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Horse Hippie’s Morning Mantras

Horse Hippie’s Morning Mantras

Horse Hippie

Horse Hippie offers it's social media followers an inspirational quote each day. These are called our Morning Mantras. They are a great, positive way to start your day.Now, these Morning Mantras are being shared via our podcast. Listen each day to start it the best way!

1657 - BeYoutiful
0:00 / 0:00
  • 1657 - BeYoutiful

    Morning Mantra: "No one gets to tell you who you are."You are not defined by someone else's partial view of your life, your strengths, or your history.Their inability to only see or appreciate their version of you does not limit you, only them.No one should let other people bully or pressure them into being less than they are. Or someone they are not.Don't dilute yourself to fit their narrative. Stand tall, proud, and beautiful.#BeYouUnApologetically #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseH...

    Thu, 19 Sep 2024
  • 1656 - Wisdom

    Morning Mantra: “The older I get, the less I feel the need to be included, to be understood, or to be accepted.”It takes the wisdom of aging to realize that the only opinion that really matters, is yours. The only person you need to like, is you. You learn to relish your own company.Wisdom gains you the only understanding you require; to understand who you really are. To know your truth, your joys, and live in accordance with them.Wisdom gleans the knowledge that if you cannot be accepted for...

    Wed, 18 Sep 2024
  • 1655 - Be Okay With Mistakes

    Morning Mantra: "If you erase all the mistakes of your past, you would erase all the wisdom of the present.”Take chances, make mistakes. That is how you grow.You have to fail to practice being brave.You have to fall to learn to get back up.You have to come to a detour to learn how to change direction.You often learn more from being wrong for the right reasons, than from being right for the wrong reasons.Just don’t let the mistakes define you. Remember the lesson, not the disappointment....

    Tue, 17 Sep 2024
  • 1654 - Learn Like You’ll Live Forever

    Morning Mantra: “Learn like you'll live forever."The key to learning is an awareness of where you lack understanding. Life is ironic in that you must know sadness to appreciate happiness.You must know lack to appreciate abundance.You must endure chaos to understand and seek peace.You must have noise to appreciate silence.You must get sick to understand the value of your health.You must understand loss to be grateful for what you have.If you don’t understand why something is the way it i...

    Mon, 16 Sep 2024
  • 1653 - Free Yourself

    Morning Mantra: "Free yourself from the version of you that you created to protect yourself."You can tear down the walls that you built.You can be vulnerable, and scared, and open.You are safe.You are strong.You no longer need to protect yourself.You can open your heart to love.You don't need anyone to feel whole, worthy, and enough.You got you. And that is more than enough.#BeFree #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #inspirationalQuotes #MorningMotivation #Equestrian #Ho...

    Sun, 15 Sep 2024
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