supportive towards her niece – family is family. Lilian apologises and all is well between them. She insists on helping Jolene with queueing customers.

    Vince asks after Fallon and orders a pint of Shires. Jolene offers him a taste of bread beer. He makes Jolene laugh when he asks for a shot of butter as a chaser. He takes a call from Freddie who tells him another customer is missing meat from their order. Jolene overhears, telling Vince that Wayne was also missing some steak from a recent delivery. Freddie gets Casey Meats driver Jason to give him a lift to the customer who complained. Jason’s working the bank holiday for the overtime cash: his twin daughters want to go skiing. He asks if Freddie can put a bit more overtime his way. Later in the canteen, they chat. Freddie has to change the subject when he almost lets slip that his family owns Lower Loxley. He’s summoned by Vince who tells him that there is no mistake in the online distribution system and they need to get to the bottom of the problem quickly.

    Mon, 27 May 2024
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