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Linux Matters

Linux Matters

Linux Matters

Join 3 experienced Open Source professionals as they discuss the impact Linux has in their daily lives. Upbeat family-friendly banter, conversation and discussion for Linux enthusiasts and casual observers of all ages. A new episode every two weeks covering terminal productivity, desktop experience, development, gaming, hosting, hardware, community, cloud-native and all the Linux Matters that matter.

39 - A Pair of Comfortable GPUs
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  • 39 - A Pair of Comfortable GPUs

    Mark has tried some Android apps, Martin has used some top-likes, and Alan has connected a Spectrum emulator to Mastodon.

    Tue, 17 Sep 2024 - 34min
  • 38 - Lipstick on a Font

    Alan snapped some things, Martin could have saved his time and used a proper font, and Mark went looking for self-hosted music management.

    Tue, 03 Sep 2024 - 32min
  • 37 - Themes, Streams and Audio Machines

    Martin themes all the apps, Alan lives streams everywhere, and Mark listens to music from his phone on his PC.

    Tue, 20 Aug 2024 - 29min
  • 36 - Mark Was Right, Twice

    Martin gets the right note taking app and monitor, Alan contributes to some distros, and Mark plugs a phone into a TV.

    Tue, 06 Aug 2024 - 35min
  • 35 - All of a Flutter

    Alan gets with the times and starts a self-hosted email newsletter, Mark updates the Flutter-based Quickemu frontend Quickgui, and Martin quietly smashes some hardware together.

    Tue, 23 Jul 2024 - 32min
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