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Infinite You with Jenn Wood

Infinite You with Jenn Wood

55 - Creating A Magical Life Part 2 – Podcast Finale
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  • 55 - Creating A Magical Life Part 2 – Podcast Finale

    Infinite You with Jenn Wood  I remember the days when the idea of “creating a magical life” seemed impossible and something that only the certain lucky ones were destined for.  It seemed that everyone on social media that claimed they knew the “secret” to creating a magical life was typically just leading you on some high level sales pitch. I hated that.   So, Today I am going to continue to share with all of you EXACTLY the practices I use each and every day to help contribute to creating my own magical life. But please, don’t take the simplicity of this content lightly, and certainly don’t devalue it because I’m sharing it for free. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on courses, and countless hours reading and learning new tricks and tools to contribute to my own magical life and I want you to know that you too can also create the life of your dreams, if you choose.  *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Infinite You ~  Jenn Wood is an Empowerment coach and Energy Healer who is passionate about helping individuals transform their life from Ho-Hum to Hell Ya. After spending most of her life trying to fit in and follow the crowd, she found herself stuck in a failing marriage, struggling with anxiety, depression and feeling like her whole world was crashing down around her.  Years of hiding behind a smile and pretending that good enough was good enough, Jenn realized that something needed to change, and that change had to start with her.  She ventured out on to her spiritual journey learning unique and powerful tools and tricks which ultimately changed her life in ways she never even dreamed of. She is living proof that when you start to change how you look at the world, the world as you know it begins to shift and change. Jenn has made it her mission to remind anyone who is struggling in silence, that they are not alone.  She shares the very tools she’s learned along her journey that not only saved her marriage but that helped her in creating the life of her dreams. Her goal is to provide men and women everywhere with the hope and comfort that no matter what they are struggling with, change IS possible. Working with Jenn will not only change the world within you, but by taking that first step, will begin to change the world around you. To get more of Infinite You with Jenn Wood, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:

    Wed, 08 Sep 2021
  • 54 - Creating A Magical Life ~ Tips, Tricks & Tools – Jenn Wood

    Infinite You with Jenn Wood  I remember the days when the idea of "creating a magical life" seemed impossible and something that only the certain lucky ones were destined for.  It seemed that everyone on social media that claimed they knew the "secret" to creating a magical life was typically just leading you on some high level sales pitch. I hated that.   So, Today I am going to share with all of you EXACTLY the practices I use each and every day to help contribute to creating my own magical life. But please, don't take the simplicity of this content lightly, and certainly don't devalue it because I'm sharing it for free. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on courses, and countless hours reading and learning new tricks and tools to contribute to my own magical life and I want you to know that you too can also create the life of your dreams, if you choose.  *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Infinite You ~  Jenn Wood is an Empowerment coach and Energy Healer who is passionate about helping individuals transform their life from Ho-Hum to Hell Ya. After spending most of her life trying to fit in and follow the crowd, she found herself stuck in a failing marriage, struggling with anxiety, depression and feeling like her whole world was crashing down around her.  Years of hiding behind a smile and pretending that good enough was good enough, Jenn realized that something needed to change, and that change had to start with her.  She ventured out on to her spiritual journey learning unique and powerful tools and tricks which ultimately changed her life in ways she never even dreamed of. She is living proof that when you start to change how you look at the world, the world as you know it begins to shift and change. Jenn has made it her mission to remind anyone who is struggling in silence, that they are not alone.  She shares the very tools she’s learned along her journey that not only saved her marriage but that helped her in creating the life of her dreams. Her goal is to provide men and women everywhere with the hope and comfort that no matter what they are struggling with, change IS possible. Working with Jenn will not only change the world within you, but by taking that first step, will begin to change the world around you. To get more of Infinite You with Jenn Wood, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:

