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Myths and History of Greece and Rome

Myths and History of Greece and Rome

Paul Vincent

A journey through the myths and history of Ancient Greece and Rome for all the family.

337 - Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four: Travels and Calls
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  • 337 - Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four: Travels and Calls

    Manuel II goes a-calling on the heads of state of the major European powers in order to find some support in saving his dying empire.

    Wed, 21 Nov 2018 - 20min
  • 336 - Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three: Back in the West - Part Three

    A lot has been going on in the former Western Roman Empire in the 300 years between 1100 and 1400!

    Sun, 04 Nov 2018 - 13min
  • 335 - Chapter One Hundred and Forty Two: A Family at War Part Two

    Introducing the Hokey Cokey Emperor. Is he in power or out? In, out, in, out!

    Sun, 21 Oct 2018 - 21min
  • 333 - Chapter Sixty Six: From Hero to Nero

    Power is dangerous in the hands of the very young. The sixteen year-old Nero is given absolute power. Oh dear!

    Tue, 29 Apr 2014 - 15min
  • 332 - Chapter Sixty Two: The First Emperor

    Octavian's political skills dovetail beautifully with the practical and organisation skills of Marcus Agrippa. Bye bye Republic; hello Emperor Augustus Caesar!

    Tue, 04 Mar 2014 - 19min
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