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The Authentic German Learning Podcast: Deutsch lernen wie ein Baby | Learn German online | Personal Development
Learn German like a baby would by listening to the language and getting a "feel" for it. We're not only learning German here though: We are passionate about personal development of all kinds. Our motto: Improve your German. Improve your life. Listen to the podcast and let the German language wash over you, like music. Lerne Deutsch wie ein Baby, indem du der Sprache zuhörst und ein "Gefühl" für sie bekommst. Wir lernen hier aber nicht nur Deutsch: Persönliche Entwicklung jeder Art ist unsere Leidenschaft. Unser Motto: Verbessere dein Deutsch. Verbessere dein Leben. Höre dir den Podcast an und lass dich von der deutschen Sprache umspülen, wie Musik.
- 163 - doch #vocab (Podcast S01E05)
doch — Carolina Espinoza (@LoliiEspinoza) February 6, 2017 Today, we talk about the German word “doch”. What does “doch” mean? however, nevertheless, on the contraryAdverbPronunciationIPA: [dɔχ] Meanings[1] anyway, nevertheless, however, in the examples. after all, but, yet Examples[1] Then she came after all. [1] That was late, but not too late, I hope. [1] Friendly, yet determined, he refused entry to the group. Answer ParticleMeanings[1] expresses a contradiction in answering decision-making questions which contain a negation (affirmation of the fact that there is no answer to the question)
Wed, 08 Nov 2017 - 6min - 162 - Yes, YOU CAN learn German! #topic (Podcast S01E04)
IntroThe Thought of the EpisodeToday is a beautiful day, because it is a day in your life! Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 4! Today, we are talking about the fact that you can learn German. Yes, you can learn German! 🙂 Good luck and above all have fun learning German!
Mon, 06 Nov 2017 - 8min - 161 - Fingerspitzengefühl #vocab (Podcast S01E02)
Fingerspitzengefühl — Tony De Jonker (@TonyDeJonker) March 26, 2017 Today, we talk about the German word “Fingerspitzengefühl”. What does “Fingerspitzengefühl” mean? tact, knack; literally: finger tips feelingNoun, nHyphenationFin·ger·spit·zen·ge·fühl, kein Plural PronunciationIPA: [ˈfɪŋɐʃpɪʦn̩ɡəˌfyːl] Origin:Combination of Fingerspitze (finger tip), -n (for plural) and Gefühl (feeling) Meanings[1] a fine sense of how something should be done [2] a fine sense of how to behave towards someone Synonyms[1] knack [2] empathy, sensitivity, tact Examples[1] “This requires a lot of tact and also some experience.
Wed, 01 Nov 2017 - 4min - 160 - Have Fun! Relax While Learning German! #topic (Podcast S01E10)
IntroThe Self-Revelation of the EpisodeI like listening to music. I like just about anything, but I especially love medieval music, Steampunk and epic soundtracks. Not necessarily mainstream, but I love it – perhaps even because of that. Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 10! Today, I want to encourage you to relax and have fun while learning German.
Mon, 20 Nov 2017 - 9min - 159 - sich von jemandem eine Scheibe abschneiden können #idiom (Podcast S01E09)
Today, we talk about the German idiom “sich von jemandem eine Scheibe abschneiden können”. What does “sich von jemandem eine Scheibe abschneiden können” mean? to be able to learn a lot from someone; literally: to be able to cut a slice off someoneIdiomHyphenationsich von je·man·dem ei·ne Schei·be ab·schnei·den kön·nen Meaning[1] wanting to take good qualities from another person Synonym[1] an jemandem ein Beispiel nehmen Example[1] He’s already driving a Porsche at the age of 20.
Fri, 17 Nov 2017 - 5min - 158 - Learn German Easily: Like a Baby! (The Natural Approach) #topic (Podcast S01E07)
IntroThe Self-Revelation of the EpisodeI spent a year at an American high school. Spending a long time abroad gives one the opportunity to try out a new personality. You can be a completely new person, because no one knows you. Thereby you get to know yourself. Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 7!
Mon, 13 Nov 2017 - 11min - 157 - eine dicke Lippe riskieren #idiom (Podcast S01E15)
Today, we talk about the German idiom “eine dicke Lippe riskieren”. What does “eine dicke Lippe riskieren” mean? to be brazen; literally: to risk a thick lipIdiomHyphenationeine di·cke Lip·pe ris·kie·ren Meaning[1] colloquially: to be cheeky, insolent Example[1] Walter once again risked a fat lip, the question is how long his fellow club mates will still tolerate this. (Source: Wiktionary) This is a funny phrase, I think. People say that someone risked a fat lip when he’s cheeky, when he is bold.
Fri, 01 Dec 2017 - 5min - 156 - wohlklingend #vocab (Podcast S01E14)
Today, we talk about the German word “wohlklingend”. What does “wohlklingend” mean? euphonious, melodious; literally: well-soundingAdjectiveAlternative Spellingwohl klingend Hyphenationwohl·klin·gend, Komparativ: wohl·klin·gen·der, Superlativ: am wohl·klin·gends·ten PronunciationIPA: [ˈvoːlˌklɪŋənt] Meaning[1] sophisticated: having a pleasant, beautiful sound Synonyms[1] klangvoll, wohllautend Similar Words[1] harmonious, melodic, sonorous, resonant Examples[1] The voices of castrated boys are considered to be particularly pleasing. (Source: Wiktionary) I played the guitar for many years. I was able to play a few songs in a way so that they were melodious.
