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Tribe Sober - inspiring an alcohol free life!

Tribe Sober - inspiring an alcohol free life!


How do I stop drinking? How do I cut down? Am I drinking too much? I’m sober but why aren’t I happy? Why do people stop drinking? If you ask yourself these kind of questions then this podcast is for you. This show is for people who want to learn how to stop drinking and learn to thrive in their alcohol free lives. If you have given up drinking, would like to give up drinking or are just plain sober curious this weekly podcast is for you. We have recovery stories to inspire you, experts to inform you and QuitLit authors to entertain you. After struggling with alcohol dependency for years Janet Gourand finally ditched the booze in 2015. She founded tribesober.com in 2015 and has helped hundreds of people to ditch the booze and thrive in their sobriety since then. Tribe Sober offer a membership, workshops, challenges and recovery coaching. For more info go to tribesober.com or email janet@tribesober.com

281 - Finding Freedom from Alcohol...with Tribe member Lloyd
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  • 281 - Finding Freedom from Alcohol...with Tribe member Lloyd

    During this episode I’m in conversation with Lloyd – a South African living in the UK In this episode:- Lloyd’s exposure to alcohol began when he was very young, - both of his parents were alcoholics and in fact he took his first drink as a young child As he got older he continued to drink heavily, - managing to convince himself that he was in control During stressful periods Lloyd's drinking predictably got worse – it had become his main coping mechanism Eventually Lloyd was consuming a litre of gin on a daily basis, - he was also drinking beer and wine throughout the day to avoid the withdrawal symptoms. His drinking habits became increasingly secretive, hiding bottles around the house and finding it difficult to maintain family life and perform well at work Lloyd's drinking escalated to a point where he needed alcohol just to feel normal,- he was frequently ill and vomiting early in the mornings. He finally hit rock bottom, following a weekend of heavy binge drinking. He experienced severe physical symptoms and knew he could not go on like this… Lloyd eventually opened up to his wife - after reaching a point where he couldn't keep any food or drink down and his body was shaking uncontrollably. Lloyd joined Tribe Sober and quit cold turkey – in fact this is not something we recommend for anyone who has been drinking so much on a daily basis – we always recommend they go and talk to their doctor who may recommend a medical detox under supervision Quitting suddenly when you’ve been a very heavy drinker can prove to be fatal and in Lloyd had such severe withdrawal symptoms that he ended up in hospital. Fortunately they helped him to stabilise and when he left hospital he began to connect regularly with his Tribe, listening to podcasts and reading the quitlit Lloyd did brilliantly and even went on a very boozy pre-wedding weekend with a bunch of guys…and managed to stay sober – well done Lloyd – we salute you! He describes the benefits of sobriety as truly life-changing – he has much better mental and physical health, as well as more meaningful relationships, particularly with his family. He highlights how sobriety has allowed him to fully engage with life, including reconnecting with his passions, such as gardening, and of course becoming a better father and husband. More Info Tribe Sober membership – you can join up HERE. To access our website, click HERE. If you would like a free copy of our “Annual Tracker” or our e-book 66 Days to Sobriety, please email janet@tribesober.com. If you would like to come to our Saturday afternoon Zoom Cafe as a guest and meet our community, just email janet@tribesober.com.   Episode Sponsor This episode is sponsored by the Tribe Sober Membership Program.  If you want to change your relationship with alcohol then sign up todayRead more about our program and subscribe here Bootcamp on Demand          To kickstart your alcohol free life check out our Bootcamp on Demand here   Help us to Spread the Word! We made this podcast so that we can reach more people who need our help.  Please subscribe and share. If you enjoyed the podcast, then please leave us a 5-star review on Apple podcasts. Take a screenshot of your review, and DM it to Tribe Sober’s Instagram page – see PS below for instructions. We’ll send you something special to say thank you! We release a podcast episode every Saturday morning. You can follow Tribe Sober on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram. You can join our private Facebook group HERE. PS: How to Leave a Rating/Review in Apple Podcasts (on an iOS Device) Open the Podcasts app. EASY. Choose “Search” from the bottom row of icons and enter the name of the show (e.g. Tribe Sober) into the search field. Select the show under Shows (not under Episodes). Scroll down past the first few episodes until you see Ratings & Reviews. Click Write a Review underneath the displayed reviews from other listeners. You’ll then have the option to rate the show on a 5-star s

