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Realty Learning Podcast

Realty Learning Podcast

Pedro Reyes Castillo

Realty Learning Podcast by Mister Realty Entrevista y conversaciones con los Speaker Locales e Internacionales del mundo Inmobiliario en muchas ocasiones este podcast sera completamento a nuestro evento

14 - Unpacking DR 🇩🇴Real Estate
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  • 14 - Unpacking DR 🇩🇴Real Estate

    For more than 20 years I have been a Real Estate Broker and Lawyer in the Dominican Republic and most of my clients have been Americans and International Clients looking for the opportunity of investing, profit and retirement in our Wonderful Country Paradise.

    This is the most asked question: if it safe, is it profitable, how can I do it etc etc.

    Team up with some of does clients and started this new podcast interviews that will give Realty Learning Podcasts listeners a relax view of the process in our island of paradise .

    Need more info go to:

    Sun, 01 Dec 2024 - 04min
  • 13 - El Fin de Los Arriendos

    Hola Mister Realty. Sin duda un tema que se repite años a años los conflictos de los Arriendos, Los Depósitos, El mes por adelantado y La comisiones

    Thu, 29 Jun 2023 - 07min
  • 12 - People but from People Num 2

    After we post People buy from People immediately our followers wanted Q&A and express there point of view so Here's Angelica Blando Affirmation and Questions regarding our view of the New Normal approach to Real Estate Relationship and Buyers Seller Need

    Wed, 10 Jun 2020 - 05min
  • 11 - People buy from People

    I just got this info and wanted to share ASP. We need to remember this is a "people driven business" remember that

    Wed, 10 Jun 2020 - 03min
  • 10 - Time Management Gestión Efectiva del Tiempo

    Este Realty Learning Podcast será conversatorio sobre Gestión Efectiva del Tiempo o Time Management. . Y estás causa que nos llevan a perder tiempo: Son 10 Puntos . NO  MANTENER LISTA DE TAREA. NO TENER UNA META PERSONAL NO ESTABLECER PRIORIDADES NO SABER DOMINAR LAS DISTRACCIONES DILACIÓN PROCRASTINAR QUERER HACER DEMASIADO NECESIDAD DE ESTAR OCUPADO MULTITAREA (MULTITASKING DESCANSAR PROGRAMACIÓN INEFICAZ Aquí comprarto un poco de mi: Director de Realty TV/ Realty Learning Studio / Recarga Summit Inmobiliario / Ferias FVC/ Vive En RD @realtylearning @viveenrd @feriasfvc @recarga . En el sector desde el 2009 tocando Gestion Legal, Medios TV y Radio, RP, Organización Talleres Cursos y Eventos. De igual forma aportando lo que sabemos como Speaker y Mentor Inmobiliario con nuestra Marca Personal "Mister Realty". @misterrealty . Broker Owner de @alianzarealtygroup

    Sun, 17 May 2020 - 47min
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