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Shigeki Sensei

日系企業で働きたい人に向けて、ビジネスで使われる日本語について解説します。言葉の使い方だけではなく、ビジネスマナーについても話します。また、面接や業界研究の仕方もあわせてお伝えします。 ***Preplyで日本語教師をしています。 ***ご意見・ご感想・ご質問はこちらへどうぞ。

76 - 日本人サラリーマンに蔓延る悪しき経験主義について On the Bad Empiricism Prevalent among Japanese Salarymen
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  • 76 - 日本人サラリーマンに蔓延る悪しき経験主義について On the Bad Empiricism Prevalent among Japanese Salarymen

    Japanese salarymen Prefer experience to three meals a day. Empiricism is considered more important than anything else in the company, and things like serious study of something tend to be disregarded. I will talk about the harm that empiricism creates.

    Thu, 19 Sep 2024 - 10min
  • 75 - 湯西川温泉のホテルでリゾートバイトをした時の話 Memories of live-in part-time resort work in yunishikawa onsen

    I have had an experience of live in part time resort work in yunishikawa onsen. It was harder work than I expected.

    Wed, 18 Sep 2024 - 18min
  • 74 - マネージャーになるには現場を知らなければならないのか Do you have to know the field to be a manager?

    Many Japanese businessmen and managers like the field. This is because if you do not know the field, you will not be able to persuade your subordinates when you become their boss. If you want to become a manager in a Japanese company in the future you should understand this concept.

    Tue, 17 Sep 2024 - 07min
  • 73 - 引越しのアルバイトの思い出 Memories of part-time moving jobs

    I have worked part time as a mover. It was a very physically demanding job. Physical labor has its good sides, such as the sense of accomplishment and exhilaration after the job is done. I recommend part-time physical labor as a place to think about the meaning of work.

    Mon, 16 Sep 2024 - 12min
  • 72 - 職人になればコミュニケーションの努力をせずに済むか Should craftsmen not have to work on improving their communication skills?

    Affection has nothing to do with the outcome of the work itself. Therefore, some people who are good at their jobs can be very arrogant and pompous. On the other hand, in today’s Japanese society, people are expected by society to have high communication skills. It has become such an excessive demand that it is detrimental to human diversity. I believe that people who can do their jobs and are not unfriendly can be the ones who preserve diversity.

    Sun, 15 Sep 2024 - 11min
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