    Sat, 19 Oct 2024 - 45min
  • 280 - Life is too short...to be Wasted with Sara Kaufman Bradstreet

    My guest this week is Sara Kaufman-Bradstreet from No More Wasted Days In this Episode:- Sara's drinking escalated slowly over the years, starting in her twenties and continuing into her forties, with rules and moderation attempts that failed over time. She struggled with Mommy Juice Culture: Sara discusses how alcohol was normalized in social settings with other moms, making it hard to quit drinking without feeling isolated. Sara worried about how quitting drinking would impact her relationship with her husband since drinking was such a shared activity. It was a heavy drinking cruise experience which served as a wake-up call, making her realize the unsustainable nature of her drinking lifestyle Even moderate drinking resulted in constant low-level hangovers, impairing her productivity and energy levels. It was only when she quit that she realized how much alcohol was affecting her daily life. These realisations led Sara to commit to a 30-day alcohol break that ultimately turned into permanent sobriety. She found that quitting drinking freed up mental space and energy, improving her focus on family, work, and personal growth. She no longer had to set or break drinking rules, which gave her a sense of liberation. Quitting alcohol also led to increased confidence - her self-esteem improved, and she became more secure in living life on her own terms, not worrying about others' opinions After quitting drinking, Sara found herself enjoying food more freely, no longer restricting calories or saving them for alcohol, which led to physical improvements like losing belly bloat. After quitting, Sara noticed a significant increase in productivity. She tackled long-neglected household tasks and even started building a house, something she never would have taken on while drinking. Early sobriety felt awkward at social events, but over time, she learned to embrace being more present and listening more in conversations. Sara adopted daily gratitude journaling and affirmations as tools to shift her mindset from deprivation to empowerment, helping her maintain a positive outlook in sobriety. I asked Sara for some tips for people in early sobriety… Sara advises people to start by making a deal with themselves to go for a set number of days without alcohol, such as 30 days. If 30 feels too long, she recommends starting with shorter goals and gradually increasing the duration. We agreed that we have to replace the Alcohol Buzz Naturally: Activities like exercise, making lists, listening to music, and doing personal tasks became replacements for the buzz she used to seek from alcohol. Like many of us in this space Sara became passionate about sobriety and she launched her “No More Wasted Days” website where she guides people through a 30 day challenge and also offers coaching More Info Tribe Sober membership – you can join up HERE. To access our website, click HERE. If you would like a free copy of our “Annual Tracker” or our e-book 66 Days to Sobriety, please email janet@tribesober.com. If you would like to come to our Saturday afternoon Zoom Cafe as a guest and meet our community, just email janet@tribesober.com.   Episode Sponsor This episode is sponsored by the Tribe Sober Membership Program.  If you want to change your relationship with alcohol then sign up todayRead more about our program and subscribe HERE Help us to Spread the Word! We made this podcast so that we can reach more people who need our help.  Please subscribe and share. If you enjoyed the podcast, then please leave us a 5-star review on Apple podcasts. Take a screenshot of your review, and DM it to Tribe Sober’s Instagram page – see PS below for instructions. We’ll send you something special to say thank you! We release a podcast episode every Saturday morning. You can follow Tribe Sober on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram. You can join our private Facebook group HERE. PS: How to Leave a Rating/Review in Apple Podcasts (on an iOS Device) Open the Podcas

    Sat, 12 Oct 2024 - 59min
  • 279 - Sobriety…as a Political Tool with Tribe member David

