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MaharatCast is Yeshivat Maharat’s podcast featuring students, faculty, and alumnae. Season 3 features Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Jeffrey Fox in conversation with thought leaders and Jewish professionals on the topic, Female Same-Sex Intimacy in Halakha: A New Approach. The podcast features interviews with Dr. Kathy Peiss, Dr. Gillian Steinberg, Rachael Fried, and Miryam Kabakov. In Season 2, Rabba Dina Brawer ('18) explored themes of teshuva and personal journeys of return with Maharat students and graduates. In Season 1, Rabba Ramie Smith ('16) introduced listeners to graduates and faculty in a new way, highlighting the person behind the leader, exploring the passions and talents that make our graduates so unique, AND discussing how these interests impact each person’s role as clergy.

27 - The Journey From Outsider to Insider
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  • 27 - The Journey From Outsider to Insider

    Miryam Kabakov is the current Executive director of Eshel. In our conversation, she shares a bit about the history of gay frum women, reflects on how an entire community came out of the closet, and what that means for the Orthodox community today. Miryam Kabakov bio: Music: Batya Levine Editor: Jude Ephson

    Mon, 29 May 2023 - 35min
  • 26 - From Stern to JQY to building a Jewish home

    Rachael Fried currently serves as the Executive Director of JQY. You can read her full bio here: To give a sense of the Stern and YU world that Rachel is coming from, this link might be helpful: The “Gay” panel at YU: Being LGBTQ+ in an Orthodox World: a Panel of YU Undergrad Students & Alumni Here are a few more articles written by (or about) Rachel’s important work: - - - Music: Batya Levine Editor: Jude Ephson Come and join us to learn more about Rachael’s inspiring personal journey and life-long professional commitment to supporting and nurturing her own community.

    Mon, 22 May 2023 - 37min
  • 25 - The Power of Language

    Dr. Gillian Steinberg is an English teacher at SAR High School, and she is also a talented writing coach ( She wrote an important article about the use of metaphors in this area of communal discourse for Machon Si’ach ( In addition, see here for the paper by Rabbi Ethan Tucker on handedness to which Dr. Steinberg refers: Music: Batya Levine Editor and Producer: Jude Ephson

    Tue, 16 May 2023 - 20min
  • 24 - An American LGBTQ periodization with Dr. Kathy Peiss

    In order to understand any community, it is important to appreciate a basic timeline of development. Dr. Kathy Peiss is a leading scholar in this field and helps us to understand the history of the gay community in America. (bio: Resources To get a sense of the way in which things have changed, here are a few links to help give some color to the communal conversation in the 1960’s: -Time Magazine 1/21/61 ( -The Homosexuals Documentary, CBS News, Youtube ( -Wiki, The Homosexuals ( -Paul Welch, “Homosexuality in America,” Life, June 26, 1964, pp. 66-80. An article famous for making urban gay life visible to a national audience, with stereotypical popular and scientific views of the dangers of homosexuality. ( The Stonewall riots in 1969 were an important turning point for the Gay community in America. There was a major shift from the counter-cultural community of the 1970’s and 1980’s as a result of the AIDS crisis and what is known as the lesbian baby-boom. The political activism of the gay community turned its eyes toward same-sex marriage. -In 1989, Andrew Sullivan wrote, “Here Comes the Groom: A (Conservative) Case for Gay Marriage,” in The New Republic, August 28, 1989. This piece is considered the first article to argue for gay marriage published in a mainstream publication. ( To access the materials referred to in the introduction, see this link. ( Music: Batya Levine Editor: Jude Ephson

    Tue, 09 May 2023 - 46min
  • 23 - Introduction to Female Same Sex Intimacy in Halakha: A New Approach

    Introduction to Female Same Sex Intimacy in Halakha: A New Approach by maharatcast

    Fri, 28 Apr 2023 - 00min
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