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Bollywood O'Clock

Bollywood O'Clock

Bollywood O'Clock

I recommend listening to the later episodes first, they're a lot better! In this podcast, I subject one of my friends to talk about all things Bollywood with me! Latest news, throwback films, movie reviews or what Salman Khan ate for breakfast today. And trust me, that last one...I know.

12 - 12 - 70s Bollywood
0:00 / 0:00
  • 12 - 12 - 70s Bollywood

    This will be the episode I give to people when I say I have a podcast

    Tue, 24 Aug 2021 - 46min
  • 11 - 11 - Radhe

    Don't worry we talk more about stuff that isn't Radhe than the actual movie Radhe

    Wed, 07 Jul 2021 - 33min
  • 10 - 10 - Bollywood Quiz w/ Hrithik Roshan

    Omg it's Hrithik Roshan!! Here's here to celebrate 10 episodes with us ¡!!¡¡¡! Instagram

    Tue, 29 Jun 2021 - 27min
  • 9 - 9 - Disappeared Actors

    Today, Nadeem and I talk about Bollywood stars who have stopped appearing or films or just downright kind of disappeared! Lots of the stats from our childhood are nowhere to be seen now. After we recorded this we realised there's loads more, maybe a part 2 will come. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @bollywoodoclock

    Wed, 23 Jun 2021 - 41min
  • 8 - 8 - The Decline of The Khans

    Watching Radhe is a torture method please save yourself. We endured (half of) it so you didn't have to

    Mon, 21 Jun 2021 - 09min
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