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Treasures from Malta

Treasures from Malta

Francesca Balzan

Treasures from Malta is a new podcast series produced by Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti (FPM). Hosted and presented by Francesca Balzan, art historian and artist with a long connection with FPM, each podcast episode consists of individual interviews. We’re getting away from old artefacts in glass showcases and we’re going into the homes and meeting up with some of Malta’s living treasures. We dig below the surface and find out more about them. These treasures are artists, historians, art collectors, performers and arts practitioners with some Malta connection…they’re all fair game for the pod and we want to share them with you. Images and links relating to each episode are in the episode notes here:

32 - Meet tenor Joseph Calleja
0:00 / 0:00
  • 32 - Meet tenor Joseph Calleja

    Joseph Calleja is one of the world’s foremost tenors. He has performed in numerous operatic roles, solo performances and concerts to great acclaim and has scooped up several major international awards, since his early operatic debut at 19 years of age at the Astra Theatre in Gozo. He is a recording artist with one of the top recording labels and has been nominated for the Grammy awards. Much sought after, his life is a whirlwind of appearances on the major stages of the world. From the Met in...

    Wed, 01 Mar 2023
  • 31 - Meet artist and art historian Joseph Paul Cassar

    Joseph Paul Cassar is an artist and art historian whose studies have taken him from Africa to Australia, and he now resides and lectures in North America. He is a specialist on African and Modern European art and lectures at prestigious institutions and Universities in and around Washington DC. But his heart lies in the modern period of Maltese art, and amongst his many, many published studies he has produced two landmark publications that chart the rise of modernism in the visual arts ...

    Wed, 15 Feb 2023
  • 30 - Meet philosopher and poet Michael Zammit

    Michael Zammit is a poet and a philosopher who has a tendency to look East. He has mastered the difficult language of Sanskrit, and has studied and written extensively about it. He draws lessons from the great philosophical traditions of the East and finds connections with that of the West, using the East as his starting point. He has translated and adapted into Maltese a number of texts including several for the theatre and continues to lecture on both Western and Eastern philosophy in vario...

    Wed, 01 Feb 2023
  • 29 - Meet theatre historian Vicki Ann Cremona

    Vicki Ann Cremona is a prolific and distinguished academic who originally studied and taught French. In time she was drawn to theatre studies and dance, and has approached them from so many angles through her research and papers ranging from the architecture of theatres, to costume, to carnival. She has written extensively on these subjects and much more besides. She is without doubt the leading authority on the history of carnival in Malta and has produced a seminal book on the subject. She ...

    Sun, 15 Jan 2023
  • 28 - Meet soprano Gillian Zammit

    Gillian Zammit is elegance personified. Her petite frame belies the incredibly powerful singing voice that has made her a household name. Her musical repertoire is vast and she is equally comfortable singing Baroque opera as she is with 20th century compositions. She has worked alongside such greats as Placido Domingo and Joseph Calleja and sung to much acclaim in the US and across the major capitals of Europe. She is consistently lauded in reviews and while her musical prowess is at its peak...

    Thu, 15 Dec 2022
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