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Programming By Stealth

Programming By Stealth

Bart Busschots & Allison Sheridan

A collaborative project between Bart Busschots and Allison Sheridan to sneak up on real programming in small easy steps, using the allure of the web as the carrot to entice people forward.

200 - PBS Tidbit 8 – Interview with jq Maintainer Mattias Wadman
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  • 200 - PBS Tidbit 8 – Interview with jq Maintainer Mattias Wadman
    Tue, 06 Aug 2024
  • 199 - PBS Tidbit 7 – jq to Analyze macOS Installed Apps with Helma van der Linden on
    Sat, 20 Jul 2024
  • 198 - PBS 169 of X — Advanced YAML Topics

    In this second (and final) installment about YAML, Bart teaches us who to write multi-line strings and how not to write multi-line strings. He teaches us about String Blocks which is a bit head-bendy but allows you to write human-readable strings and also tell YAML what to do with empty lines and white space. After that slightly heavy lift, we learn about how to write much simpler-looking Sequences and Mappings than the way we learned in our introduction to YAML in PBS 168. It’s really nifty how you can write them in compact, sensible forms, and even easily combine separate YAML documents into the same sequence or mapping. Finally we learn how to use the `yq` language to query JSON, CSV, and XML files using a language that uses `jq` syntax so you’ll feel right at home. Read an unedited, auto-generated transcript with chapter marks: PBS_2024_07_06 (

    Sat, 06 Jul 2024
  • 197 - PBS 168 – Introduction to YAML

    In Programming By Stealth, we’ve completed our series on the jq language and now Bart Busschots brings us a two-part miniseries about the YAML data format. He takes us through the history of data formats we’ve “enjoyed” such as fixed-width text files, Comma Separated Value files, through to JSON and XML. All of them had their place in history but also had their downsides. YAML promises to be human-readable (yay) and computer-readable (also yay.) Once we’re bought into how YAML is the data format of our dreams, Bart explains that there are only two kinds of data, scalar,s and collections, and that collections can be sequences or mapping and all of these data types go into a document. Luckily this is all of the jargon we’ll have to learn and there are useful synonyms from other languages (e.g. sequences are really just arrays). I found this lesson enjoyable and not too hard on my little brain so I suspect you’ll enjoy it as much as I did. You can find Bart’s fabulous tutorial shownotes at Read an unedited, auto-generated transcript with chapter marks: CCATP_2024_06_22 (

    Sat, 22 Jun 2024
  • 196 - PBS 167 of X – jq: Recursion, Syntactic Sugar, Some old Friends and a Few Honourable Mentions
    Fri, 07 Jun 2024
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