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न कहानी न कविता

न कहानी न कविता


Poems and stories can sometimes be very healing. Words have the power to express our hidden emotions, fears, sorrows and all that is hidden inside our hearts for years. न कहानी न कविता is my attempt to bring out all the human emotions we all experience in our day to day life. These emotions are a part of us and need our recognition, acceptance and love. Sometimes they will flow in the form of poems or stories and at other times neither in poems nor in stories..Let's sail along and enjoy this journey to uncage thoughts.

8 - क्या कविताएँ बात करती हैं?
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  • 8 - क्या कविताएँ बात करती हैं?

    कभी कभी कवितायें वो बयान कर  देती हैं जिससे शायद हम खुद भी अनजान होते हैं। क्या छुपा होता है इनमें ? आइए सुनिए 'न कहानी न कविता' की कविता पर कविता लिखने की ये कोशिश। 

    Sat, 05 Mar 2022 - 01min