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Podcast 9C - Class of 2021 (Fast Fashion)

Podcast 9C - Class of 2021 (Fast Fashion)


Hi Spotify Users! Welcome to 9C Dian Harapan School Podcast Channel. On this channel, you will have 7 episodes in total and contain one big theme, it's Fast Fashion. Fast fashion is a design and marketing method focused on producing high volumes and low-quality materials. There are a few bible verses that related to our theme, 1 Peter 3:3-4, 1 Timothy 2:9-10, etc. Each episode has its topics which are Thirsty Industry, Eco Friendly, Animal Friendly, Cotton and Clothing, Thrift, Working Environment, and Economics of Fast Fashion. Hopefully, you can learn many things through our podcast! Enjoy!

8 - Podcast 2 - Fast Fashion - Eco Friendly (textile waste)
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  • 8 - Podcast 2 - Fast Fashion - Eco Friendly (textile waste)

    Hello, lovely viewers! We are from podcast 2 and we will be talking about an interesting and of course educating topic which is fast fashion with eco friendly. Yup! in our podcast we will discuss and investigate more about textile waste that can harm the enviroments and of course the ways to prevent it.. Therefore find your perfect sit or laying spot while listening to our podcast and lets jump right into it!

    Sat, 01 May 2021 - 07min
  • 7 - Podcast 1 - The Thirsty Industry

    WHAT'S UP, EVERYONE! We are from group Fantastic Four class 9C! So, the topic for this episode is "The Thirsty Industry". We believe that most of you guys are fashion icons but have you ever imagine how they make that very cool shirt and trendy pants you're wearing right now? Well, that's basically what we're going to talk about in this episode! The Sustainable Development Goal relevant to this topic are Clean water & Sanitation and life below water. The bible verses that support this topic are Genesis 1:26 and Psalm 8:6-8 (check your bible!). After you guys listen to this podcast, we hope you guys can learn about how the fashion industry causes environmental pollutions that can harm many people’s life. We will also serve you guys a lot of surprising facts about the fashion industry so get ready to listen! Enjoy our Podcast!! 

    P.S. Don't forget to thank God for giving us a clean and good life right now!

    Sincerely, Andrew Allyssa Hansen Uti <3

    #podcastfastfashion #thirstyindustry #watersaviour #savewater #stayswagandsavewater


    - Charpail, M. (2017). Environmental Impacts of the Fashion Industry. SustainYourStyle.

    - E.V., F. F. F. (2020, February 4). Fashion pollutes water. Should we really care? future fashion forward.

    Sat, 01 May 2021 - 10min
  • 6 - Podcast 7 - The Economics of Fast Fashion

    Hello everyone, we are from group 7 SDH Makassar 2021. In this episode, we will be talking about The Economics of Fast Fashion. We will explain about fast fashion in terms of economy. For our biblical perspective we choose 1 Samuel 16:7. We hope you guys can enjoy and learn something new from our podcast. Please Enjoy!

    Fri, 30 Apr 2021 - 07min
  • 5 - Podcast 3 - Animal Friendly - Vegan Clothing

    Hello dear listeners!! We’re group 3 from SDH Makassar and are currently in the 9th grade (9C, Class of 2021). Our podcast mainly revolves around the Fast Fashion Industry and Animal-Friendly/Vegan clothing! Millions of animals are killed every year just for fashion. Our topic and perspective have a significant connection to a bible verse (Yehezkiel 44:17 & Psalm 145:9). We hope our podcast can be simple yet informative to you and we’d be overjoyed to have you listen to our podcast!

    #justiceforanimals #saynotofastfashion #embraceanimalrights #embraceveganclothing

    Fri, 30 Apr 2021 - 08min
  • 4 - Podcast 4 - Cotton and Clothing

    Hi spotify user! we are from group 4 SDH Makassar Class of 2021. In this episode, we will be talking about cotton and clothing. We will discuss the positive and negative side of cotton clothing, that never show in public. we use perspective of the bible from Leviticus 19:19. We hope you guys can enjoy our podcast and learn something new from this podcast! enjoyyy :)

    Fri, 30 Apr 2021 - 08min
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