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Oz 9

Oz 9

Gated Galaxies

It's Spring 2142 (a Tuesday), and Gated Galaxies has launched its 400 Oz-8000 ships, each carrying 50,000 "resting guests" to, hopefully, a new home on a shiny, brand-new planet. Except this whole "terraform and take over" idea isn't actually the plan; the real plan is far more nefarious and involves a great deal of cackling. But those aboard the ships don't know that, so off they toodle (those that make it out of Earth's atmosphere, at least), all shiny and optimistic. This is the story of one of those ships – the Oz 9 – and its tiny crew of hopeless incompetents. So far, they've been in space half an hour and several hundred people are dead. So... bright future, clearly.

135 - Discover Sanctuary
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  • 135 - Discover Sanctuary

    What would you do if you woke up on a newly terraformed planet (besides die of shock if you were on the Oz 9) to discover your husband has taken over Sanctuary city and rules with what can best be described as an iron fist? Did humans escape the frying pan of Earth only to find themselves in Mars' fire? This sounds amazing, and with Lily Rabe from American Horror Story at the helm, you know it's going to be amazing. Listen now, wherever you get your podcasts! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Mon, 19 Aug 2024
  • 134 - Have You Met Madison Yet?

    While Oz 9 is on hiatus (or "in hiding for tax purposes"), it's a great time to discover some new podcasts to binge. So if you're looking to adopt your next best friend, we've got you, fam. Madison On the Air is a "love letter to olde-tyme radio." Madison is a modern-day influencer who gets mysteriously yoiked back in time and shows up in some old time radio episodes. She brings her own modern attitude and utter chaos to the stories, and there's a rich back-catalog of shows you've likely heard of, even if you've never actually heard them. You may recognize creator, writer, and star Chrisi Talyn Saje — she took over the role of Julie on the Oz 9. But before she was our botanist, she was Madison Standish, cosmetics influencer and time traveler. Pretty much every episode is stand-alone, so as Chrisi says, if you find a title you like, jump in! The one you'll hear here is Forbidden Planet. Have a listen, then be sure to subscribe! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Wed, 07 Aug 2024
  • 133 - Meet The Exile!

    You're in the Oz 9 void — no new episodes until, what, Halloween or something? It's cruel, we know. We hear your howls of despair. But wait! We have something for you, to fill those long, lonely hours without Once-Captain Jessie, Colin, Mrs Sheffield, Greg, or Joe (Jesus!). Yes. We got you a hiatus prezzie, and we think you're really going to like it. If you're not already familiar with Curious Matter Anthology podcast, now is the perfect time to discover this amazing show. This season, Season 3, CMA is spending the entire season on one story: The Exile. I don't want to tell you too much because (a) spoilers, and (b) I've been typing all day and I'm seriously sick of it. And this is, you know, a podcast, so maybe just listen. It's my discussion with co-producers Jonathan Pezza (writer) and Tiffany Smith (lead) on how they assembled a dazzling cast, how Jonathan does his immersive sound design that's as cinematic as anything you'll see at your local multiplex, how podcasts differ from other media and what that means for actors and directors, and so much more. Hear the conversation, then continue on for Episode 1 of The Exile. You're welcome. Find more here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Tue, 02 Jul 2024
  • 132 - episode one hundred: Suitless, helmetless, and utterly baffled

    Well, ain't this a kick in the underpants? No one would have believed, on that random Tuesday in 2142, that the Oz 9 would still be kicking (mumble) months later. And yet, as we stare down the barrel of our 100th full episode, well, here we still are, just to the left of Uranus, clueless and shivering in the dark. But isn't that just the human condition, basically? I mean... if we're going to philosophize.... Oh, let's not. Pour yourself something naughty and well-deserved, prepare tissue for the inevitable nosebleed, and roll the episode. Happy 100, Space Monkeys — so glad to have you still on board. And to have a board for you to be on. You know what I mean. You've been listening to: Bonnie Brantley as Jessie and Donna Shannon Perry as Captain Madeline Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield Tim Sherburn as Colin and Emily Eric Perry as Joe, Howard, and Dr. von Haber Zetzer Sarah Rhea Werner as Pipistrelle Chrisi Talyn Saje as Julie Kevin Hall as Greg Lee Shackleford as Pluto and with our very special guests: Dr. Vikram Baliga of the genuinely brilliant podcast Planthropology, as himself! And the fabulous podcast Mission: Rejected lent us John Dowgin, Faith Dowgin, Emmet Dowgin and Caden Dowgin, who played all our ghosts. Kyle Jones is your Narrator Two, And Chris Nadolny Gourley is your Narrator John Faley is our music director, and our awesome artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Sarah Golding is our dialogue editor, and Mark Restuccia is our sound designer. Oz 9 is written by Shannon Perry. Oz 9 is a proud member of the Fable and Folly Network! Please check out our sibling shows at and support our sponsors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Tue, 25 Jun 2024
  • 131 - Desert Skies

    Listen up, Space Monkeys! We did the hard work of vetting a very fun new podcast for you, so now all YOU have to do is listen to it. YOU'RE WELCOME. It's Desert Skies, a quirky, comedic, and heartfelt sci-fi podcast about life between this world and the next. The story takes place along the road of a lonely highway at a gas station in the afterlife called Desert Skies Astral Plane Fuel and Service Station. The staff at the station help new arrivals in the afterlife get ready to embark on their journey through the celestial spheres. You’ll meet Tendy the Attendant, Mac the Mechanic, and C.A.S.H the sentient cash register, and together they’ll make sure you’re prepared for the ride. We truly enjoyed listening and are sure you will too. Find the show wherever you get your podcasts, or by clicking this link: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Sun, 16 Jun 2024
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