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Classic Car Talk

Classic Car Talk

Richard & Paul

If you love classic cars, join us for news, interviews, back-to-back classic shootouts, and a few laughs too!

So subscribe now and don’t miss a single episode. Oh yes, you can also find us on Facebook at Classic Car Talk.

22 - CCT Episode 21
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  • 22 - CCT Episode 21

    Our last of the current season before we take a Summer break. Have fun out there and stay safe! :)

    Thu, 29 Jul 2021
  • 21 - CCT Episode 20

    We get paid by those buffoons Rich and Paul to host this nonsense so we HAVE to listen... but what's your excuse? More to the point, CCT is now one of the world's top 10 podcasts. How? Why? Anyway, if you want more old car chat, more interviews, jokes, old ads and cool music then you probably don't have many options. Go on...after all, in a few minutes it will all be over and just a horrible memory. Until next week. So let's get it over with. Good luck!

    Thu, 22 Jul 2021
  • 20 - CCT Ep 19

    Welcome back! More interviews, more tests, more old ads, more chat... from little Morris 1100s to huge Mercurys it's all here. Of course you have better things to do - but when did ever that stop you listening?

    Fri, 16 Jul 2021
  • 19 - CCT Ep 18

    Classic Car Talk. The clue is in the name. So if you don't like classic cars, it's best you leave now. Seriously... GO! What? You're still here? OK, so you only have yourself to blame for what's about to happen... hold tight... here we go!

    Wed, 07 Jul 2021
  • 18 - CCT Ep 17

    We certainly don’t want to denigrate our seven remaining listeners. And for CCT listeners, denigrate means ‘put down’ Oops. Only four listeners now. OK,so for Gary in Kidderminster, Spike in Auckland, Elon in CA and Ramesh in Mumbai… this is for you!

    Fri, 25 Jun 2021
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