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Forsaking Faith

Forsaking Faith

Heather Bailey and Christine Goodrich

In Forsaking Faith, we (Heather and Christine) talk about our deconversion journeys, describing both celebrations and conflicts we have with our religious pasts, as well as contemplating how to move forward. We often look fondly on our time as Christians, time with which many people still only find regret. We try to point out where we found growth, experienced joy, and struggled with the anger and sadness that come with forsaking our faith. Occasionally we will also invite people to share their feelings and deconversion stories, and every week we will share a thought, poem, or piece of art from our viewers or ourselves to encourage expression of the unique feelings that occur during the journey of deconversion.

11 - Falling from Grace - On Fairness and Order
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  • 11 - Falling from Grace - On Fairness and Order

    We are facing interesting times, and because of this, Heather and I thought that some pensive, non-virus dialogue might be good for ourselves and our listeners, so today we are chatting about the idea of fairness and order that comes from growing up in a fundamental Christian church. 

    Heather speaks about how her life was very ordered and how when good people fell into unpleasant circumstances, at the very least she believed they would have their reward in heaven or she could frame them in the bigger picture. Now when bad things happen to her, that's just what they are, bad things happening. She talks about how her anxiety changed focus after her deconversion when fairness and order seemed to disappear. 

    Christine felt that her life before deconversion was quite unfair, and actually found some peace after her deconversion. She describes herself as a relatively disordered person, and talks about the way her family actually rejected the idea that Christian obedience to good deeds and were committed to the idea of a relationship with god being primary. 

    We'd first like to thank Niel the @604Atheist and David Lindes for providing clip content for us.

    In addition to that thank you to our listeners, the healthcare workers, the food industry employees and farmers, the pharmacists, the utility workers, the home and garden workers, and everyone who is doing their part to keep others safe. We also want to let victims of the virus know that we are thinking of you, and that your loss and pain are not diminished by how many others are feeling similarly. We're here for you if you want to talk or vent. If you need an outlet, or have a piece of art you want to share, please send to


    Thu, 16 Apr 2020 - 47min
  • 10 - Falling From Grace - On Relationships


    In this episode, Heather and Christine discuss how they understand and navigate romantic relationships and sex following their deconversion.

    Heather discusses how she needed to work out how to practically date someone after deconversion. She realized that people are not perfect, and it is her responsibility to determine what her deal-breakers are. Growing up, she was told that “God had the perfect man for her” so she had an unrealistic sense of what it took to meet someone romantically since she thought God would just simply make it happen. This worldview was exacerbated by the fact that she read Christian romance novels, a genre that reinforced the idea that Christian romance had a perfect fairy tale ending. Heather ends by discussing what her deal-breakers currently are.

    Christine discusses the influence people in the church had on her view of relationships. One positive thing about the church was that it encouraged men to be humble, something that she still values in men today. Emotional vulnerability was also encouraged in the church and allowed men and women to have deep relationships. She discusses how this experience helped her understand the difference between emotional and physical intimacy, and she discusses her current views on respectful non-monogamy. She discusses how influential her first boyfriend was to her understandings of relationships and she also talks about how her experience losing her virginity was positive because the man she lost her virginity to knew how to treat women and how to use birth control. She ends by talking about how she has very few deal-breakers because she believes that fluidity in a relationship is important. 

    If you enjoy our podcast, please subscribe, rate, and review! Also, send thoughts, artwork, poetry, or other expressive media that tells a piece of your deconversion story and we will try to feature them in one of our openings or endings. These can be sent to Catch you next Sunday!

    Thank you for opening clips:

    Courtney Stewart

    and our own Heather Bailey

    and we'd also like to especially thank Stars from Streetlights who waited several months for their song to be featured on our podcast which you can download here:



    Thu, 16 Apr 2020 - 58min
  • 9 - A Recovery from Faith - On Media

    Hi all, for some reason this file did not upload to most of our sites, so I thought I'd try it again... four months later. 

    Heather and Christine talk about how movies, television, and music was restricted by their church, school, and parents when they were Christians. They both say that while the limitations were frustrating, there were still good things that came from it.

    Heather mentions how her parents were very restrictive, but had some strange exceptions to some of the restrictive rules. She mentions that she feels left out of some nostalgic conversations today because she doesn't have the experiences of her peers. 

    Christine talks about the fact that her mother didn't allow any sort of magic in their household, even if the media was by a Christian artist, but that restrictions on music and movies were a little more relaxed for her than Heather. She and Heather also mention a fear of demons that carries through to their adult lives, and how they've tried to overcome that. 

    If you are enjoying the podcast, please subscribe, rate, and review! Also, send thoughts, artwork, poetry, or other expressive media that tells a piece of your deconversion story and we will try to feature them in one of our openings or endings. These can be sent to Catch you next Sunday!

    Thank you for opening clips:

    Amanda Kirby

    Mac Clark

    And for the song at the end, Candle, by Mac Clark. 

    Mon, 14 Jan 2019 - 46min
  • 8 - A Recovery from Faith - On Worldview

    Heather and Christine talk about broader ideals they held of the world before and after deconversion. 

    Christine didn't feel like she had a real sense of purpose as a Christian, but now realizes that life is truly a gift. 

    Heather's worldview was most shattered by her destroyed sense of fairness and order, but she is working toward being more accepting of life as it is. 

    We both invite you to share your stories and art with them, and thank you for being patient with our change to biweekly episodes. 

    We want to thank our friends Amanda, Rebecca, and our anonymous contributor for the beginning montage, and can't wait to hear more from you. 


    Mon, 10 Sep 2018 - 48min
  • 7 - A Recovery from Faith- On Recovery from a Technical Delay

    Hey, Heather and I are having some issues with our next podcast, we should be back up and running by Thursday. Sorry for the inconvenience.  Watch facebook and twitter @forsakingfaith for an announcement! We miss you.

    Tue, 21 Aug 2018
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