Wed, 29 Nov 2017 - 2min - 155 - Sehenswürdigkeit #vocab (Podcast S01E11)
Today, we talk about the German word “Sehenswürdigkeit”. What does “Sehenswürdigkeit” mean? sight, place of interest, point of interest; literally: thing worthy to seeNoun, fHyphenationSe·hens·wür·dig·keit, Plural: Se·hens·wür·dig·kei·ten PronunciationIPA: [ˈzeːənsˌvʏʁdɪçkaɪ̯t] Meaning[1] significant building, monument, whose visit is worthwhile OriginCombination of “sehenswürdig” (worth seeing) and the ending -keit Examples[1] A visit to our city is worth it. Many different sights await you. [1] “They looked at some sights, tasted the famous sour apple wine in an inn and then went to the animal park, which she really wanted to visit.
Wed, 22 Nov 2017 - 6min - 154 - Wer rastet, der rostet. #proverb (Podcast S01E18)
Einem geschenkten Gaul guckt man nicht ins Maul. Wer rastet, der rostet. Irren ist menschlich.😜 — Александра Родина (@_267977092157) August 14, 2017 Today, we talk about the German proverb “Wer rastet, der rostet.”. What does “Wer rastet, der rostet.” mean? You snooze, you lose. Use it or lose it. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Literally: He who rests grows rusty.ProverbMeaningMovement is good (e.g. for health); whoever moves too little becomes immovable.
Fri, 08 Dec 2017 - 4min - 153 - Sprachwissenschaftler #vocab (Podcast S01E17)
Sprachwissenschaftler 🌝 — عُهودُ (@mirdasya) May 14, 2017 Today, we talk about the German word “Sprachwissenschaftler”. What does “Sprachwissenschaftler” mean? linguist; literally: language scientistNoun, mHyphenationSprach·wis·sen·schaft·ler, Plural: Sprach·wis·sen·schaft·ler PronunciationIPA: [ˈʃpʀaːχvɪsn̩ˌʃaftlɐ] Meaning[1] Person who deals scientifically with language/languages OriginCombination of the roots of “Sprache” (language) and “Wissenschaftler” (scientist), or of “Sprachwissenschaft” (linguistic science) and -ler Synonyms[1] linguist, language researcher, language scientist Female Word Form[1] female linguist Broader Term[1] scientist Examples[1] “Under the motto »Text: Structures and Processing«, more than 500 language scientists (linguists) from all over the world meet at the largest linguistic conference in the German-speaking world.
Wed, 06 Dec 2017 - 4min - 152 - Listen to THIS and You Will Learn German! (Krashen’s Input Hypothesis) #topic (Podcast S01E16)
IntroThe Thought of the EpisodeBe nice to your fellow man. It makes life easier. Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 16! Today, we are talking about Prof. Krashen’s input hypothesis. Listen to this podcast and you will learn German! Good luck and above all have fun learning German! Main PartHow I Learned To Speak English FluentlyLet me start with a story.
Mon, 04 Dec 2017 - 13min - 151 - fit wie ein Turnschuh #idiom (Podcast S01E21)
Today, we talk about the German idiom “fit wie ein Turnschuh”. What does “fit wie ein Turnschuh” mean? as fit as a fiddle; literally: to be as fit as a gym shoeidiomHyphenationfit wie ein Turn·schuh Meaning[1] athletic, trained Synonyms[1] athletisch, durchtrainiert, fit, sportlich Example[1] If you want to be “fit like a sneaker”, you have to train a lot. (Source: Wiktionary) Personal RemarksAs a matter of fact! If I do not train, I’m not fit.
Fri, 15 Dec 2017 - 2min - 150 - pfui, boah und huhu #vocab (Podcast S01E20)
Today, we talk about the German word “pfui”, “boah”, and “huhu”. What does “pfui”, “boah”, and “huhu” mean? yikes, wow and cooeyyikes, interjectionMeaning[1] exclamation of disgust, revulsion, contempt, indignation, disapproval, displeasure, and mockery Synonyms[1] pfui Teufel, pfui Deibel, pfui Spinne, pfui Kuckuck, äh, äks, bäh, i, igitt, igittigitt Examples[1] “Yuck! If you have to walk your dog here, please use a bag for what it leaves behind.” [1] What’s going on?
Wed, 13 Dec 2017 - 7min - 149 - How You Self-Correct and Why It May Be Blocking You From Learning German #topic (Podcast S01E19)
IntroThe Self-Revelation of the EpisodeI once made a backpacking trip through Ireland. It’s delightfully green there! The people are incredibly helpful and friendly. Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 19! Today, we are talking about how you are correcting yourself and why it might block you when learning German. Good luck and above all have fun learning German!
