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CrossWay Community Church (Bristol, WI)

CrossWay Community Church (Bristol, WI)

CrossWay Community Church

CrossWay exists to glorify God through the transformation of lives by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our hope is that all people find their satisfaction in God alone.

1727 - Responding to Our Great God
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  • 1727 - Responding to Our Great God

    Discussion Questions

    Sermon Overview: 

    Respond to God's greatness with joy and submission from a trusting heart.

    Digging Deeper:    

    Read Psalm 95

    1. Psalm 95:1-5 calls God's people to rejoice in him as our sovereign Savior. What does that look like? What are some of the concrete pieces of evidence we might point to in our lives that would reveal a joy in God (or lack thereof)?  

    2. How do you find the world around you calling for your attention and affection?

    3. What are some of the ways we can be aware of and fight against the allurements of the world, the flesh, and the devil?  What strategies have you found effective in your own fight for joy in God? 

    4. What is the (grammatical) relationship between verses 1-2 and verses 3-5?  (Note well the first word of v. 3.)  What is our take-away?

    5. Pastor Brett helped us see from vv. 6-7a that God calls us to submit ourselves to our attentive Shepherd.  How does a keen awareness of God’s tender care for us help us humbly submit our lives to him? 

    6. Are there areas of your life that you are perhaps not fully submitting to God? What would it look like for you to (more fully) submit every aspect of your life to God?

    7. In Psalm 95:7b-11 God calls us to trust him, the Faithful One, who always keeps his promises to his people.  Why is it hard to trust God and his promises?

    8. This final Section of Psalm 95 is a warning to us. It is a call for us to guard against hardening our hearts.  Why should we see this warning as God's kindness to us? Are there ways you have seen God use his warnings as a means of grace in your life or in the lives of those around you? Please share. 

    9. In 1 Corinthians 10:11, we read "Now these things happened to (the people of Israel) as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. (See also 1 Cor. 10:6). It is clear that God wants us to learn (receive instruction) from the example of the people of Israel as recorded for us in the Old Testament. How does this passage help us apply the message of Psalm 95:7b-11?


    Sun, 01 Sep 2024
  • 1726 - The Greatness of God When We’ve Been Wronged

    Discussion Questions 

    Sermon Overview: 

    When we’ve been wronged, God avenges and acts for our good.

    Digging Deeper:    

    Read Psalm 94

    1. If God is the “God of vengeance” and “the judge of the earth,” what does that say about the injustice we face and our need for justice?

    2. In what ways does this text help us wait for God's intervention?

    3. How have you been struggling with injustice and wrongdoers in the past weeks? Where do you need help?

    4. How should you pray when I've been wronged? 

    5. How can I tell the difference between rightly seeking justice and sinfully seeking revenge? 

    6. Have you ever experienced God's discipline and instruction when you've been wronged? How? 

    7. How has Christ's bearing of humanity’s injustice on the cross shown me God’s mercy? How does it help me with my own injustice?

    8. How can you help other believers when they've been wronged? 

    9. What Biblical passages does God use to cheer your soul?


    Sun, 25 Aug 2024
  • 1725 - The Greatness of God our King

    Discussion Questions

    Sermon Overview: 

    When the world is out of control, trust in God, our supreme king.

    1. What authority does God have? God permanently governs over his world. 

    2. How strong is God's authority? God is stronger than all he has made—he is greater than the things that are greater than us. 

    3. How has God used his authority for our good? God has come near and spoken for us to enjoy the never-ending goodness of his rule.

    Digging Deeper:    

    Read Psalm 93

    1. From the passage, what did you pick up about God’s ruling authority over the world?

    2. Kyle explained that God permanently governs over his world. What is going really bad, out of control, crazy in this world and how can you personally apply this truth? 

    3. What difference does it make that God is greater than the things that are greater than us in this world?

    4. What in our lives makes us “forget God” and the truth that He is stronger than all He has made?

    5. What uncertainties, fears, and anxieties do you experience when you forget God’s ruling authority?

    6. How has God used his authority for our good?

    Clue: Think of a nation without any ruling authority. 

    7. How does the depiction of God’s authority in this Psalm connect to the New Testament understanding of Jesus’ kingship?

    8. What are the hard things you are experiencing now in your life? If it’s about someone else’s situation, how does this situation affect you? What is hard for you?

    9. Who around you is struggling with fear and anxiety? How can we help you articulate encouragement from this passage for that person?


    Sun, 18 Aug 2024
  • 1724 - God's Greatness Displayed - for Joyful Praise

    Discussion Questions

    Sermon Overview 

    God shows us his greatness, that the hearts of his people might overflow with joy-filled praise.

    1. God shows us his greatness by his works. 

    2. God shows us his greatness in his righteous judgment of the wicked.

    3. God shows us his greatness in his care for the righteous.

    Digging Deeper    

    Read Psalm 92

    1. Look at vv. 1-5. What of God’s work does the writer notice that leads him to worship?


    2. How is your worship of God similar or different from the Psalm writer?

    3. What does it mean to "declare Your steadfast love in the morning and Your faithfulness by night" (verse 2)? How can you apply this in your life?

    4. Given that the writer wrote this before the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, how much more should these events lead us to worship and adoration? 

    5. Why do we need a righteous judge and God in our wicked world? 

    6. Share an injustice you are facing in your life and how you are dealing with it. How does knowing that God is a just judge inform the way you deal with that injustice?

    7. How does the contrast between the wicked and the righteous apply to our lives today?

    8. Share and pray for one or two persons you know who are under God's judgment because they don’t believe in Christ. 

    9. Read vv12-14. How does the description of the righteous flourishing, like palm trees and cedars, reflect their relationship with God?

    10. Chad explained that God cares for the righteous. How are you experiencing/struggling with this?

    11. Why do we desire to have strength to the end of our days? How do our desires line up with God’s way?


    Sun, 11 Aug 2024
  • 1723 - The Greatness of God's Protection

    Sermon Overview:

    God protects those who trust in him.

    1. Who protects? God

    2. Who is protected? Those who trust in him

    3. What are those who trust protected from? All sorts of earthly trouble and anything that could eternally harm.

    4. How does God protect? He tenderly and strongly gives himself and his angels.

    Digging Deeper:    

    Read Psalm 91

    1. What troubles you? What keeps you up at night?

    2. What else do we look to for protection? Our ability (e.g., I'm smart, so I can navigate my way through danger), money (e.g., I'm wealthy, so nothing can touch me), network (e.g., I know good people, so I'll always be taken care of), health (e.g., I'm fit, so I won't have the struggles others do). What is good about these avenues of protection? What is harmful?

    3. How are all other avenues of protection deficient compared to God's protection?

    4. How have you experienced God's protection?

    5. What would you say to someone who reads this passage and concludes that anyone who trusts in God won't have trouble? 

    6. How does embracing God's protection reorient our perspective when we go through hard times?

    7. God's protection is both meek (vs. 4: like a bird using her wings to protect her chicks) and mighty (vs. 4: like a sturdy shield). How does knowing God is both caring and powerful in his protection help you?

    8. How can we help one another trust in God's protection as we go through life's ups and downs?

    9. If you are a parent, how does understanding God's protection influence your sense of responsibility in protecting your children? In what specific areas do you find it challenging to trust God more with their safety and well-being? How can you grow in your trust in God in these areas?

    10. How can you articulate your need for God's security to others in a way that encourages them to join you in prayer?

    11. How can you help your neighbors to find their protection in God?


    Sun, 04 Aug 2024
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