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YES Talks

YES Talks

Fatima zohra Hajji

A YES program alumni sharing her own experience to help you see America through the eyes of an exchange student.

6 - The host family
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  • 6 - The host family

    Living with a host family is a major part of the YES program and so This episode is about me, giving you advice about this specific subject based on my own experience.

    Wed, 29 Sep 2021 - 04min
  • 5 - Washington DC orientation

    In this episode I will tell you about what I still remember from my first three days in America 🇺🇸 and give you some advice that might help you.

    Tue, 03 Aug 2021 - 05min
  • 4 - The big day!

    Your journey truly begins once you hop on the plane, in this episode I will Walk you through all the things you should know in order to be fully ready on your departure date✈️

    Mon, 19 Jul 2021 - 03min
  • 3 - What’s next?

    This episode gives you a clearer Idea about what is waiting for you, and tells you more about all the things you should know before your departure date

    Fri, 16 Jul 2021 - 06min
  • 2 - Am I going to lose a year?

    We tend to consider risks as a bad thing, this episode is here to change your perspective about the risk you think you are taking by saying « Yes! » to the YES program.

    Wed, 09 Dec 2020 - 05min
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