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La Papaya Music Podcast

La Papaya Music Podcast

La Papaya Music Podcast

Un podcast para tratar temas musicales con fin de nutrirnos a todos los papayos culturalmente en diferentes aspectos del arte. Les traemos cada martes temas y topics diferentes relacionados con la musica, y de pronto temas off topic que consideremos relevantes.

5 - La Papaya Music Podcast EP5: Jazz, Allan Holdsworth, Ideas Avantes y Mucho Mas...
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  • 5 - La Papaya Music Podcast EP5: Jazz, Allan Holdsworth, Ideas Avantes y Mucho Mas...

    Discord de La Papaya Music Podcast: (Seccion de La Papaya Music Podcast)

    Mon, 19 Jun 2023 - 1h 50min
  • 4 - La Papaya Music Podcast EP4: Black Metal, Inicios, Evolucion, Noruega, Suecia, Sectas, Naturaleza, Avant-Garde Y Recomendaciones...

    Recomendaciones de bandas por: Año, formato, Nombre, Album y Pais BLACK METAL 80’S 1981 – lp – Venom – Welcome to Hell – UK 1982 – ep – Hellhammer – Apocalyptic Raids - CH 1984 – ep – Celtic Frost – Morbid Tales – CH 1985 – lp – Celtic Frost – To Mega Therion – CH 1986 – ep – Mayhem – Deathcrush – NOR 1988 – lp – Bathory – Blood Fire Death – SWE

    BLACK METAL 90’S 1992 – lp – Emperor – In The Nightside Eclipse – NOR 1992 – lp – Darkthrone – A Blaze in the North Sky – NOR 1992 – lp – Burzum – Burzum – NOR 1993 – lp – Dissection – The Somberlain – SWE 1993 – lp – Immortal – Pure Holocaust – NOR 1994 – ep – Strid – Strid - NOR 1994 – lp – Forgotten Woods – As the Wolves Gather – NOR 1994 – lp – Abigor - Verwüstung – AUT 1994 – lp – Marduk – Opus Nocturne – CH 1994 – lp – Samael – Ceremony of the Opposites – CH 1994 – lp – Dark Funeral – The Secret of the Black Arts - CH 1994 – lp – Rotting Christ – Triarchy of the Lost Lovers – GR 1995 – lp – Immortal – Battles in the North - NOR 1995 – split – Vlad Tepes/Belkètre - March to the Black Holocaust - FRA 1995 – lp – Ulver – Bergtatt – NOR 1995 – lp – Graveland – Thousand Swords – POL 1995 – lp – Dissection – Storm's of the Lights Bane - SWE 1996 – lp – Burzum – Filosofem – NOR 1996 – lp – Limbonic Art – Moon in the Scorpio – NOR 1996 – lp – Satyricon – Nemesis Divina – NOR 1996 – lp – Ulver – Kveldssanger – NOR 1996 – lp – Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst - NOR 1997 – lp – Belphegor – Blutsabbath – AUT 1997 – lp – Enslaved – Eld – NOR 1997 – lp – Borknagar – The Olden Domain - NOR 1997 – lp – Arcturus – La Masquerade Infernale – NOR 1997 – lp – Emperor – Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk – NOR 1997 – lp – Sacramentum – Far Away from the Sun – SWE 1997 – lp – Nokturnal Mortum – Goat Horns – UA 1997 – lp – Dimmu Borgir – Enthrone Darkness Triumphant – NOR 1998 – lp – Marduk – Nightwing – CH 1998 – lp – Diabolical Masquerade – Nightwork – SWE 1999 – lp – Immortal – At The Heart of the Winter – NOR 1999 – split – Thorns/Emperor - Thorns vs Emperor – NOR 1999 – lp – Vintersorg - Ödemarkens Son – SWE 1999 – lp – Agalloch – Pale Folklore – US

    BLACK METAL 00’s 2001 – lp – Dimmu Borgir – Puritanical Euphoric Misantrophia – NOR 2001 – lp – Behemoth – Zos Kia Cultus - POL 2002 – lp – Thyrfing – Vansinnesvisor – SWE 2002 – lp – Immortal – Sons of the Northern Darkness – NOR 2003 – lp – Astarte – Sirens – GR 2003 – lp – Akercocke – Choronzon – UK 2004 – lp – Leviathan – Tentacles of Whorror – US 2004 – lp – Anaal Nathrakh – Domine Non Es Dignus – UK 2005 – lp – Lord Belial – Nocturnal Beast – SWE 2006 – lp – Dissection – Reinkaos – SWE 2006 – lp – Agalloch – Ashes Agains the Grain – US 2006 – lp – Enslaved – RUUN – NOR 2007 – lp – Ephel Duath – Pain Remixes the Know - ITA

    Entre muchas otras, (escuchar podcast..)

    Discord de La Papaya Music Podcast: (Seccion de La Papaya Music Podcast)

    Sun, 16 Apr 2023 - 2h 07min
  • 3 - La Papaya Music Podcast EP3: Death Metal, Florida, Chuck Schuldiner, Satanás, Brutalidad Extrema...

