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The Lincoln Project

The Lincoln Project

The Lincoln Project

The 2024 Presidential Election and the greatest test of the American Experiment of our lifetimes is upon us. In 2020, the Lincoln Project sparked a nationwide movement to restore our democracy and to defeat Trump and Trumpism. We beat him once and we fight every day to defeat him and the dark anti-democratic forces and seditionists surrounding him once again. This podcast features leading political experts and guests on the front line of that fight, discusses the greatest political challenges of our day, and explains how all Americans can be part of our pro-democracy movement.

408 - 6 Months Out
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  • 408 - 6 Months Out

    Just six months out from the election, host Rick Wilson offers a candid analysis of the current political landscape. He discusses the reliability of various polls, the effectiveness of the Biden administration's major legislative achievements, and the continuous controversies surrounding Donald Trump. Rick warns of the challenges ahead, urging unity and vigilance against misinformation. He also touches on the implications of potential Supreme Court decisions and the critical importance of voter turnout to counter what he describes as a threatening political agenda by Trump. If you’d like to ask a question or share a comment with  The Lincoln Project, send an email to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Thu, 30 May 2024
  • 407 - The Algebra of Wealth with Scott Galloway

    Host Reed Galen is joined by author, professor, and podcast host Scott Galloway. Through the lens of the American fabric and community, they discuss the importance of financial literacy, the role of stoicism in achieving financial stability, and the bevy of challenges that face young people in today's economy. Plus, why are those that have benefited so greatly from the opportunities America provides so eager to disconnect from America? For more on this be sure to find Scott Galloway's new book, The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security. For more from Reed Galen, be sure to subscribe to “The Home Front”. If you’d like to ask a question or share a comment with The Lincoln Project, send an email to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Thu, 02 May 2024
  • 406 - The Binary Choice: Does Democracy Win or Lose?

    Host Reed Galen discusses his approach to following the current Trump trial and Supreme Court hearing on Trump’s immunity, the importance of understanding where most voters are and not getting caught up in marginal issues that won't have a material effect on the election, and why Democrats need to start spending their resources now to ensure a victory in November. Plus, why this election will be a binary choice and why to approach it any differently is irresponsible to the defense of our nation’s democracy. For more from Reed Galen, be sure to subscribe to “The Home Front”. If you’d like to ask a question or share a comment with The Lincoln Project, send an email to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Mon, 29 Apr 2024
  • 405 - The Everything War with Dana Mattioli

    Host Reed Galen is joined by Dana Mattioli (Author and Amazon Reporter for The Wall Street Journal) to discuss Amazon's relentless quest for dominance, its aggressive and cutthroat culture, and its influence in Washington, D.C. Plus, how Amazon fits into the growing calls for anti-trust regulation in Big Tech. If you’d like to hear more from Dana Mattioli, be sure to pick up her new book, The Everything War: Amazon’s Ruthless Quest to Own the World and Remake Corporate Power. For more from Reed Galen, be sure to subscribe to “The Home Front”. If you’d like to ask a question or share a comment with The Lincoln Project, send an email to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Wed, 24 Apr 2024
  • 404 - The Transactional Nature of American Politics with Mondale Robinson

    Host Reed Galen is joined by Mondale Robinson, mayor of Enfield, North Carolina and Founder of the Black Male Voter Project, an organization dedicated to increasing the number of Black men that are super voters. They discuss the transactional nature of American politics, the cause of low voter turnout for Black men (especially in often overlooked rural areas), and how to build political trust in Black communities. For more from Mondale Robinson, check out the work of the Black Male Voter Project. For more from Reed Galen, be sure to subscribe to “The Home Front”. If you’d like to ask a question or share a comment with The Lincoln Project, send an email to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Mon, 22 Apr 2024
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