Mon, 11 Dec 2017 - 10min - 148 - Vorfreude #Vokabel (Podcast S01E29)
Today, we talk about the German word “Vorfreude”. What does “Vorfreude” mean? (pleasant) anticipation; literally: pre-joyNoun, fHyphenationVor·freu·de, plural: Vor·freu·den PronunciationIPA: [ˈfoːɐ̯ˌfʀɔɪ̯də] Meaning[1] cheerful mood in anticipation of a positive event Origincomposed of vor (before) and Freude (joy) Example[1] The anticipation of the holiday was great. (Source: Wiktionary) Personal RemarkAnticipation is one of those words that make the German language so great. If you have pleasant anticipation, you’re happy because you cannot wait for a certain event.
Wed, 03 Jan 2018 - 3min - 147 - Personal Development and Language Learning – a Good Combination! #topic (Podcast S01E28)
IntroThe Self-Revelation of the EpisodeCiao, sono Marco. Sto imparando italiano. Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 28! Today, we are talking about a good combination, namely the one between self-improvement and language learning! Good luck and above all have fun learning German! Main PartThis will be a great episode! Today we talk about a subject that is close to my heart.
Mon, 01 Jan 2018 - 11min - 146 - Why You Absolutely Can Not Skip Steps When Learning German #topic (Podcast S01E22)
IntroThe Self-Revelation of the EpisodeI love philosophy – since I read Sophie’s World when I was 14 years old. Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 22! Today, we are talking about why you absolutely cannot skip steps when learning German. Good luck and above all have fun learning German! Main PartIs it true?
Mon, 18 Dec 2017 - 10min - 145 - Nachspeise #vocab (Podcast S01E32)
Nachspeise, Mehlschwitze, vogelfrei ..... — susanne poelchau (@SPoelchau) February 25, 2017 Today, we talk about the German word “Nachspeise”. What does “Nachspeise” mean? dessert; literally: post-dishNoun, fHyphenationNach·spei·se, plural: Nach·spei·sen PronunciationIPA: [ˈnaːχˌʃpaɪ̯zə] Meaning[1] Gastronomy: final course of a multi-course meal Synonym:[1] dessert Antonyms[1] appetizer, main course Examples[1] What will you have for dessert? [1] “They would not forget that so easily, but when the dessert was finally brought, they did not look quite so sad.
Wed, 10 Jan 2018 - 6min - 144 - The #1 Cause of Failure When Learning German #topic (Podcast S01E31)
IntroThe Self-Revelation of the EpisodeI cried during the movie The Time Traveler’s Wife. I don’t think it’s shameful to cry during emotional movies. Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 31! Today, we are talking about the main reason why so many German learners fail. Good luck and above all have fun learning German!
Mon, 08 Jan 2018 - 7min - 143 - Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund. #proverb (Podcast S01E30)
“Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.” “The morning hour has gold in its mouth.” ― deutsches Sprichwort#learnGerman — Authentic German Learning (@AuthGerLearning) October 17, 2016 Morgenstund' hat Gold im Mund! + Aller Anfang ist es schwer + Spät aber doch ! — я ن ileirpo ن 📉 (@iirpo) August 14, 2017 Today, we talk about the German proverb “Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.”. What does “Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.” mean?
Fri, 05 Jan 2018 - 6min - 142 - überrascht #vocab (Podcast S01E35)
Überrascht simply for how it sounds :) — LLemonSS 🐍 (@LLemonSS) July 23, 2017 Today, we talk about the German word “überrascht”. What does “überrascht” mean? surprisedadjectiveHyphenationüber·rascht, comparative: über·rasch·ter, superlative: am über·rasch·tes·ten PronunciationIPA: [yːbɐˈʀaʃt] Meaning[1] astonished by something unexpected Related Words[1] astonished, perplexed Example[1] Was Egon really so surprised when I suddenly stood in front of him in Berlin? Characteristic Word Combinations[1] pleasantly/unpleasantly/completely surprised (Source: Wiktionary) Personal RemarksWhen something happens very unexpected, when something happens, that you were not counting on, when something happens that you had not thought possible, then you’re surprised.
Wed, 17 Jan 2018 - 5min - 141 - Interview: How To Learn German Easily – Memorization Techniques With Frans Duijts (Podcast S01E34)
Teaser What you have read or what you are studying can be forgotten very quickly if you only learn through repetition. And it’s no fun at all! “So, the five steps. The five steps are very simple and you can use them to remember everything you want to remember.” “First of all, the language, afterwards, how to write it - like a small child learns a language, like a baby learns this.
Mon, 15 Jan 2018 - 1h 52min - 140 - die Seele baumeln lassen #Redewendung (Podcast S01E33)
Today, we talk about the German idiom “die Seele baumeln lassen”. What does “die Seele baumeln lassen” mean? to leave (all) one’s cares behind; literally: to let the soul dangleidiomHyphenationdie See·le bau·meln las·sen PronunciationIPA: [diː ˈzeːlə ˈbaʊ̯ml̩n ˈlasn̩] Meaning[1] to relax Example[1] After the busy working week, I use the Sunday to let my mind go. (Source: Wiktionary) Personal RemarksThere is a time for work and a time to relax. Personally, I work a lot and every day of the week because Authentic German Learning is very important to me (close to my heart).