    My guest today is Tribe Member David Jacobs – David did our Dry January Challenge, came to one of our Bootcamps and has been alcohol free ever since In this episode:- David began drinking at university and went on to experience cycles of moderation alternating with binge drinking. He turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism during stressful periods Although he recognized the negative impact that alcohol was having on his physical health and mental health he didn’t know how to make a change Davids wake up call came when he was David's welcome call came when he was diagnosed with diabetes – that’s when he knew he had to make a change…  So he participated in our dry January challenge in 2023, which led him to a his eventual decision to quit drinking. As he heads towards his second Soberversary I asked David for some of the benefits he has experienced:- He’s gained mental clarity and has been able to reassess his life choices. Along with the clarity of thought he found the courage to make significant career changes, leading to starting a new business. He reduced his fast food intake which led to weight loss and a significant improvement in his glucose scores within 3 months We discussed the importance of educating young people about the harm that alcohol can cause I loved Davids take on sobriety as a form of decolonization and activism – an angle he used to get young people to see alcohol in a different way David's tip to anyone planning to quit drinking is to remember that the easiest drink to refuse is the first one! So if you’d like to connect with David and our other awesome members then to go tribesober.com/join our tribe Did you know that 40% of Tribe Sober members are now alcohol free? – people like David They stick around because they love the community and they enjoy helping new members to discover the magic of alcohol free living More Info Tribe Sober membership – you can join up HERE. To access our website, click HERE. If you would like a free copy of our “Annual Tracker” or our e-book 66 Days to Sobriety, please email janet@tribesober.com. If you would like to come to our Saturday afternoon Zoom Cafe as a guest and meet our community, just email janet@tribesober.com.   Episode Sponsor This episode is sponsored by the Tribe Sober Membership Program.  If you want to change your relationship with alcohol then sign up todayRead more about our program and subscribe HERE Help us to Spread the Word! We made this podcast so that we can reach more people who need our help.  Please subscribe and share. If you enjoyed the podcast, then please leave us a 5-star review on Apple podcasts. Take a screenshot of your review, and DM it to Tribe Sober’s Instagram page – see PS below for instructions. We’ll send you something special to say thank you! We release a podcast episode every Saturday morning. You can follow Tribe Sober on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram. You can join our private Facebook group HERE. PS: How to Leave a Rating/Review in Apple Podcasts (on an iOS Device) Open the Podcasts app. EASY. Choose “Search” from the bottom row of icons and enter the name of the show (e.g. Recover Like a Mother) into the search field. Select the show under Shows (not under Episodes). Scroll down past the first few episodes until you see Ratings & Reviews. Click Write a Review underneath the displayed reviews from other listeners. You’ll then have the option to rate the show on a 5-star scale and write a review (you can rate without writing too but it’s always good to read your experience).

    Sat, 05 Oct 2024 - 37min
  • 278 - 9 signs of dependence...and how to Break Free from Booze!

    On this weeks solo episode I talk about our Breaking Free program which we run four times a year.  Registration for the current program is open   - more info on tribesober.com We limit each Breaking Free group to 20 so you’ll always get personal attention In this episode:- I talk about the warning signs of alcohol dependence as well as the benefits of an alcohol free lifestyle The Breaking Free program has four components… Four pieces of a puzzle that come together to create a transformation… The first piece of the puzzle is Community Support so we connect you with the other people on the Breaking Free program  We put you in a chatgroup with where you’ll also find some TS team members to answer any questions you may have The second piece is our 4 hour Masterclass – a group session which we hold via Zoom.  Another opportunity to get to know the other people on the program as everyone will share their story at the beginning of the session.  By the end of the Masterclass you’ll understand:- The importance of a mindset change and the damage alcohol does to our health We’ll be sharing our tried and tested sobriety toolkit and you’ll end the session feeling motivated and excited about the changes ahead. While the Masterclass will give you an overview of the Tribe Sober approach to thriving in sobriety the online course will enable you to dive deeper at your own pace.  You’ll get all the theory and training you need to overturn your limiting beliefs around alcohol which is the key…. Just as we’ve been programmed into thinking that alcohol is an essential part of our daily lives our online program will de-program you and enable you to understand that you will be happier and healthier without it! The third piece is our online course which includes videos, podcasts, articles and book recommendations so you’ll be able to throw the book at your sobriety – you’ll be able to treat it as a 3-month project that will change the trajectory of your future. The fourth part of the puzzle is the personal support.  You’ll have a 1.2.1 Zoom call to hear your story and give you some personal guidance A session with our Coach Lynette who will discuss how you are applying the theory of the Breaking Free program to your daily life So that’s the four pieces of our Breaking Free puzzle, four pieces that will come together to create an alcohol free lifestyle that you love.. Apart from creating a program that will get results we’ve created a program that is flexible and will fit in with your busy lives….  Both of the 1.2.1’s can be scheduled to suit your convenience, the online course can be worked through at your own pace so the only timeslot you need to fit in is the four hour Masterclass. While we’re on the subject of time that’s one of the unexpected benefits of sobriety….. when we no longer spend time drinking and recovering from the drinking we find ourselves with extra time on our hands…. As well as the energy to do something constructive with that time! Registration for the current Breaking Free program is open - more info on tribesober.com More Info Tribe Sober membership – you can join up HERE. To access our website, click HERE. If you would like a free copy of our “Annual Tracker” or our e-book 66 Days to Sobriety, please email janet@tribesober.com. If you would like to come to our Saturday afternoon Zoom Cafe as a guest and meet our community, just email janet@tribesober.com.   Episode Sponsor This episode is sponsored by the Tribe Sober Membership Program.  If you want to change your relationship with alcohol then sign up todayRead more about our program and subscribe HERE Help us to Spread the Word! We made this podcast so that we can reach more people who need our help.  Please subscribe and share. If you enjoyed the podcast, then please leave us a 5-star review on Apple podcasts. Take a screenshot of your review, and DM it to Tribe Sober’s Instagram page – see PS below for instructions. We’ll send you something special to say

