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The Average Mama

The Average Mama

Sarah Anne

The Average Mama is a podcast about life, guided by the host's experiences as a new mum. Join us as we explore and celebrate all the "average" things in life, and leave a little more inspired ✨

9 - on scrollingmindfully.
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  • 9 - on scrollingmindfully.

    Today I share my approach to implementing mindfulness tactics when using social media. This is one step on my journey after, particularly this last year or two, I have grown and learned in ways I am still processing. I hope to continue to share some of my favourite resources and inspiration which has led me along the way in future episodes. Today, I hope you find something which helps you.
    If you valued this episode, or you have anything you'd like to add, please let me know! You can find me on Instagram @sarahanne.m

    Wed, 13 Dec 2017 - 5min
  • 8 - on surviving childbirth.

    Every single day, hundreds of women pass away due to pregnancy related causes. Join us today to hear why this is happening, and to learn about how you can make a real difference to women at risk.

    For more information about this issue, I recommend starting with the following websites:
    - the World Health Organisation's Maternal Mortality fact sheet
    - the Birthing Kit Foundation's website
    - State of the World's Mothers 2014 factsheet by the Save the Children organisation
    - The Birthing Kit Foundation's Impact Statement 2015
    If you valued this episode, if you loved hearing from Kathryn, or you have anything you'd like to add, please let me know! You can find me on Instagram ~ sarahanne.m

    Fri, 10 Feb 2017 - 18min
  • 7 - three sisters series - part three - on identity.

    This is a three part series, so please skip back to the previous two episodes to meet my cousins who you will hear from today ❤️

    It is my absolute privilege to share this final instalment with you from the stories of three sisters, Peta, Jo and Naomi. I have grown closer with these women over the past year as I have been discovering the beginnings of motherhood. Today we hear from each of them about how they carve out and maintain their own identities alongside being mothers. Listen in for some great ideas, raw insights and beautiful highs ✨

    Want more? Have something you'd like to share? Please say hi! You can find me on Instagram ~ sarahanne.m

    Tue, 3 Jan 2017 - 14min
  • 6 - three sisters series - part two - support networks.

    This is a three part series, so please skip back to the previous episode to meet my three cousins who you will hear from today ❤️

    It is my absolute privilege to share more with you today from the stories of three sisters, Peta, Jo and Naomi. I have grown closer with these women this year as I have discovered the highs and lows of motherhood. Today we hear from each of them about their support networks, just as they form a critical part of my own support network. Please join us again next week to hear more from these beautiful women, and what else they carve out time for in their days.

    Want more? Have something you'd like to share? Please say hi! You can find me on Instagram - sarahanne.m

    Wed, 14 Dec 2016 - 13min
  • 5 - three sisters series - part one - an introduction.

    Just in time for that special time of year where we gather with our loved ones, I'm very excited to share with you a special project I have been working on for a little while, which features some members of my beautiful family. This is a three part series, and today it is my absolute privilege to introduce you to three of my cousins, Peta, Jo and Naomi. I have grown even closer with these three women this year as I have discovered the highs and lows of motherhood. Please join me again next week to hear more from these three beautiful women, about their support networks, just as they form a critical part of my own support network.

    Want more? Have something you'd like to share? Please say hi! You can find me on Instagram ~ sarahanne.m

    Mon, 5 Dec 2016 - 4min
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