Fri, 12 Jan 2018 - 5min - 139 - The Books of Alice Miller, Swiss Psychologist #topic (Podcast S02E07)
IntroThe Quote of the Episode I was not out to paint beautiful pictures; even painting good pictures was not important to me. I wanted only to help the truth burst forth. — Alice Miller Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 43! Today, we are talking about the books of Alice Miller, a Swiss psyhologist.
Mon, 05 Feb 2018 - 20min - 138 - How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren #topic (Podcast S02E04)
IntroThe Quote of the Episode Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. — Francis Bacon Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Marco and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 40! Today, we are talking about the book How to read a book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Dorent.
Mon, 29 Jan 2018 - 23min - 137 - jemandem ans Herz gewachsen sein #idiom (Podcast S02E03)
Today, we talk about the German idiom “jemandem ans Herz gewachsen sein”. What does “jemandem ans Herz gewachsen sein” mean? to be dear to sb.’s heartIdiomHyphenationje·man·dem ans Herz ge·wach·sen sein Meaning[1] s.o. likes something very much, feels affection for something Example[1] His children are very dear to his heart. (Source: Wiktionary) Personal Remarks heart as the seat of feelings people have become, so to speak, a part of one’s own heart can be people, but also cities, objects, etc.
Fri, 26 Jan 2018 - 5min - 136 - womit #vocab (Podcast S02E02)
Today, we talk about the German word “womit”. What does “womit” mean? with which, with what, wherebyAdverb, Pronominal AdverbHyphenationwo·mit Meanings[1] interrogative: initiates a direct or indirect query. [2] relative: by which thing that was just mentioned Examples[1] He asks with what (how) you can open this door. [2] He did something (with which) I disagreed with. (Source: Wiktionary) Personal Remarks first meaning: introduces a question Synonyms: in what way, in what sense, in what form, with what thing, how, whereby; (colloquial) with what (duden.
Wed, 24 Jan 2018 - 7min - 135 - Einführung Staffel 2: Bücher über persönliche Entwicklung #Thema (Podcast S02E01)
Season 2 is here: Personal Development Books!
Why is it so hard to get better? Find out in this episode!Mon, 22 Jan 2018 - 22min - 134 - Eile mit Weile. #proverb (Podcast S01E36)
Ein deutsches Sprichwort: Eile mit Weile. A German saying: Hurry with leisure. Especially when learning German! ;-) — Authentic German Learning (@AuthGerLearning) June 22, 2016 Today, we talk about the German proverb “Eile mit Weile.”. What does “Eile mit Weile.” mean? Haste makes waste. One step at a time. Literally: Hurry with leisure.ProverbMeaningEven pressing matters should not be done in haste; hectic activity is not productive Examples[1] Hurry with leisure, otherwise you will suffer bad things.
Fri, 19 Jan 2018 - 6min - 133 - Zweisamkeit #vocab (Podcast S02E14)
Today, we talk about the German word “Zweisamkeit”. What does “Zweisamkeit” mean? togetherness (of two people)Noun, fHyphenationZwei·sam·keit Meanings[1] mostly harmonious, often romantic gathering of two people, without being disturbed by other people; in the figurative sense also for other living beings or organizations Synonyms[1] rendezvous, flirtation Related Word[1] tête-à-tête Antonym[1] solitude Examples[1] Both enjoyed their cozy togetherness in the moonlight. [1] However, the same people are fascinated and touched when they see an elderly couple sitting in cozy togetherness on a park bench.
Wed, 21 Feb 2018 - 6min - 132 - was man nicht im Kopf hat, hat man in den Beinen #proverb (Podcast S02E12)
Was man nicht im Kopf hat, muss man in den Beinen haben. — Lee Cox 🌈 (@legaleagle48) September 24, 2017 Today, we talk about the German proverb “was man nicht im Kopf hat, hat man in den Beinen”. What does “was man nicht im Kopf hat, hat man in den Beinen” mean? what you don’t have in your head, you have in the legsProverbSecondary Formswhat you don’t have in your head, you have to have in your legs
Fri, 16 Feb 2018 - 3min - 131 - Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung #vocab (Podcast S02E11)
Geschwindichkeitbegrenzung! speed limit?! — DO_YOUR_THING (@frankiedv) July 23, 2017 Today, we talk about the German word “Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung”. What does “Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung” mean? speed limitNoun, fHyphenationGe·schwin·dig·keits·be·gren·zung, Plural: Ge·schwin·dig·keits·be·gren·zun·gen Meaning[1] the establishment of a maximum speed on traffic routes Synonyms[1] speed restriction, speed limit Beispiel[1] “Only this summer, Bavaria’s Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann (CSU) had made clear in a letter unequivocally that neither for reasons of noise control nor for reasons of traffic safety was it permissible to order a further speed limit here.
