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這個頻道叫做CHILL SUTRA,用我們自己喜歡的音樂風格製作各本佛經經典。 透過音樂分享,平靜與活得舒適自在,享受每一天。 Join the Chill Sutra community! Discover your inner peace through Buddhist tunes. Share your favorites! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

8 - Chill_Rebirth to Pureland Mantra 往生咒 消除業力 從此刻開始
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  • 8 - Chill_Rebirth to Pureland Mantra 往生咒 消除業力 從此刻開始

    Chill聽佛經,讓我們用不同的音樂風格 透過佛經,讓自己沉澱。 往生咒,又稱為拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼或往生淨土神咒。 由於“往生”二字易容易令人以為此咒只與往生或死亡有關, 只能讓念誦者或所祈求的特定對象“前往極樂世界淨土”。 實際上,此經文其重要的作用與意義, 即“拔除一切業障根本”消除業的現世利益。 每個物體間,不論跟人、動物、森林、樹木、植物、石頭相遇 都會有業,無論是好業或壞業。 業就是我們相遇時的漣漪,剔除二元對立的好壞 隨自己的心意與感受 淨化自己與環境,從當下開始,別讓事物沉澱或刻畫在心中了。 向不再適合自己的人事物說再見的時刻,從此刻開始 Let's chill with some Buddhist scriptures and soothing music. The Rebirth Mantra isn't just about death; it's about cleansing our minds right now. Every interaction leaves a karma, but this mantra helps us let go of the past and find inner peace. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Mon, 02 Sep 2024
  • 7 - Chill_Rebirth to Pureland Mantra拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼

    Chill聽佛經,讓我們用不同的音樂風格 透過佛經,讓自己沉澱。 拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼,簡稱往生咒。 由於“往生”二字易容易令人以為此咒只與往生或死亡有關, 只能讓念誦者或所祈求的特定對象“前往極樂世界淨土”。 實際上,此經文其重要的作用與意義,即“拔除一切業障根本”消除業的現世利益。 每個物體間,不論跟人、動物、森林、樹木、植物、石頭相遇 都會有業,無論是好業或壞業。 業就是我們相遇時的漣漪,剔除二元對立的好壞 隨自己的心意與感受 淨化自己與環境,從當下開始,別讓事物沉澱或刻畫在心中了。 Let's chill with some Buddhist scriptures and soothing music. The Rebirth Mantra isn't just about death; it's about cleansing our minds right now. Every interaction leaves a karma, but this mantra helps us let go of the past and find inner peace. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Fri, 30 Aug 2024
  • 6 - Chill_Rebirth to Pureland Mantra往生淨土神咒_淨化自己

    Chill聽佛經,讓我們用不同的音樂風格 透過佛經,讓自己沉澱。 往生神咒,又稱為《拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼》,簡稱往生咒。 由於“往生”二字易容易令人以為此咒只與往生或死亡有關,只能讓念誦者或所祈求的特定對象“前往極樂世界淨土”。 實際上,此經文其重要的作用與意義,即“拔除一切業障根本”消除業的現世利益。 每個物體間,不論跟人、動物、森林、樹木、植物、石頭相遇 都會有業,無論是好業或壞業。 業就是我們相遇時的漣漪,剔除二元對立的好壞 隨自己的心意與感受 淨化自己與環境,從當下開始,別讓事物沉澱或刻畫在心中了。 Let's chill with some Buddhist scriptures and soothing music. The Rebirth Mantra isn't just about death; it's about cleansing our minds right now. Every interaction leaves a karma, but this mantra helps us let go of the past and find inner peace. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Thu, 22 Aug 2024
  • 5 - Chill_The Six Character Great Bright Mantra 六字大明咒

    Chill聽佛經,讓我們用不同的音樂風格 透過佛經,讓自己沉澱。 觀世音菩薩心咒,也稱六字大明咒為「萬咒之王」源於梵文 象徵一切諸菩薩的慈悲和加持,請大悲觀世音菩薩的加持。 唵‧嘛‧呢‧叭‧彌‧吽 這六個字,稱為六字大明咒,每一個字都會大放光明。 常誦持六字大明咒,就有六道光明能把六道輪迴的黑暗變成光明。 Relax with some chill Buddhist chanting. Explore various music genres and let the sutras calm your mind. OM MANI PADME HUM If you are able to constantly recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there will be six paths of light changing the darkness of the six destinies into brightness. These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright Mantra; each one individually is able to emit brilliant light -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Wed, 21 Aug 2024
  • 4 - Chill_Praise of Holy Water 楊枝淨水讚

    Chill聽佛經,讓我們用不同的音樂風格 透過佛經,讓自己沉澱。 楊枝淨水,遍灑三千。 性空八德利人天, 福壽廣增延。滅罪消愆, 火焰化紅蓮。 南無清涼地菩薩摩訶薩 南無清涼地菩薩摩訶薩 南無清涼地菩薩摩訶薩 The Universal Gate Chapter introduces the compassionate visage of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (Chi:Guanyin), who has been a source of inspiration and devotion for Buddhists and non-Buddhists for centuries. This short chapter of sutra, chanted and memorized , is believed to be a strong protection of our body and mind. Praise of Holy Water With willow twigs may holy water be sprinkled to the three thousand realms. May its nature of Sunyata and eight virtues benefit heaven and earth Good fortune and long life both be enhanced and extended. Sins absolved and iniquities exonerated The burning flames were transformed into red lotus blossoms. Let us take refuge in the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Mon, 19 Aug 2024
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