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Dirty Talk Podcast

Dirty Talk Podcast

T.C. Rawlins and Rain DeGrey

The Dirty Talk Podcast is exploring the history, science, and cultural significance of the more odd and ribald topics of human existence.

95 - Butchering Pigs With Jane Fonda On The Way To Mars- Ep 224
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  • 95 - Butchering Pigs With Jane Fonda On The Way To Mars- Ep 224

    Why is the future of space travel female, how many ways can you cum, what do TC and Michael Douglas have in common, can the world afford to keep adding Jane Fondas, will we soon has a robotic baby making appliance, and where do you not want to find yourself bound and alone? Get your safety call in place and prepare to butcher a pig because this week's episode is long overdue.

    Wed, 10 May 2023 - 46min
  • 94 - Math Formulas For Bucket Fetus Easter Witches- Ep 222

    Why are children dressing as witches and waving sticks for candy, what lewd book could potentially be banned in Utah schools, how do artificial wombs shape the future of the abortion debate, where might the future of dating be headed, and who has a new math formula for orgasms? Get ready to fight your social awkwardness with some ecstasy and chase the Melty Man from your head because it's time for this week's Dirty Talk Podcast episode.

    Wed, 12 Apr 2023 - 50min
  • 93 - Ethics, Celebrity, and Goodbyes- Ep 220

    This week Rain remembers a friend who passed and we discuss what it means to be a truly ethical person.

    Wed, 22 Mar 2023 - 30min
  • 92 - Remote Controlled Love In Airport Bathrooms- Ep 218

    Why is TC so tired this week, what do libraries have to do with sexual assault, who should you never hit up for drugs, where does Rain think it's disgusting to have sex, and when you are apart how can you still get some smooches? Strap on your favorite remote controlled crotch toy because this week's episode is taking a redeye flight to fun town.

    Wed, 08 Mar 2023 - 45min
  • 91 - Ideal Body Types For Ivy League Butterflies- Ep 216

    What's up with nude Ivy League matriculation requirements, where in the world is your preferred male body type, why are growing penial averages possibly a bad thing, who might be an uninvolved parent do to large balls, and when mating do you smear your partner with anti-aphrodisiacs? Get ready to drop to your knees and find salvation because this week's sultry sermon is salaciously sensual for our sexy Sabbath.

    Wed, 22 Feb 2023 - 41min
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