Podcasts by Category

Improv, Beat by Beat

Improv, Beat by Beat

Curtis Retherford

A podcast about improv, explored one piece at a time.

27 - 27 – Goodbye, UCB NY
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  • 27 - 27 – Goodbye, UCB NY

    UCB has recently shut down its last permanent theater and training center. I asked people to share what UCB NY meant to them. Featuring Molly Gaebe, Ian Dyer, Ryan Barker, Rachel Taenzler, Pat Baer, Sonya Saepoff, Ray Cordova, Harsha Vardhan Dasarathy, Bert James, Elisa Ballou, Paris Adkins, Liz Noth, Alex French, Jon Marballi, Betsy Helmer, […]

    Thu, 30 Apr 2020 - 1h 08min
  • 26 - Episode 26 – Advice

    I asked many of the people I interviewed the same question: what advice would you give an improvisor in their first year doing improv? Featuring Maritza Montañez, Liz Noth, Chris Scott, Morgan Phillips, Will Hines, Bill DiPiero, Achilles Stamatelaky, Ashley Ward, Ray Cordova, Sebastian Conelli, Joey Price, Patrick Noth, Kevin Mullaney, Lily Du, Nicole Drespel, […]

    Sun, 26 May 2019 - 57min
  • 25 - 25 – The Movie

    This episode focuses on a fun, but often difficult form, the Movie. One of the original forms developed by Del Close, the Movie is not performed as regularly as some other forms, but it can be rewarding to learn and get good at, and it’s easy for audiences to follow. Featuring David Bluvband, James Dwyer, […]

    Mon, 13 May 2019 - 1h 18min
  • 24 - 24 – The Spokane aka the Pretty Flower

    This episode focuses on the form of many names, the Spokane / Pretty Flower / Delicate Little Flower / Gadget / Family Guy / so on and so on. We discuss how to do the form, and why it may be a great fit for your team or why it may not be. Featuring Sebastian […]

    Fri, 15 Mar 2019 - 54min
  • 23 - 23 – Coaching, Part 2

    How should a coach structure a practice session? What are some exercises to use? How is coaching a house team different from coaching a practice group? These are all questions? Featuring Jenny St. Angelo, Sebastian Conelli, Lindsay Calleran, Johnna Scrabis, Liz Noth, and Will Hines. Co-produced by Alejandro Cardona, and hosted by Curtis Retherford.

    Fri, 01 Feb 2019 - 1h 03min
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