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XYZ with Yike and Zak

XYZ with Yike and Zak

Yike Lu and Zak Goldberger

Podcast by Yike Lu and Zak Goldberger

36 - 36 - XYZ: The Undiscovered X (Star Trek: TOS Movies Part 2
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  • 36 - 36 - XYZ: The Undiscovered X (Star Trek: TOS Movies Part 2

    Now for the conclusion of our Star Trek talk! This time, finishing up the TOS movies with our discussion on The Undiscovered Country and Generations.

    Tue, 08 Sep 2020 - 1h 06min
  • 35 - 35 - XYZ: The Wrath of Podcast (Star Trek: TOS Movies Part 1)

    We're back at it again, having another quarantine discussion about a long running film franchise and splitting into multiple parts! We're talkin' Trek. Mostly covering the even numbered entries, but we couldn't help but talk the odds as well. Star Trek movies discussed in this episode: The Motion Picture, The Wrath of Khan, The Search for Spock, The Undiscovered Country, and Generations.

    Thu, 13 Aug 2020 - 1h 11min
  • 34 - 34 - XYZ -Men: RIP X-Men, or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the MCU (X-Men Part 3)

    This is the way the X-Men movie franchise ends. This is the way the X-Men movie franchise ends. This is the way the X-Men movie franchise ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. In the wake of Avengers: Endgame, Fox released their last entry in the X-Men franchise, Dark PhoeniX to almost no fanfare. In this episode, we finally get around to talk Dark Phoenix and Logan, two movies that present different directions and different ends for the franchise, as we discuss our feelings on the franchise at large.

    Thu, 23 Jul 2020 - 55min
  • 33 - 33 - XYZ-Men: Origins and Reboots(X-Men - Part 2)

    Part 2 of our ongoing series on the X-Men! Today's episode covers a whole half of the franchise out there: X-Men Origins: Wolverine, X-Men: First Class, The Wolverine, X-Men: Days of Future Past

    Thu, 09 Jul 2020 - 1h 27min
  • 32 - 32 - XYZ-Men: Podcast United (X-Men - Part 1)

    Stuck in quarantine, we took it upon ourselves to invite the most literal X-factor possible on to the podcast: The X-Men! We watched all 10 movies in the franchise (Sorry, Deadpool, our podcast needs the structural integrity of a fourth wall!), and we will be discussing them over a 3 episode miniseries that was recorded all at once. We also discuss current events, and would like to continue to amplify the message that Black Lives Matter. Today's episode: the original trilogy! X-Men, X2: X-Men United, and X-Men: The Last Stand.

    Wed, 24 Jun 2020 - 1h 32min
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