    Sat, 28 Sep 2024 - 26min
  • 277 - A Symphony of Sobriety with Professor Karla

    My guest today is Professor Karla Kaun – who works at the Department of Neuroscience at Brown University. Karla has been running a lab which studies neural and molecular mechanisms of addiction since 2013. In this episode:- Karla’s research is around how alcohol and drugs influence our natural reward mechanisms. She explained how they will overwhelm natural reward pathways, causing intolerable cravings and reduced impulse control. Addiction is a disorder where brain circuits work differently, prioritizing reward-seeking despite negative consequences. As many of us who became dependent on alcohol discovered addiction forms slowly and only with repeated use Of course different individuals have varied timelines and susceptibility to addiction. Many of our Tribe used alcohol socially in their twenties and thirties and then used it to manage stress as they got older Mindset in Recovery: We agreed that overcoming addiction requires a mindset change and viewing life differently. We are big on mindset here at Tribe Sober – we help our members to realise that they don’t have a drinking problem so much as an opportunity to change their lives for the better If you’re ready to embrace this opportunity then just to ts.com and join our tribe Another mindset shift our members get is the realisation that they have gained so much in sobriety…and lost very little by quitting alcohol Just hangovers, anxiety and exhaustion! So Karla explained that a growth mindset and seeing setbacks as learning opportunities are crucial. That’s why we give people a 66 day tracker for our Challenge…we don’t ask them to be perfect, we ask them to be curious… how many alcohol free days can they manage out of 66? This will bring about positive change through step-by-step goals Karla explained how addiction is a disorder of memory, with sensory memories such as holding a glass can trigger cravings. We talked about blackouts which will affect memory circuits and neuron communication. When I learned that my blackouts were preventing the formation of new memories I realised I had to quit Long-term alcohol use causes lasting changes in the brain, Drinking rewires our brain but we due to the plasticity of our brains we can recover Rather than aiming to go back to exactly how we were before we can rewire our brains a bit differently in recovery I loved Karla’s orchestra analogy – imagining our brain orchestra to be out of tune when we are in active addiction but then when we quit the orchestra can begin to function again Perhaps it won’t play exactly the same music as before we started drinking but it can create a new (and maybe even more beautiful) symphony in sobriety and of course Lifestyle changes, diet, sleep, and exercise can aid in brain plasticity and recovery. More info Subscription membership for Tribe Sober join up HERE To access our website click HERE If you would like a free copy of our "Annual Tracker" or our e-book "66 Days to Sobriety" please email janet@tribesober.com If you would like to come to our Saturday afternoon Zoom Cafe as a guest and meet our community just email janet@tribesober.com Episode Sponsor           This episode is sponsored by the Tribe Sober Membership Program.             If you want to change your relationship with alcohol then  sign up today          Read more about our program and subscribe HERE Help us to spread the word! We made this podcast so that we can reach more people who need our help.  Please subscribe and share. If you enjoyed the podcast then please leave us a 5 star review on Apple podcasts, take a screenshot of your review and DM it to Tribe Sober’s Instagram page - see PS for instructions - we'll send you something special to say thank you! We release a podcast episode every Saturday morning. You can follow Tribe Sober on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram  You can join our private Facebook group HERE How to leave an rating/review in Apple Podcasts (on an iOS device) 1. Open the Podcasts app. EASY.

    Sat, 21 Sep 2024 - 50min
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