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The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition

The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition

The Ted and Austin Broer Show features a wide variety of important topics including health, news and more

4431 - 05-31-24
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  • 4431 - 05-31-24

    Episode 2293 - Trump guilt! Are we living in a Banana Republic? ◦ New executive order being pushed. How will this affect our massive immigration issues? ◦ Planet Earth’s spiritual battle. How does the push for 5G/6G play a part? ◦ 8 things you can do for your health. Weight management and lowering cholesterol naturally. ◦ Our old website and our NEW WEBSITE! Please email/call us with questions or concerns. High energy must listen show!

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 58min
  • 4430 - 05-30-24

    Episode 2292 - Is vitamin C the muscle of the immune system? -What do the elites lie about? -What kind of weather conditions are we going to have this year with all the chem trails? -Do the bankers control the left and right? -What did some of the senators say about Israel? -Why PCR Covid test aren’t working? -Importance of vitamin E. -Why Do we not have the technology to go to the moon? -Where does your hope lie? Is the earth flat? -Why is Florida suing the Biden Administration?

    Thu, 30 May 2024 - 59min
  • 4429 - 05-29-24

    Episode 2291 - What type risk factors were caused by wearing a mask? Who was responsible for the creation of the new Israel? -The rise of weight loss drugs is a real problem. What type of health risk will these have later down the road? -Is magnesium linked to metabolic syndrome? -What is causing gut micro disruptions? -EU trying to pass a bill to censor and control videos and pictures uploading online, how could this be destructive? -Is indoctrination and propaganda causing mental illness? Plus much more High energy must listen show!

    Wed, 29 May 2024 - 58min
  • 4428 - 05-28-24

    Episode 2290 - 7 dietary changes you should consider. -How are they pushing the bird flu shot? -Who thinks it’s madness that America closes their boarders? Are the Rothschilds playing both sides? -Richard Dreyfuss accused of transphobic and sexist rant. -What type of treaty is the WHO trying to pass? -What is the importance of having security guards at churches and schools? -Do you wear your stress as a badge? -Why is there a lawsuit against Mayo Clinic? -Why are cancer and diseases effecting more younger people? -What are natural things that can help glucose levels? -What is connected to tinnitus? -Importance of B vitamins. High energy must listen show!

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 58min
  • 4427 - 05-27-24

    Episode 2289 - High energy must hear green show! Ted explains why demonic attacks occur! -Is your diet and physical activity affecting your health? -How to command and stop demonic spirits from affecting your life. You are you going to serve? -Are you supporting companies you don’t like or agree with? -What does the CDC say about the measles vaccine? -What is cannibalism going to do with society’s morals? Are they softly trying to desensitize society by bringing Old Testament satanic rituals back? -What are natural remedies for measles? -Has the airlines really had their 10th flight issue in two weeks? What risk are they willing to take? -Los Angeles robberies go up. -Florida is becoming over loading with people. What is the reason for that? -Choose this day, who you will serve?

    Mon, 27 May 2024 - 58min
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