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Champagne & Pussy

Champagne & Pussy

Sher DiMarco

Champagne and Pussy was a passion project that came from a space of inspiration and intuition. It never became what my original vision was (a continuous exploration of topics around sex + culture and spirituality), but I am sure it exists exactly as it was meant to. Here are a few episodes where I explore some topics of interest to me with a few great humans I have had the pleasure of knowing! Instagram: @reverent.sher (formerly @champagneandpusssy) may become a space for my next creative project. Otherwise you can find me on my personal page @sher_dimarco to see what I'm up to these days!

8 - Ep. 7 - SPARK! White Supremacy & Oneness with
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  • 8 - Ep. 7 - SPARK! White Supremacy & Oneness with

    Welcome to the first SPARK episode! Sparks of inspired conversation with incredible humans. In this episode Genique Baker and I chat about our experience as people of color navigating the spiritual spaces we frequent and the cultural concerns within them. 

    Thu, 09 Jun 2022 - 12min
  • 7 - Ep. 6 - Spirit Plant Medicine with Tai from @compassioninmotiondelivery

    In this episode we explore what "Spirit Plant Medicine" means and how these plants can be used to better care for our mental, physical, and spiritual health. Tai has been working with Compassion in Motion in the Cannabis and Mushroom industry since 2011 and has been spiritually exploring from a young age. He now seeks to bring beauty, strength, magic, and healing to a world in the midst of great chaos and change. You can find Compassion in Motion on instagram @compassioninmotiondeliver or check out their website for some great, local (to British Columbia) plants farmed organically and with great care and intention. 

    Thu, 12 May 2022 - 1h 00min
  • 6 - Ep. 5 - Cole Nakamura on Traditional Chinese Medicine @nakupuncture

    Cole Nakamura practices Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and works with Herbs and Herb Blends. He works at ZenActive Wellness Centre @zenactive and the name of his personal business is Nakupuncture @nakupuncture. In this episode Cole and I chat about Traditional Chinese Medicine and how it can be an excellent addition or alternative to your current health practices! 

    Wed, 11 May 2022 - 45min
  • 5 - Ep. 4 - What makes good sex? With and @lyyyyyyle

    In this episode, Genique, Lyle and I chat about what we think makes for "good sex" and share a couple of personal stories! Genique is an intuitive coach and healer - you can find her on instagram, and Lyle is an ARTIVIST who uses heart poetry as a form of activism. He is a part time model, bartender, and involuntarily coined (by me & Genique) sex symbol. Find him on instagram @lyyyyyyle 

    Fri, 17 Dec 2021 - 30min
  • 4 - Ep. 3 - John: A Mountain Elf, A Bio Field Tuner, A Ghost Buster

    In this episode I interview my friend John, a bio field tuner with an affinity for entity removal. John is an energy worker that does natural magic. Check him out on instagram @mountainelfenergy

    Sat, 27 Nov 2021 - 35min