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Manta Melodies

Manta Melodies

Saloni Sooha Dutta

These are songs which can motivate you to stay positive and find the brighter side of world at all times.

10 - Climbing Trees
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  • 10 - Climbing Trees

    Trees are a part of us and our ecosystem and climb is life journey through life...

    Thu, 10 Dec 2020 - 01min
  • 9 - Left in the blue!

    Many a times we are lost and hurt and then we are in the blue...however we sure can change with our own conviction...

    Thu, 10 Dec 2020 - 01min
  • 8 - Start Over

    You can always start over again...everything can have a new beginning...

    Thu, 10 Dec 2020 - 00min
  • 7 - Who I Want To Be

    I can choose who I want to be at every occasion of my life...and create a new reality...

    Thu, 10 Dec 2020 - 00min
  • 6 - Where You Belong!

    Life is always a journey through various places of your desire...and you select the ones that you truly enjoy...

    Thu, 10 Dec 2020 - 01min
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