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The Mask To Mask Podcast

The Mask To Mask Podcast

The Amazing

Two members of the Astrals, a group of costumed activists from around the country, discuss the caped community and the amazing deeds being done within. The.Amazing, a gadget guru who showcases inventions on YouTube, and The Knight, the founder and brains behind the operation, have a lot to say about the RLSH community, and about what it means to try and emulate the actions of fictional superheroes.

3 - Origin Story
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  • 3 - Origin Story

    Knight and The Amazing get into details about the beginnings of the Astrals team. What does it mean to be an Astral? And how could The Amazing or any of our listeners hope to repeat their success?

    Sat, 12 Feb 2022 - 1h 00min
  • 2 - Spider-Man: No Way I'm Gonna Be On Time With This Episode

    Knight and The Amazing take a break from heavy topics and discuss the media that has largely inspired them: Spider-Man movies! (and Marvel movies in general). With Spider-Man: No Way Home coming out, they discuss the rumored return of their respective favorite Spidey stars (they do NOT share the same opinion).

    Mon, 06 Sep 2021 - 1h 20min
  • 1 - Hero Hour

    In their first episode, Knight and The.Amazing discuss what each other has been up to during the pandemic, the potential for an Astrals documentary, vaccines, and The.Amazing's plans for his YouTube channel.

    Mon, 07 Jun 2021 - 1h 02min