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The Anunnaki Ambassador

The Anunnaki Ambassador

New Dayve

A podcast about the extraterrestrial influence on the past, present and future of human civilization.

3 - THE ANUNNAKI AMBASSADOR - Episode 003 - The Greys 101 Part 1
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  • 3 - THE ANUNNAKI AMBASSADOR - Episode 003 - The Greys 101 Part 1

    I'm BAAACK!

    And sorry about the 6 YEAR DELAY -- won't go into too much detail as to why it took me so long to put out another episode OR why the Anunnaki didn't return in 2022 and convert Earth into a Utopian Paradise (because I explain why in show) -- but suffice to say that I've been through A LOT over that time period, but am now ready to get the flying saucer up and flying again and (hopefully) put out a new episode every month (or so) for the foreseeable future.

    As discussed in the episode, here is the link to the AirBnB page for the house that I built in Joshua Tree -- if  you are looking to "get away from it all" then I guarantee that you won't be disappointed!

    Also as discussed in the episode, here is the link to the SGI Buddhism home page -- if you are looking for a spiritual practice that is designed to make you a happier person, then I also guarantee that you won't be disappointed!

    Thanks for your patience and I look forward to putting out as much information as possible about the ET/UFO phenomenon in general -- and the Anunnaki in particular -- as quickly as possible from this point forward.


    New Dayve

    Sun, 17 Dec 2023 - 1h 02min
  • 2 - THE ANUNNAKI AMBASSADOR Episode 002 Hosted by New Dayve

    This is the first "real" episode of The Anunnaki Ambassador (TAA), as Episode 001 was a very basic overview of what I hope the whole series will turn out to be.

    I named this episode "In the Beginning..." because I really do start at the beginning of not just the Anunnaki story as far as their involvement w/ Earth and humanity goes, but also at their beginning, as well as what role they played in the actual creation of Earth and our Solar System itself.

    As stated in TAA Episode 001, there is a vast amount of knowledge about the Anunnaki that my mentor Maximillien de Lafayette has both shared w/ me personally as well as in his books. This episode is (hopefully) just the second drop in a great big bucketful of information that I will be sharing w/ you over time.

    So sit back, relax, and begin the same journey of discovery about Earth's past, present and future that I began over 5 years ago - it's some pretty mind-blowing stuff, and while a lot of it seems highly improbable - or even impossible! - I ask you to at least consider the possibility that the information I am presenting might be true. 

    At the very least, it's a great story - and if it IS true - it could save your life (and the lives of your friends and loved ones) when the Anunnaki return to Earth for "The Great Unveiling" in 2022! 

    Enjoy the show and until the next time,


    New Dayve




    Mon, 07 Aug 2017 - 39min
  • 1 - THE ANUNNAKI AMBASSADOR Episode 001 Hosted by New Dayve


    Episode 001

    Hosted by New Dayve

    A podcast about the past, present & future influence of extraterrestrials on the Human Race

    #aliens #ufo #extraterrestrials #anunnaki #grays #conspiracytheory



    In Episode 001 of THE ANUNNAKI AMBASSADOR I give a "primer" about who the Anunnaki are and the TAA podcast in general.

    Basically, I have been told on good authority by my mentor Maximillien de Lafayette that the Anunnaki - an advanced race of extraterrestrials referred to in the Bible as the "Elohim" - are returning to Earth in 2022 to "clean house," so to speak.

    They are doing this because we human beings - their creation/"children" for lack of a better term - have blown it BIG TIME in terms of what we've done to the Earth over the last 100 years or so. So they need to step in and more or less save us from ourselves.

    Exacerbating our problems is the presence of Zeta Reticulan "intraterrestrials" aka The Grays (those aliens with big heads and big black eyes who have been abducting people since the early 1950s.) They were/are originally from a different solar system but have been living on Earth approximately as long as the Anunnaki have been around (about 500,000 years.)

    For reasons I will get into on future episodes, according to Max the Grays have infiltrated/infested humanity with 3rd Generation Gray-human hybrids who are basically robbing us of our true destiny. So that's another problem the Anunnaki are going to solve "with extreme prejudice" shall we say when they finally get here in 2022.

    So a lot to talk about/discuss/reveal, and Max has given me the go-ahead to start letting people know what's REALLY going on here on Planet Earth, in hopes that humans will wise up and start doing the right thing before their alien "Father" gets home.

    Long story short: Stop eating meat, don't commit crimes and/or use physical or emotional violence against any living being - because if you persist in these activities, let's just say that when the Anunnaki arrive, your personal party here on Earth is going to be O-V-E-R.

    So without further adieu, i hope you enjoy the show, look forward to having (appropriate and respectful) guests on the show in future episodes, and until the next time


    New Dayve

    P.S. - For more information about who Max is, please visit these links:


    Sun, 30 Apr 2017 - 23min