Wed, 14 Feb 2018 - 11min - 130 - Durchfall #vocab (Podcast S02E17)
Today, we talk about the German word “Durchfall”. What does “Durchfall” mean? diarrheaNoun, mHyphenationDurch·fall, plural: Durch·fäl·le Meanings[1] too rapid excretion of mushy to liquid stool [2] colloquial, rarely: failure, for example, during a test (failing) Synonyms[1] Abdominal flow, intestinal catarrh, diarrhea, diarrhoea, thin shit, thin whistle, march through, quick poop, quick Otto, shitting, shitteritis, quick Kathrin, quick Katharina, spray sausage 🤣 [2] failure, flop, failure, failure (the fall through)
Mon, 05 Mar 2018 - 6min - 129 - The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden #topic (Podcast S02E16)
IntroThe Quote of the Episode To trust one’s mind and to know that one is worthy of happiness is the essence of self-esteem. — Nathaniel Branden Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 52! Today, we are talking about the book The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden. Good luck and above all have fun learning German!
Mon, 26 Feb 2018 - 20min - 128 - die Zeit totschlagen #proverb (Podcast S02E15)
Today, we talk about the German idiom “die Zeit totschlagen”. What does “die Zeit totschlagen” mean? die Zeit totschlagenProverbHyphenationdie Zeit tot·schla·gen Meaning[1] colloquial, derogatory: to not spend one’s time productively Examples[1] This good-for-nothing kills time in front of the television all day long. (Source: Wiktionary) Personal Remarks sounds very violent: “to kill” pejorative, i.e. with a negative meaning Why do some people kill time? Life can be so exciting and there are many interesting things you can do with your time!
Fri, 23 Feb 2018 - 3min - 127 - Otto Normalverbraucher #vocab (Podcast S01E08)
Otto Normalverbraucher = Jan Modaal (Dutch) = Average Joe (US) = Matti Meikäläinen (Finnish) — Tony De Jonker (@TonyDeJonker) February 25, 2017 Today, we talk about the German word “Otto Normalverbraucher”. What does “Otto Normalverbraucher” mean? average Joe, John Doe, Joe BlowWord Combination; Nount, mHyphenationOt·to Nor·mal·ver·brau·cher, plural: Ot·to Nor·mal·ver·brau·cher PronunciationIPA: [ˌɔto nɔʁˈmaːlfɛɐ̯ˌbʀaʊ̯χɐ] Meaning[1] a person in average living conditions Originafter a film character with the first name Otto and surname Normalverbraucher, from the feature film Berliner Ballade (1948)
Wed, 15 Nov 2017 - 4min - 126 - Schraubenzieher, Schraubendreher, Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher #vocab (Podcast S02E20)
Today, we talk about the German words “Schraubenzieher”, “Schraubendreher” and “Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher”. What do “Schraubenzieher”, “Schraubendreher” and “Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher” mean? screwdriverNoun, mHyphenationSchrau·ben·zie·her, plural: Schrau·ben·zie·her Meaning[1] tool for tightening or loosening screws Synonym[1] screwdriver (Source: Wiktionary) crosstip screwdriver, cross slot screwdriver, Phillips screwdriverNoun, mHyphenationKreuz·schlitz·schrau·ben·dre·her, plural: Kreuz·schlitz·schrau·ben·dre·her Meaning[1] Screwdriver for screws with cross slits, meaning two slits in the shape of a cross Synonym[1] Phillips screwdriver Personal Remarks It’s a long word, but it becomes easier if you break it into individual words or syllables.
Mon, 26 Mar 2018 - 5min - 125 - einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul #proverb (Podcast S02E18)
Einem geschenkten Gaul guckt man nicht ins Maul. Wer rastet, der rostet. Irren ist menschlich.😜 — Александра Родина (@_267977092157) August 14, 2017 Today, we talk about the German proverb “einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul”. What does “einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul” mean? don’t / never look a gift horse in the mouthProverbAlternative Spellingseinem geschenkten Gaul sieht man nicht ins Maul, einem geschenkten Gaul guckt man nicht ins Maul
Mon, 12 Mar 2018 - 7min - 124 - Do I Have To Learn German Grammar When Learning German? #topic (Podcast S01E25)
IntroThe Self-Revelation of the EpisodeI believed in Santa Claus a long time. I only figured it out when my uncle, disguised as Santa Claus, lifted his beard to drink beer! 🎅🍺 Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 25! Today, we are talking about whether you have learn grammar while learning German. Good luck and above all have fun learning German!
Mon, 25 Dec 2017 - 11min - 123 - Hier geht die Post ab. #proverb (Podcast S02E24)
Was bedeutet?Hier geht die Post ab. — pain killer 🚛 (@aliabdalkreem4) October 31, 2017 Today, we talk about the German proverb “Hier geht die Post ab.”. What does “Hier geht die Post ab.” mean? There is a lot going on here.IdiomMeanings there are a lot of emotions (usually: joy, more rarely: anger) there is a lot going on there is excitement people celebrate vigorously Addendum colloquial Here the post is a symbol of industriousness and fast locomotion.
