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Mucha Mlingo

Join host, Mucha Mlingo as she shares tips & tricks that will help you power up your career with Emotional Intelligence - the 'soft skill' that drives professional success!This podcast is for professionals who are keen to leverage the learnable skill of Emotional Intelligence to increase impact & effectiveness at work, build and strengthen professional relationships to maximise influence

107 - E18: Navigating Workplace Bias with EQ
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  • 107 - E18: Navigating Workplace Bias with EQ

    Navigating workplace bias can feel like walking a tightrope, balancing between the need to address unfair treatment and maintaining professional relationships. Picture this: you’re at a team meeting, and despite your contributions, your ideas are overlooked while your male colleague is praised for parroting the very same idea. How do you handle this without losing your cool?

    Fri, 06 Sep 2024
  • 106 - E17: Gratitude Unleashed

    In today’s special episode, we're focusing on the power of gratitude and how it can be a game-changer in both our personal and professional lives. As we explore the transformative effects of a grateful mindset, I'll share how embracing gratitude has been instrumental in my journey and how it can help you elevate your own path. So, let’s celebrate together and discover how gratitude can fuel success and fulfilment in every aspect of our lives

    Fri, 23 Aug 2024
  • 105 - E16: The Power of Emotions

    if we don’t set boundaries, we sacrifice our emotional and mental well-being. And that’s where Emotional Intelligence comes in. Setting emotional boundaries isn’t just about saying “no” to protect your time—it’s about honouring your emotional needs and creating space for your own peace of mind.

    Fri, 09 Aug 2024
  • 104 - E15: Reclaiming Your Time

    Often, our time-management challengesaren’t just about thetaskswe’redoing—they’reabout the emotions behind them. Are you avoidinga difficult taskbecause it makes you anxious? Are you overcommitting becauseyou’reafraid of letting people down? These emotional drivers can lead to wasted time and energy. 

    Fri, 26 Jul 2024
  • 103 - E14: Loving The Life You Live

    Purpose gives your passion direction and meaning. It transforms your enthusiasm into a mission. For instance, if you’re passionate about education, your purpose might be to empower underprivileged children through learning. If you love storytelling, your purpose could be to amplify the voices of marginalized communities. If, like me, you are passionate about impacting lives, your purpose might be to guide individuals on their journey of self-awareness and personal growth, empowering them to unlock their true potential and live authentically.

    Fri, 12 Jul 2024
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