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LaGrange First Church of God

Engage with us as we begin to Collide

5 - Confused
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  • 5 - Confused

    Confusion is not a place most of us like to be. And death can certainly cause confusion in our life. We often ask “why,” struggle to find our identity, possibly have regrets about decisions we made in the past, and live in anxiety about the future we planned. And all these had to be emotions the disciples would have felt when they saw Jesus crucified. However, things had to have gotten even more confusing when Jesus resurrected from the tomb. But this is the best type of confusion they could have experienced, as it opened their hearts to who Jesus truly was. If most people can embrace the confusion they live in every day as a possibility and not a problem, then we could see God do the immeasurably more we all want to see.

    Sun, 04 Apr 2021
  • 4 - Expectations

    We all have expectations. We have expectations in our families, jobs, restaurants, Amazon, sports teams, etc. Expectations become the source of our unhealthy emotions (anger, sadness, anxiety) when our expectations become “Truth,” But, our expectations are subjective to our personal preferences. These become even more dangerous when our expectations collide with God’s expectations. When Jesus enters the temple on what we refer to as Palm Sunday we see how the people have an expectation of who they want Jesus to be, but Jesus will collide with their expectations within a week by not providing the freedom the people desired.

    Sun, 28 Mar 2021
  • 3 - Family Traditions

    Collisions can be funny when watching blooper videos on Social Media, but when we collide with others in our life it can be hard, hurtful, and can even leave a scar. What can be even worse is when we collide with family members within the Body of Christ. The Bible does not hide its warts. Throughout the New Testament, we see several collisions within the church family. However, we can’t just use that as an excuse to collide with each other, and then turn a blind eye to the collision. In the book of Acts, we see the early church collide with a major “change,” when a Gentile named Cornelius is changed by the Holy Spirit. It was a Collision with their FAMILY TRADITIONS. It was a Collision Peter had to work through, and it was a COllision The other church leaders worked though. But when they were willing to collide, they were able to come together, embrace change, and we are now part of the family.

    Sun, 21 Mar 2021
  • 2 - Send Me

    We are all called to go forward and collide with people who do not know the Good News of Jesus. However, sometimes we get stuck behind the walls of the people we hang out with. When we collide with the fullness of God, we will be convicted to repent and then go collide with those who are in captivity by their walls of sin.

    Sun, 14 Mar 2021
  • 1 - Light In Darkness

    This is a new series to testify to the power of our mission- Putting Light in Dark Places. We don’t want people to confuse our actions, or even elevate our mission as the Holy Scriptures. The Light we speak of is Jesus- God in the Flesh, who brought the light into the world for everyone- not just the nation of Israel such in the Old Testament. God came into the world to put His light (Jesus) in you, so you can overcome the light in dark places of your life, whatever those Dark places may be.

    Sun, 07 Mar 2021