Mon, 23 Apr 2018 - 7min - 122 - Geist #vocab (Podcast S02E23)
Today, we talk about the German word “Geist”. What does “Geist” mean? mind, wit, intellect, spirit, ghostNoun, mHyphenation:Geist, plural: Geis·ter MeaningsPlural 1 (die Geister): [1] thinking as part of individuality [a] including feeling [b] in contrast to emotional life (soul) [2] the basic idea behind an action or a work [3] divine being, supernatural being [4] soul of a dead person walking on earth Plural 2 (die Geiste): [5] alcoholic drink
Mon, 16 Apr 2018 - 16min - 121 - Podcast: die Fäden ziehen #idiom
Today, we talk about the German idiom “die Fäden ziehen”. What does “die Fäden ziehen” mean? to pull the stringsIdiomHyphenationdie Fä·den zie·hen Meanings[1] exerting the decisive influence from the background, actually having the power [2] literally: removing threads (e.g. in a sewn wound) Origin[1] The phrase is based on the idea of the puppet player, who invisible to the audience pulls the strings and thus moves the puppets. Synonyms[1] to lead, to steer, to control
Mon, 02 Apr 2018 - 5min - 120 - hinterlistig #vocab & Max & Moritz (Podcast S02E29)
Today, we talk about the German word “hinterlistig”. What does “hinterlistig” mean? deceitfulAdjectiveHyphenationhin·ter·lis·tig, comparative: hin·ter·lis·ti·ger, superlative: am hin·ter·lis·tigs·ten PronunciationIPA: [ˈhɪntɐˌlɪstɪç], [ˈhɪntɐˌlɪstɪk] Meaning[1] in the manner of a guile; seeming harmless, but very dangerous; wickedness that seeks to harm others Synonyms[1] fraudulently, devious, treacherous Max and Moritz are very deceitful. Examples[1] The insidious pranks of Max and Moritz still delight children. [1] This is deceitful of Eugenio. [1] The animal tormentor was particularly treacherous by luring his victims with treats.
Wed, 23 Jan 2019 - 4min - 119 - Weltanschauung #vocab (Podcast S02E26)
Today, we talk about the German word “Weltanschauung”. What does “Weltanschauung” mean? world view, ideology, world view, (philosophical) belief systemNoun, fHyphenationWelt·an·schau·ung, plural: Welt·an·schau·un·gen PronunciationIPA: [ˈveltʔanˌʃaʊ̯ʊŋ] Meaning[1] someone’s system of ideas about the world Synonyms[1] mindset, ideology, philosophy of life, philosophy, world view Narrower terms[1] religion, denomination, religious freedom, conservatism, liberalism, socialism Examples[1] There are several different worldviews. [1] Our remarks on the medieval world view have surprised many critics. (Source: Wiktionary)
Tue, 15 Jan 2019 - 4min - 118 - [English] About Me and This Podcast #intro #topic (Podcast S00E00)
Main PartHow This Podcast Will Help You Learn GermanThis is one of the few episodes I will be doing in English. The others will be mostly in German. But don’t despair! I will write a partial script and extensive show notes for every episode. I will not write a whole script because I want you to practice your listening comprehension. Besides, you probably want to listen to this podcast on the go and not read all the time!
Wed, 01 Nov 2017 - 18min - 117 - Übung macht den Meister #proverb (Podcast S01E12)
Übung macht den Meister — Jaime GC (@drjegc) September 24, 2017 Today, we talk about the German proverb “Übung macht den Meister”. What does “Übung macht den Meister” mean? practice makes perfect, skill comes with practice, literally: practice makes the championProverbHyphenationÜbung macht den Meis·ter PronunciationIPA: [ˈyːbʊŋ ˈmaχt deːn ˈmaɪ̯stɐ] Meaning[1] only through a lot of practice one can improve Synonym[1] No one is born a master. Examples[1] “... his listeners were all ears.
Fri, 24 Nov 2017 - 2min - 116 - aller guten Dinge sind drei #proverb (Podcast S02E30)
Today, we talk about the German proverb “aller guten Dinge sind drei”. What does “aller guten Dinge sind drei” mean? The Third Time Is the Charm, All Good Things Come in ThreesProverbHyphenational·ler gu·ten Din·ge sind drei PronunciationIPA: [ˈalɐ ˈɡuːtn̩ ˈdɪŋə zɪnt dʁaɪ̯] Meaning[1] Justification for something happening / trying for the third time OriginDing was modified from Thing, a Germanic tribal and judicial assembly. The proverb refers to the meaning of the number three in the Germanic / medieval legal system.
Thu, 24 Jan 2019 - 4min - 115 - Book review: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod #topic (Podcast S02E28)
The Quote of the Episode You are just as worthy, deserving, and capable of creating and sustaining extraordinary health, wealth, happiness, love, and success in your life, as any other person on earth.Hal Elrod Click to TweetIntro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 64! Today, we are talking about the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.