    Wed, 01 Sep 2021
  • 53 - It Goes By Fast…. They Weren’t Kidding ~ Jenn Wood

    Infinite You with Jenn Wood  "Enjoy every minute, it goes by fast."  This is probably the most annoying thing pregnant mamas or moms of toddlers hear from people who have once been in their shoes. It goes by fast?? C'mon, these sleepless nights and fussy days feel like they are dragging and sometimes we just can't wait to get these kiddos to bed and out of our hair.... but the truth is, as annoying as it sounds, they weren't kidding.  My kids are now 14, 19, and 24. One off living in another province, one moving away to University, and my baby starting high school.... how did this happen?  At every new stage growing up I would declare "this stage is my favourite", only to reach a new milestone and enter into a new stage of growing up to which I would decide "No, THIS stage is my favourite".  I loved every stage of my kiddos growing up, some more than others of course, but the best part is, even as they grow, they become more independent and it feels like they start needing us less, it's simply not true, they just need us differently. It goes by fast that's for sure, but it doesn't have to be all tears and emptiness, because what I'm finding, is that happiness is realizing your kids have and still are, growing up to be pretty awesome people.  *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Infinite You ~  Jenn Wood is an Empowerment coach and Energy Healer who is passionate about helping individuals transform their life from Ho-Hum to Hell Ya. After spending most of her life trying to fit in and follow the crowd, she found herself stuck in a failing marriage, struggling with anxiety, depression and feeling like her whole world was crashing down around her.  Years of hiding behind a smile and pretending that good enough was good enough, Jenn realized that something needed to change, and that change had to start with her.  She ventured out on to her spiritual journey learning unique and powerful tools and tricks which ultimately changed her life in ways she never even dreamed of. She is living proof that when you start to change how you look at the world, the world as you know it begins to shift and change. Jenn has made it her mission to remind anyone who is struggling in silence, that they are not alone.  She shares the very tools she’s learned along her journey that not only saved her marriage but that helped her in creating the life of her dreams. Her goal is to provide men and women everywhere with the hope and comfort that no matter what they are struggling with, change IS possible. Working with Jenn will not only change the world within you, but by taking that first step, will begin to change the world around you. To get more of Infinite You with Jenn Wood, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:

    Wed, 25 Aug 2021
  • 52 - Let Them Judge You ~ Jenn Wood

    Infinite You with Jenn Wood  This is one of the most difficult topics for me to share, because to be quite honest, I'm still learning to accept this idea. Let them judge you. It makes perfect sense in theory, but when it comes to practicing it in real life it can be a bit more tricky. When people judge, oftentimes our reaction is to defend ourselves, feel hurt, and try and do things that can maybe change their mind. What if you just let them judge you? What if other people's opinions of you were actually none of your business? What if receiving the judgments of others was actually far more empowering than trying to defend them? Join Jenn this week as she shares her personal experiences of being judged, of judging others, and of navigating through life without letting the opinions of others get her down.  *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Infinite You ~  Jenn Wood is an Empowerment coach and Energy Healer who is passionate about helping individuals transform their life from Ho-Hum to Hell Ya. After spending most of her life trying to fit in and follow the crowd, she found herself stuck in a failing marriage, struggling with anxiety, depression and feeling like her whole world was crashing down around her.  Years of hiding behind a smile and pretending that good enough was good enough, Jenn realized that something needed to change, and that change had to start with her.  She ventured out on to her spiritual journey learning unique and powerful tools and tricks which ultimately changed her life in ways she never even dreamed of. She is living proof that when you start to change how you look at the world, the world as you know it begins to shift and change. Jenn has made it her mission to remind anyone who is struggling in silence, that they are not alone.  She shares the very tools she’s learned along her journey that not only saved her marriage but that helped her in creating the life of her dreams. Her goal is to provide men and women everywhere with the hope and comfort that no matter what they are struggling with, change IS possible. Working with Jenn will not only change the world within you, but by taking that first step, will begin to change the world around you. To get more of Infinite You with Jenn Wood, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:

    Wed, 11 Aug 2021
  • 51 - Don’t Let The World Dull Your Sparkle ~ Jenn Wood

    Infinite You with Jenn Wood  More importantly, don't let ANYONE dull your sparkle, and that includes you!  Have you ever sat in a room as the day comes to an end? The sun begins to go down and the room begins to gradually darken and before you know it, you're sitting in a dark room and haven't  even realized it until someone turns a light on? This is how our own sparkle begins to go dull, it's so gradual, and so subtle, that we don't even realize it's happening until we cant' see anything other than the darkness.  I don't think I let the world dull my sparkle, however I absolutely dulled my own sparkle in order to fit in with the world, and it started as early as 7 years old. I didn't even realize it was happening until I started looking back on my life.   Join Jenn this week as she shares her experience of losing her sparkle, and how she was able to reignite the fire within her!   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Infinite You ~  Jenn Wood is an Empowerment coach and Energy Healer who is passionate about helping individuals transform their life from Ho-Hum to Hell Ya. After spending most of her life trying to fit in and follow the crowd, she found herself stuck in a failing marriage, struggling with anxiety, depression and feeling like her whole world was crashing down around her.  Years of hiding behind a smile and pretending that good enough was good enough, Jenn realized that something needed to change, and that change had to start with her.  She ventured out on to her spiritual journey learning unique and powerful tools and tricks which ultimately changed her life in ways she never even dreamed of. She is living proof that when you start to change how you look at the world, the world as you know it begins to shift and change. Jenn has made it her mission to remind anyone who is struggling in silence, that they are not alone.  She shares the very tools she’s learned along her journey that not only saved her marriage but that helped her in creating the life of her dreams. Her goal is to provide men and women everywhere with the hope and comfort that no matter what they are struggling with, change IS possible. Working with Jenn will not only change the world within you, but by taking that first step, will begin to change the world around you. To get more of Infinite You with Jenn Wood, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:

    Wed, 04 Aug 2021
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