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The Bridge

The Bridge

Shawn Nixon & Jonathan Mathew

Everything is Connected. Coaches Shawn Nixon and Jonathan Mathew share how profound the connection between the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the human experience are; And how you can use this understanding to progress leaps and bounds on our health and fitness journey. In addition to breaking down the hardcore details of nutrition and programming for fat-loss, muscle building and athletic performance, Shawn and Jonathan delve into philosophy, psychology, and spirituality to look at our health as something greater than our physical experience.

77 - The Bridge - 78: Trauma Response
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  • 77 - The Bridge - 78: Trauma Response

    In this episode, Shawn shares a story or two about car accidents he’s experienced and we discuss the importance of trauma response on all four layers of the human experience.

    Mon, 04 Oct 2021
  • 76 - The Bridge - 77: Grief

    On this episode, we discus Jon’s volunteer work at “Good Grief” and the importance of processing grief after losing someone.

    Mon, 27 Sep 2021
  • 75 - The Bridge - 76: Pema Chodron

    In this episode we break down some of our favorite quotes from the great Pema Chodron. All of her books are highly recommended, starting with “When things fall apart”.

    Mon, 20 Sep 2021
  • 74 - The Bridge 75: Belief vs. Faith

    On this episode of The Bridge we have a zen discussion that brings up more questions than answers. We break down the differences between belief and faith.

    Tue, 07 Sep 2021
  • 73 - The Bridge - 74: Alan Watts

    Today we break down our favorite Alan Watts quotes. We explain what they mean to us and how they can be applied today.

    Tue, 31 Aug 2021
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