Sun, 20 Jan 2019 - 21min - 114 - den Schwanz einziehen #idiom (Podcast S02E27)
Today, we talk about the German idiom “den Schwanz einziehen”. What does “den Schwanz einziehen” mean? to chicken out Idiom Hyphenation: den Schwanz ein·zie·hen Pronunciation: IPA: [deːn ʃvant͡s ˈaɪ̯nt͡siːən] Meaning: [1] colloquially: to withdraw, to be cowardly, to cave in Synonyms: [1] to resign, to surrender Examples: [1] He’s a nice guy, but when the boss just looks at him sharply, he draws in his horns. [1] Gosh! Can you open your mouth for once when your mother says something about parenting?
Fri, 18 Jan 2019 - 3min - 113 - Book review: The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone #topic (Podcast S02E25)
The Quote of the Episode Anyone that suggests to me to do less is either not a real friend or very confused!Grant Cardone Click to TweetIntro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 61! Today, we are talking about the book The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone. Good luck and above all have fun learning German!
Sun, 13 Jan 2019 - 27min - 112 - Book review: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck #topic (Podcast S02E22)
The Quote of the Episode [Exceptional] people seem to have … a special talent for converting life’s setbacks into future successes.Carol Dweck Click to TweetIntro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 58! Today, we are talking about the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck. Good luck and above all have fun learning German!
Mon, 09 Apr 2018 - 13min - 111 - Book Review: The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck #topic (Podcast S02E19)
The Quote of the Episode Most people want [inner] peace without the aloneness of [spiritual] power. And they want the self-confidence of adulthood without having to grow up.M. Scott Peck Click to TweetIntro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 55! Today, we are talking about the book The Road Less Traveled by M.
Mon, 19 Mar 2018 - 29min - 110 - Book Review: Real Time Relationships by Stefan Molyneux #topic (Podcast S02E13)
The Quote of the Episode Philosophy is the tool that we use to undo our illusions.Stefan Molyneux Click to Tweet Philosophy reveals to us the simple truths that are self-evident to toddlers, yearned for by teenagers – and attacked and dismissed by most adults.Stefan Molyneux Click to Tweet Philosophy is in its essence about relationships – the relationship between a statement and its truth-value; the relationship between logic and empiricism, “self” and “other,” choice and virtue, integrity and happiness – the mind and reality.
Mon, 19 Feb 2018 - 18min - 109 - Book Review: On Truth by Stefan Molyneux #topic (Podcast S02E10)
The Quote of the Episode From a short-term, merely practical standpoint, you really do not want to read this book. This book will mess up your life, as you know it. This book will change every single one of your relationships – most importantly, your relationship with yourself. This book will change your life even if you never implement a single one of the proposals it contains. This book will change you even if you disagree with every single idea it puts forward.
Mon, 12 Feb 2018 - 17min - 108 - auf dem Laufenden sein #idiom - Authentic German Learning Podcast #45 (S02E09)
Today, we talk about the German idiom “auf dem Laufenden sein”. What does “auf dem Laufenden sein” mean? to be up to dateIdiomSubsidiary forms: Austrian: to be up to date Word separation: auf dem Lau·fen·den sein Meaning: [1] colloquially: to be very well informed about the latest news Synonym: [1] to stay up to date Examples: [1] Peter always reads the latest specialist magazines to stay up to date. (Source: Wiktionary)
Fri, 09 Feb 2018 - 3min - 107 - dafür #vocab - Authentic German Learning Podcast #44 (S02E08)
Today, we talk about the German word “dafür”. What does “dafür” mean? instead, for that reason Pronominal Adverb Hyphenation: da·für Meanings: [1] for this purpose [2] for one thing (which one wants to support, promote) [3] as a consequence (reward or penalty) for something [4] regionally separable, with all three meanings Antonyms: [2] dagegen Examples: [1] I want to buy a new computer. I need money for that. [2] I’m in favor of arresting these scammers.
Wed, 07 Feb 2018 - 5min - 106 - ohne Fleiß kein Preis #proverb - Authentic German Learning Podcast #42 (S02E06)
Ohne Fleiß, kein Preis! — 𓂀 𓋹 Zeinab (@Zizinia_05) September 24, 2017 Today, we talk about the German proverb “ohne Fleiß kein Preis”. What does “ohne Fleiß kein Preis” mean? No pain, no gain. No sweet without sweat.ProverbMeaning: Only if you try hard enough, you will be successful. Example: Actually, I don’t feel like learning, but no sweet without sweat! (Source: Wiktionary) positive incentive much more positive than “no pain, no gain” in my opinion if you are hardworking, you get a prize (i.
Fri, 02 Feb 2018 - 3min - 105 - deshalb #vocab - Authentic German Learning Podcast #41 (S02E05)
Today, we talk about the German word “deshalb”. What does “deshalb” mean? that’s why, therefore Adverb, Subjunction Hyphenation: des·halb Meaning: [1] references a previous cause or reason and indicates the consequence Synonyms: [1] therefore, thereby, as a result, consequently, accordingly, therefore, for this reason Narrower Terms: [1] precisely because of that, precisely because of that Examples: [1] He was wealthy and therefore had great influence. [1] You don’t know? No, that’s exactly why I asked.