    Death Metal, Bandas Por Nombre, Año, Disco, Pais; Death Metal 80’s:

    Possessed – 1985 – Seven Churches – USA,

    Slaughter – 1986 – Strappado - CAN ,

    Death – 1987 Scream Bloody Gore – USA,

    Morbid Angel – 1989 – Altars of Madness – USA,

    Obituary – 1989 – Slowly We Rot - USA,

    Death Metal 90’s:

    Napalm Corruption – 1990 – Harmony Corruption – UK,

    Benediction – 1990 – Subconscious Terror – UK,

    Entombed – 1990 – Left Hand Path – SWE,

    Sororicide – 1991 – The Entity – ISL,

    Unleashed – 1991 – Where No Life Dwells - SWE,

    Solstice – 1992 – Solstice – USA,

    Atheist – 1992 – Unquestionable Presence – USA,

    Asphyx – 1992 – Last One on Earth – NL,

    Sarcofago – 1991 – The Laws of Scourge – BRA,

    Nocturnus – 1991 – The Key - USA,

    Ripping Corpse – 1992 – Dreaming with Dead – USA,

    Malevolent Creation – 1992 – Retribution – USA,

    Deicide – 1992 – Legion – USA,

    Cannibal Corpse – 1992 – Tomb of the Mutilated – USA,

    Demigod – 1992 – Sluymber of Sullen Eyes - FIN,

    Incantation – 1992 – Onward to Golgotha – USA,

    Morpheus Descends – 1992 – Rituals of Infinity – USA,

    Fleshcrawl – 1992 – Descend into the Absurd – DEU,

    Cynic – 1993 – Focus – USA,

    Dismember – 1993 – Indecent & Obscene – SWE,

    Pestilence – 1993 – Spheres – NL,

    Demilich – 1993 – Desphite – FIN,

    Anathema – 1993 – Serenades - UK,

    Disembowelment – 1993 – Trascendence into the Flesh – AUS,

    Thergothon – 1993 – Stream from the Heavens – FIN,

    Electrocution – 1994 – Water Mirror ep - ITA,

    Apoplexy – 1995 – Tears of the Unborn – SVK,

    Suffocation – Pierced from Within - USA,

    Cryptopsy – 1996 – None So Vile – CAN,

    Adramelech – 1996 – Psychostasia – FIN,

    Deeds of Flesh – 1996 – Trading Pieces – USA,

    Gorguts – 1998 – Obscura – CAN,

    Diabolic Intent – 1998 – Reborn – USA,

    Hypocrisy – 1999 – Hipocrisy – SWE,

    Avulsed – 1999 – Stabwound Orgasm - SPA,

    Necrophagist – 1999 - Onset Putrefaction - DEU,

    Death Metal 00’s:

    Immolation – 2000 – Close to a World Below – USA,

    Spawn Of Possession - 2003 - Cabinet - SWE,

    Necrophaghist - 2004 - Epitaph - DEU,

    Decrepith Birth - 2003 - ...and Time Begins - USA,

    Augury - 2004 - Concealed - CAN,

    Decapitated - 2000 - Winds Of Creation - PL,

    Obscura - 2006 -Retribution - DEU,

    The Faceless - 2006 - Akeldama - USA,

    Death Metal 10’s:

    Rivers Of Nihil - 2013 - The Conscious Seed Of Light - USA,

    Rings Of Saturn - 2010 - Embryonic Anomaly - USA,

    The Contortionist - 2010 - Exoplanet - USA,

    Entre Muchas Otras (Escuchar Podcast...)

    Discord de La Papaya Music Podcast: (Seccion de La Papaya Music Podcast)

    Fri, 07 Apr 2023 - 1h 52min
  • 2 - La Papaya Music Podcast EP2: El Genero Que No Sabias Que Te Gustaba, HARDCORE PUNK, D.I.Y, Straight Edge, Emotional..

    Hardcore Punk, Albums Por Banda, Nombre y Año: The Stooges 1970 Funhouse, Death 1975 ...For The Whole World To See, Minor Threat 1981 First Two Seven Inches, Bad Brains 1982 Bad Brains, Circle Jerks 1982 Wild In The Streets, Misfits 1983 Earth A.D, Black Flag 1984 Slip It In, Minutemen 1984 Double Nickels On The Dime, Rites of Spring 1985 Rites Of Spring, Dag Nasty 1986 Can I Say, Mineral 1995 The Power Of Failing, The Appleseed Cast 1998 The End Of Ring Wars, With Broken Wings 2003 Tonight Is The Night My Heart Stops, Haste The Day 2004 Burning Bridges,  Moving Mountains 2007 Pneuma.

    Sun, 19 Feb 2023 - 1h 04min
  • 1 - La Papaya Music Podcast EP1: Film Scores, A24, Cine Y Recomendaciones.

    Collin Stetson, Mike Oldfield, A24, Clint Mansell, Darren Aronofsky, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Eight Dayz, Howard Shore, Brian Eno, Y peliculas por nombre, año, director, productora: Angel-A 2005 Luc Besson EuropaCorp, The Fountain 2006 Darren Aronofsky Warner Bros., Ex-Machina 2014 Alex Garland A24, The Witch 2015 Robert Eggers A24, High Life 2019 Claire Denis A24, Hereditary 2018 Ari Aster A24, Midsommar 2019 Ari Aster A24, The Lighthouse 2019 Robert Eggers A24.

    Tue, 14 Feb 2023 - 57min