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Tuesday Borns' Thoughts

Tuesday Borns' Thoughts


Giving you thoughts from a young Ghanaian-American couple, both born on Tuesday, living in modern day America. #TTBTpod

27 - Episode 3.1_Choose Forgiveness
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  • 27 - Episode 3.1_Choose Forgiveness

    In this episode, Kwabena and Abena expands on the the topic of forgiveness. There are 4 major steps to successfully forgive someone. What are the ways you forgive? Let us know what you think!

    Please follow us on Instagram @TuesdayBornsThoughts and on Twitter @TuesdayBornsTea

    We will post on Tuesdays

    Theme music: "December" Juls Ft. Culan and Tay Iwar

    Tue, 01 Mar 2022
  • 26 - Episode 2.12_Unspoken Truth

    In this episode, Kwabena and Abena continue the series on relationship building techniques. We explore the dangers of assumptions and the phenomenon of the "unspoken truth". Let us know what you think!

    Please follow us on Instagram @TuesdayBornsThoughts and on Twitter @TuesdayBornsTea

    We will post on Tuesdays

    Theme music: "My Own" Samini

    Tue, 25 Jan 2022
  • 25 - Episode 2.11_Setting Goals

    In this episode, Kwabena and Abena continue the series on relationship building techniques. We give you our five pointers when it comes to setting goals as individuals and as a couple. Let us know what you think!

    Please follow us on Instagram @TuesdayBornsThoughts and on Twitter @TuesdayBornsTea

    We will post on Tuesdays

    Theme music: "My Own" Samini

    Tue, 18 Jan 2022
  • 24 - Episode 2.10_Marriage is Not Beautiful

    In this episode, Kwabena and Abena start a series on relationship building techniques. There's a misconception that marriage is flawless and does not come with difficulties. We are here to debunk that myth but also give you the building blocks and the tools to make it your beautiful love story. Let us know what you think!

    Please follow us on Instagram @TuesdayBornsThoughts and on Twitter @TuesdayBornsTea

    We will post on Tuesdays

    Theme music: "My Own" Samini

    Tue, 11 Jan 2022
  • 23 - Episode 2.9_#CouplesGoals

    In this episode, Kwabena and Abena talk about the concept of #CouplesGoals. In this day and age of social media and what people choose to portray, it is sometimes hard to know what is real and what is not. It is also difficult to ascertain how couples address adversity unless adversity is put in front of them. Let us know what you think!

    Please follow us on Instagram @TuesdayBornsThoughts and on Twitter @TuesdayBornsTea

    We will post on Tuesdays

    Theme music: "My Own" Samini

    Tue, 07 Dec 2021
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