Wed, 31 Jan 2018 - 6min - 104 - einen Frosch im Hals haben 🐸 #idiom (Podcast S01E27)
Today... ahem... Today we talk about the German idiom “einen Frosch im Hals haben”. What does “einen Frosch im Hals haben” mean? to have a frog in one’s throatIdiomVarianteinen Frosch im Halse haben Hyphenationei·nen Frosch im Hals ha·ben PronunciationIPA: [aɪ̯nən fʀɔʃ ɪm hals ˈhabm̩] Meaning[1] to be temporarily hoarse, have a strained voice Example[1] “I have to clear my throat several times because I have a frog in my throat.”
Fri, 29 Dec 2017 - 3min - 103 - Schnuckiputz, Schatz ❤️ #vocab (Podcast S01E26)
great words! I like öd, Schnuckiputz, Besorgnis erregend (used to be 1 word) — Gordon's German (@GordonsGerman) March 21, 2017 Schatz — Jessica Rabbit (@Poison_Evil) July 23, 2017 My precious! Gollum, Gollum! That was from Lord of the Rings. That was my imitation of Gollum from Lord of the Rings. You see, today, we talk about the German word “Schnuckiputz” and “Schatz”. What does “Schnuckiputz” and “Schatz” mean? Sweetie PieNoun, mHyphenation:Schnu·cki·putz
Wed, 27 Dec 2017 - 6min - 102 - Selbst ist der Mann. / Selbst ist die Frau. #proverb (Podcast S01E24)
Today, we talk about the German proverb “Selbst ist der Mann.” or also “Selbst ist die Frau.”. What does “Selbst ist der Mann.” and “Selbst ist die Frau.” mean? Self do, self have. Literally: Self is the man. / Self is the woman.ProverbMeaning: You can do a lot yourself. Example: I have built the IKEA shelf alone. Self do, self have. (Also: I’m the man!) Additional information: This proverb is a saying of do-it-yourselfers.
Fri, 22 Dec 2017 - 6min - 101 - fünfundfünfzig, fünfhundertfünfundfünfzig #vocab (Podcast S01E23)
Today, we talk about the German words “fünfundfünfzig” and “fünfhundertfünfundfünfzig”. What do “fünfundfünfzig” and “fünfhundertfünfundfünfzig” mean? fifty-fiveNumeralHyphenation fünf·und·fünf·zig Meanings: [1] the cardinal number between fifty-four and fifty-six [2] short for: fifty-five years (old) Symbols: [1] Arabic numerals for fifty-five: 55 [1] Roman numerals for fifty-five: LV Examples: [1] There are fifty-five cows on the pasture. [2] Next year I’ll be fifty-five. (Source: Wiktionary) By the way, numbers can also be used as nouns.
Wed, 20 Dec 2017 - 4min - 100 - Learning German vs. Acquiring German – What’s the Difference? #topic (Podcast S01E13)
The Thought of the EpisodeIf you’re unhappy, talk to a friend about it. You’ll feel better. Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 13! Today, we are talking about the difference between learning and acquiring German. Good luck and above all have fun learning German! Main PartThe Verbs “Learn” and “Acquire”In German, you use the verb “to learn” when you acquire knowledge, when you gain experience or increase skills.
Mon, 27 Nov 2017 - 11min - 99 - Aller Anfang ist schwer. #proverb (Podcast S01E06)
Aller Anfang ist schwer. Deutsches Sprichwort — Heiko #SavedTheExpanse Siegfanz (@Feuersturmtiger) October 31, 2016 Today, we talk about the German proverb “Aller Anfang ist schwer.”. What does “Aller Anfang ist schwer.” mean? Every beginning is difficult.ProverbHyphenation: Al·ler An·fang ist schwer. Examples: People use this proverb to express that new situations or challenges can often be difficult at the beginning. Beispiele: Every beginning is hard. But after learning the ropes of his new job, it was easier for him.
Fri, 10 Nov 2017 - 3min - 98 - bei jemandem ist der Groschen gefallen #idiom (Podcast S01E03)
Today, we talk about the German idiom “bei jemandem ist der Groschen gefallen”. What does “bei jemandem ist der Groschen gefallen” mean? someone has finally got the point; literally: the penny dropped for someoneIdiomHyphenation: bei je·man·dem ist der Gro·schen ge·fal·len Pronunciation: IPA: [baɪ̯ ˈjeːmandəm ɪst deːɐ̯ ˈɡʀɔʃn̩ ɡəˈfaln̩] Meaning: [1] to finally understand something after a short period of time Origin: [1] Groschen (coins), whose value at the times of the Deutsche Mark, taking into account the inflation today (2016) correspond to about 0.
Fri, 03 Nov 2017 - 6min - 97 - The Language Learning Revolution & My Story #topic (Podcast S01E01)
The Silliness of the EpisodeOne, two, three ... Go! Intro music GreetingHello, dear German learners, fellow pupils and lovers of life. I’m Mark and you are listening to the Authentic German Learning Podcast, Episode 1! Today, we are talking about the language learning revolution. Good luck and above all have fun learning German! Main PartHi, I’m Mark – for those who don’t know me yet. I am a native German speaker and founder of Authentic German Learning, or “AGL” for short.
Wed, 01 Nov 2017 - 13min
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