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The Corner 角落(英文)

The Corner 角落(英文)


Anwar is a music lover and collector from the UK, he has been interested in music from childhood and loves talking about music and learning others opinions about music. In this podcast he would like to talk about music in general and also discuss music culture in Guangzhou and abroad. Anwar will invite various guests to talk about their experiences and opinions about music. 安华是一个来自英国的音乐爱好者和收藏家,他从小就痴迷于音乐,喜欢讨论音乐,了解大家对音乐的看法。在这个播客中,他和大家畅谈音乐和讨论广州和国外的音乐文化。安华将邀请不同的嘉宾来聊一聊他们的经验和对音乐的看法。

16 - 16 Talking about Travels and Photos with Toros
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  • 16 - 16 Talking about Travels and Photos with Toros

    Welcome back to another episode of The Corner after a long break.

    In this episode I am joined once again by Toros and we chat about various topics such as Travel, Photography in Guangzhou and also briefly touch on the Olympics.

    When chatting to Toros I find out about his new project in Guangzhou called “Guang Guang Guangzhou

    Words/Phrases used in this episode.

      2:38 - Frugal - When someone is careful about spending money or using things when you do not need to. 5:32 - Pace of life - How fast things happen in life, such as changes and events. The city often has a faster pace of life than the countryside 11:53 - Glamorised - To make something more beautiful 17:19 - Intruding - To go somewhere or do something where you are not welcome or not invited 20:10 - Riled up - to become increasingly annoyed and angry 20:27 - Steward - A person who is hired to look after or keep order at an event.
      21:17 - Track and Field - Also called Athletics 23:53 -Fading into Obscurity - To gradually be forgotten after being well-known
    Thu, 08 Aug 2024 - 26min
  • 15 - 15 Talking about fashion

    Welcome to another episode of The Corner. In this episode I am joined by Marvin and Chilton and we discuss fashion. We talk about our own style preference and also talk about the current state of fashion and share our opinions.

    Words used in this episode.

    1 - (adj)Distinct - When the differences are very clear from something of the same type
    2 - (noun)Muted colors - Colors which are not too bright and have been made to look dull 

    3 - (noun)Earth Tones - Colors which are similar to natural materials such as brown, green, grey

    4 - (adjective/noun)Corduroy - A material used in clothing.

    4 - (verb)Re-release - When something is released again
    5 - (noun)Expiry date - When something expires and starts to lose quality.
    6 - (verb)Degrade - When something starts to break down
    7 - (noun)Brand loyalty - Trusting a brand and brand of choice.
    8 - (noun)Turtleneck - A type of sweater
    9 - (verb)Layering - Wearing layers of clothing usually to keep warm
    10 - (verb)Gravitating - Moving towards something
    11 - (noun)Old Money - When people have had wealth for a long time and is usually passed down from generations.

    12 - (noun/adjective)Tweed - A type of material, popular in The UK and Scotland

    13 - (adj)Durable - Able to last a long time, can withstand damage, weather and age. 14 - (noun)Trench-coat - A classic coat

    15 - (adj)Preppy - A type of fashion style which is popular in America. Often wealthy people would choose this type of fashion and it can share some similarities with a school uniform.

    16 - (noun/adjective)Fast Fashion - Affordable or inexpensive clothing which big stores sell to match the trends

    17 - (noun)Capsule Wardrobe - A collection of clothes that can be put together in different ways to cover a variety of outfits and occasions.

    18 - (noun)Sunday best - a person's best clothes, worn on Sundays or special occasions. 

    19 - (verb)Snuck - Past tense of sneak, when you move quietly to avoid attention

    20 - (noun)Subject of Attention - When people focus on you in a place.

    21 - (verb/noun)Crease or Wrinkle - when clothing is not flat or smooth

    22 - (noun)Inspo albums - Clothing albums online which people use for inspiration.
    23- (noun)Pocket watch - An old fashioned watch which people wore in their top pocket. 

    24 - (verb)Gone under the radar - When something is not noticed or received attention 

    25 - (adj)Unkept - Not tidy
    26 - (adj)Staple - Used a lot of needed by someone or a group of people.

    Fri, 05 Apr 2024 - 1h 16min
  • 14 - 14 The 2023 Review

    Welcome to another episode of The Corner

    In this months episode Marvin and I discuss some of our favorite pop culture moments of 2023 from movies to new albums we liked. We also talk about some resolutions.

    00:26 - Eventful - Lots of events during a time
    1:43 - New years Resolutions - Goals for the following year3:51 - Reflect on sth - To think back
    5:12 - Features - When other artists feature on a song10:16 - Mid - Middle level good
    11:50 - Spoken word - Like poetry
    30:50 - Grand finale - The big ending
    32:16 - Bombed - Did not do very well in the cinema

    Mon, 29 Jan 2024 - 37min
  • 13 - 13 Talking about Christmas

    Hi everyone and welcome to another episode of The Corner.

    In this episode I am joined by Fatmun once again to discuss Christmas and talk about some traditions and customs. We talk about how Christmas is celebrated in the UK and also mention what usually happens during the Christmas period. We also talk about Christmas around the world and drop some interesting facts.

    Have a good Xmas and New Year!

    00:53 - Jolly - Happy or cheerful

    03:15 - Advent Calendar - A calendar with a box for everyday of the month leading up to the 25th. Each box has a small prize of gift inside.

    5:44 - Christmas Lights

    07:47 - Show out - To show off something

    08:45 - Merry - Cheerful or Joyful

    11:45 - Catalogue - A complete list of items usually in order 1

    8:53 - Home Alone (Movie)

    29:33 - The Grinch (Movie)

    Sat, 23 Dec 2023 - 31min
  • 12 - 12 Talking about classical music

    Hi Everyone and welcome to another episode.

    We are back after a small break and have invited some new guests to come and speak.

    In this episode we talk to Chilton who is a fan of classical music and has been living in Guangzhou for a few years. We find out about Chilton‘s life in Guangzhou and also have a in depth chat about Classical music.

    Words used in this episode.

    3:18 Delve - To look for more information about something or to look deeply into something.

    3:40 Hi-fi - An old stereo system popular with the older generations

    5:03 Fortnight - Every two weeks

    7:44 Rabbit-hole - Used to describe a situation which can be difficult and

    7:59 Enticed - Attracted or tempted by something

    9:03 Audiophile - Someone who is interested in sound quality and loves audio equipment

    9:13 Simpleton - Someone who does not know common information about something

    9:43 Prima donna - Similar to a DIva, someone who acts like they are the star of the show.

    12:13 Hinders - makes it difficult to do something

    12:33 Steep - Expensive / Pricey

    13:13 Immersive - The feeling of being surrounded by something and makes you feel like you are in the environment

    14:20 Indulge myself - Treat myself
    15:10 Deterrent - A thing which stops or discourages someone from doing sth.

    22:09 Magnum opus - The most important piece of work done by a writer or artist:

    Wed, 20 Dec 2023 - 23min
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