Podcasts by Category

Dear Anxiety

Dear Anxiety


Worry, anger, stress, perfectionism, body image: if you feel it, we want to talk about it. This is a show for humans of all ages about the difficult emotions we all struggle with. We share research-based solutions for the greater mental wellness of your whole family. You’ll learn tools for improved mindfulness, communication, self-awareness, and we hope you’ll laugh with us along the way. Join hosts Ed Crasnick, a comedian and Emmy Award winning writer, and Renee Jain, positive psychology guru and the founder of GoZen!

56 - Introducing 'Dear Anger': Ed and Renee are BACK!
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  • 56 - Introducing 'Dear Anger': Ed and Renee are BACK!

    Hello, Dear Anxiety fans! It's been a long time, but we're thrilled to announce that Ed and Renee are BACK. If you love Dear Anxiety, make sure you check out the all new Dear Anger podcast. Screaming and yelling, fighting and arguing, tantrums and hissy fits: anger finds its way into every home, classroom, and workplace. Ed and Renee are ready to talk about it, and their fans will find the same tools, research-based solutions, and laughs they learned to love in Dear Anxiety. Subscribe now, wh...

    Tue, 07 Sep 2021
  • 55 - Coaching Kids Through Frustration

    Kids don't often mask their emotions, and frustration is no exception. From throwing the puzzle across the room, to slamming school books closed, to sitting and pouting on the bench at the baseball game, kids (and some adults) are very comfortable showing us their low tolerance for frustration. So how do we help them through it? Ed and Renee have plenty of ideas about how we can boost our kids', and our own, willingness to push through difficult and frustrating tasks. Support the Show.

    Fri, 13 Mar 2020
  • 52 - Authenticity in Yourself and in Your Friendships

    What does it mean to be authentic? Co-host Ed Crasnick concedes early on that he has no idea, and in doing so, proves that he himself is truly authentic. In this episode, Ed, together with Renee Jain, explore what it means to be authentic, to be genuinely comfortable with yourself and your abilities, and to be transparent and honest in our friendships and interactions. Support the Show.

    Fri, 06 Mar 2020
  • 51 - Party Survival Guide

    From awkward conversations and embarrassing moments, to outright anxiety about where to stand or with whom to talk, succeeding at parties can be a challenge for everyone, and you know that Ed and Renee have never backed away from a healthy challenge! Packed with tools for starting and ending conversations, breaking into groups, and winning people over with your wit, this episode is your ultimate survival guide for parties, dances, and other social events. Support the Show.

    Fri, 28 Feb 2020
  • 50 - Using Emotional Resilience Against Bullies

    Few campaigns rival the strength and popularity of anti-bullying efforts, and justifiably so. It's important to project our kids. But what if there was a different approach, or one of at least equal importance? "If we victim-proof kids, we bully-proof schools," says Brooks Gibbs, award winning resilience educator and author of Raise Them Strong. In this episode, Ed and Renee visit portions of a recent interview with Brooks, and talk through conflicts, apologies, emotional resilience, and "dea...

    Fri, 21 Feb 2020
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