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Hatrack Heroes!

Hatrack Heroes!

Elle & Arthur

Have you ever wondered about the “glamorous” lives led by beautiful cabin crew or well-navigated pilots? Well, it’s not necessarily about the shopping we might do, the beaches we sun-bake on, or the hotels and restaurants we frequent. In fact, it is often about experiencing countries from the farthest corners of the globe, and seeing first-hand the many sad and horrific situations faced by these societies. As a result, many selfless airline crew are deeply involved with a number of lesser-known charities and non-profit organisations around the world, dedicating their time and money toward helping the disadvantaged. Whether it be vulnerable children, migrant worker conditions, or perhaps animal cruelty, Hatrack Heroes! aims to raise awareness of these organisations, and give you an insight into their day to day lives. In this podcast we find out what these charities are doing, who they are, and how they are dealing with the issues faced. By listening, we hope these emotional and heartwarming stories will impact you in some way, even if it just makes you THINK!

54 - One Human Race (Part 2)
0:00 / 0:00
  • 54 - One Human Race (Part 2)

    Take yourself back a number of years, and picture the endless lines and groups of humans as they tried to escape the horrors of their homeland, and embark on a journey into a new country, a safe country. The refugee crisis was in full swing... young men, families with children... all striving for a better life, and in many cases, striving for life.The image captured from this was one that our guest, Rando Wagner, experienced first hand, and really gave him drive and strength. The surreal feel...

    Mon, 03 May 2021
  • 53 - One Human Race (Part 1)

    Take yourself back a number of years, and picture the endless lines and groups of humans as they tried to escape the horrors of their homeland, and embark on a journey into a new country, a safe country. The refugee crisis was in full swing... young men, families with children... all striving for a better life, and in many cases, striving for life.The image captured from this was one that our guest, Rando Wagner, experienced first hand, and really gave him drive and strength. The surreal feel...

    Mon, 26 Apr 2021
  • 52 - Podcast Update

    Due to the outbreak of the COVID 2019, and the extreme seriousness of it all, we have decided to pause on the podcast for the moment.Further info in the update.

    Mon, 16 Mar 2020
  • 51 - Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat (Part 2)

    Cats... you might love them or hate them. But, no matter which one of these, a cat is still a beautiful creation put here on earth... for loving, to love, to chase mice, or be chased by dogs, to scratch sofas, to rub up against your leg... or just sit there and be doted on hand and foot until they're satisfied. No matter what, cats have a place on this earth, just like any other creature.Sadly though, many cities or even countries don't have plans or actions in place to control what has becom...

    Mon, 09 Mar 2020
  • 50 - Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat (Part 1)

    Cats... you might love them or hate them. But, no matter which one of these, a cat is still a beautiful creation put here on earth... for loving, to love, to chase mice, or be chased by dogs, to scratch sofas, to rub up against your leg... or just sit there and be doted on hand and foot until they're satisfied. No matter what, cats have a place on this earth, just like any other creature.Sadly though, many cities or even countries don't have plans or actions in place to control what has becom...

    Mon, 24 Feb 2020
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