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EAU Podcasts

EAU Podcasts

European Association of Urology

This is the official podcast channel of the European Association of Urology and the European School of Urology. The EAU Podcast is your source for the latest information across the full urological spectrum. Take your clinical practice to new heights and tune in!

117 - Prof. Masson-Lecomte and Prof. Witjes discuss how to handle adverse events after instillation therapy
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  • 117 - Prof. Masson-Lecomte and Prof. Witjes discuss how to handle adverse events after instillation therapy

    In this episode on "How to handle adverse events after instillation therapy," Prof. Alexandra Masson-Lecomte (FR) and Prof. Fred Witjes (NL) discuss a case that highlights the challenges healthcare providers face when managing post-treatment complications. They explore adverse reactions, underlying causes, and strategies to mitigate these effects while ensuring optimal patient outcomes. They also talk about best practices for early identification and intervention, drawing from their extensive...

    Sun, 08 Sep 2024
  • 116 - Dr. Hevia Palacios and Dr. Pecoraro discuss the residents' role in kidney transplants

    In 'Episode 1' of the series on "Voices of tomorrow's urologists (ESRU): Journeying through Europe's resident perspectives", Dr. Vital Hevia Palacios and Dr. Alessio Pecoraro discuss "Into the OR: Residents' role in kidney transplants". This episode takes a look at the valuable contributions urology residents can make during kidney transplant surgeries. Dr. Hevia Palacios and Dr. Pecoraro share their firsthand experiences, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities that come with this...

    Sun, 01 Sep 2024
  • 115 - Prof. Somani and Dr. Geraghty discuss how to get started with urology research and academics

    In "Episode 4" of the series on "What young urologists need to know", segment 3 covers the topic of "Pursuing academic excellence in urology".In this episode, "Starting your journey in urology research and academics", Prof. Bhaskar Somani (GB) and Dr. Robert Geraghty (GB) discuss the essential steps for newcomers to the field. They share practical advice on how to begin a career in urology research, from identifying research opportunities to finding mentors. The conversation covers the import...

    Sun, 25 Aug 2024
  • 114 - Andrology chronicles: Navigating priapism

    Welcome to the fourth episode of "Andrology chronicles: Messages for men's health", a podcast series accredited by the EU-ACME programme.In this final episode, titled "Navigating priapism. Tailored approaches for both ischaemic and non-ischaemic cases", the complexities of diagnosing and managing priapism are explored. Our distinguished speakers, Dr. R. Rees (GB) and Dr. V. Sahdev (GB), provide a comprehensive overview of both ischaemic (low-flow) and non-ischaemic (high-flow) priapism, discu...

    Sun, 18 Aug 2024
  • 113 - Andrology chronicles: Tackling advanced erectile dysfunction

    Welcome to the third episode of "Andrology chronicles: Messages for men's health", the podcast series accredited by the EU-ACME programme.In this episode, titled "From investigation to resolution. Tackling advanced erectile dysfunction (ED)", experts Dr. R. Rees (GB) and Dr. V. Sahdev (GB) will take you through a thorough exploration of diagnostic techniques and cutting-edge treatment options. They will examine the underlying causes of advanced ED, ranging from physiological to psychological ...

    Sun, 11 Aug 2024
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