Filtra per genere
Tī o̍h Tâi-gí ê kòe-têng tiong hi-bāng ē-sái sú-iōng ka-kī ê bó-gí lâi thó-lūn ka-kī ū hèng-chhù ê tāi-chì, pau-hâm tān-sī bô hān-chè tī bûn-hòa, gē-su̍t, im-ga̍k, tiān-iáⁿ, le̍k-sú, tiat-ha̍k, gí-giân, má ē ū chú-chia̍h téng-téng ê thó-lūn.
While I started to learn Tâigí (Taiwanese), I hope to be able to use my native language and discuss things I am interested in, including but not limited to culture, art, music, movies, history, philosophy and cooking too.
Tī 學台語 ê 過程中希望會使使用家己 ê 母語來練習順紲討論家己有興趣 ê 代誌, 包含但是無限制 tī 文化,藝術,音樂,電影,歷史,哲學,語言, mā 有煮食等等 ê 討論.
chhiáⁿ siá phoe hō͘ goán 請寫批予阮 goán chiok su-iàu kó͘-lē 阮足需要鼓勵 XD
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- 14 - LJOF014 Kā bô lī-piān lám--leh | Embrace inconvenience, WHY?
Ta̍k-ê lóng ài o-ló Tâi-oân sī chiok lī-piān ê só͘-chāi. M̄-koh chit chip J-siáⁿ kap lâi-pin Iông-soaⁿ sī-án-chóaⁿ leh thó-lūn Tâi-oân eng-kai ài piàn-sêng khah bô lī-piān ê kok-ka neh?Often Taioan is praised for her convenience, however our host J-siáⁿ and guest Iông-soaⁿ are promoting Taioan to become a less convenient country, why?Kòe-tiûⁿ im-ga̍k sī Crowander ga̍k-thoân ê "Trrrr".Segment break Music: Trrrr by Crowander is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 In...
Sun, 05 May 2024 - 13 - LJOF013 A-kiōng-ā nā-sī phah--lâi beh án-chóaⁿ | Prepping for emergencies or war
Tâi-oân bīn-tùi Tiong-kok ê ui-hia̍p chá tiō m̄-sī chi̍t kang nn̄g kang ê tāi-chì, tì-sú ta̍k-ke lâng lóng sió-khóa-á bâ-pì--khì-ah. Put-jī-kò, chiàn-cheng ê ui-hia̍p sī chiok chin-si̍t ê, in-ūi Tiong-kok chiông-lâi lóng m̄-bat hòng-khì tùi Tâi-oân tōng-iōng bú-le̍k ê khó-lêng. Lán Tâi-oân lâng sui-jiân bô-nāi, kám ē-tàng chò chi̍t-kóa-á tāi-chì lâi pang-chān lán ka-kī?Taiwan has always been living under China's thread for over 70 years, it's understandable that Taioanese people could h...
Wed, 28 Jun 2023 - 12 - LJOF012 Óaⁿ-kong ê siaⁿ-seh - Lí Himiân ê siaⁿ-im chhòng-chok choan-chip
Óaⁿ-kong ê siaⁿ seh bandcamp sòaⁿ-téng choan-chipkoan-kiān-jī keywords:Lí Bêng-chu (李明珠)Óaⁿ-kong-hōe (碗公會)Lîm Thoân-khái (林傳凱)tiân-iá lio̍k-im (田野錄音)聽說Ting Shuo Hear Say Studiohoat-kàⁿ (發酵)Eng-kok tiān-sī kì-lio̍k-phìⁿ UP hē-lia̍t (UP series)Instagram khòaⁿ Óaⁿ ê hêng-sek @ciahimianliChheh toaⁿ: 1. 青島東路三號/顏世鴻2. 尋找祖國三千里/藍博洲3. 雙鄉記/楊威理/陳映真 譯Gîlân Tâi-oân óaⁿ-pôaⁿ phok-bu̍t-koán 台灣碗盤博物館(宜蘭)#oannkonghoe #碗公會 #pehsekkheongpoo #李明珠#taioannesepodcast #taiwanesepodcast #taiwan #taioan #taigi #taigu #b...
Sun, 21 May 2023 - 11 - LJOF011 (3/3) Tân-lō͘ ê Bûn-hòa bú sio-ián soah-thoaⁿ | Tân-lō͘ on Taioanese modern dance
Kiàn-gī seng khòaⁿ Tân-lō͘ tī Sè-kài Tâi-oân bûn-hòa lūn-tôaⁿ chiok cheng-chhái ê iáⁿ-phìⁿ, chú-tê sī "Bûn-hòa bú-sio-ián"Link above is the lecture by our guest Tân lō͘ presented to the group members of Sè-kài Tâi-oân bûn-hòa lūn-tôaⁿ online. hù-ka ê tâu-iáⁿ-phìⁿ liân-kiatLink above is the supporting slides of the lecture.- Ji̍t-pún ê hiān-tāi bú-tō ka jû-hô khai-sí su-khó "siáⁿ-mih sī sio̍k-î Ji̍t-pún lâng ê hiān-tāi bú?"- Sè-kài tōa-chiàn tùi gē-su̍t-ka su-khó jîn-seng ê éng-hióng- Ka...
Mon, 05 Sep 2022 - 10 - LJOF010 (2/3) Tân-lō͘ ê Bûn-hòa bú sio-ián soah-thoaⁿ | Tân-lō͘ on Taioanese modern dance
Iân-sòa thâu chi̍t chip, che sī J-siáⁿ kap Tân-Lō͘ ê thó-lūn.Kiàn-gī seng khòaⁿ Tân-lō͘ tī Sè-kài Tâi-oân bûn-hòa lūn-tôaⁿ chiok cheng-chhái ê iáⁿ-phìⁿ, chú-tê sī "Bûn-hòa bú-sio-ián"Link above is the lecture by our guest Tân lō͘ presented to the group members of Sè-kài Tâi-oân bûn-hòa lūn-tôaⁿ online. hù-ka ê tâu-iáⁿ-phìⁿ liân-kiatLink above is the supporting slides of the lecture.- Tâi-oân-lâng Tâi-oân sū ê tē 078 chip ū kóng tio̍h che kúi ê im-ga̍k chhái-chip jîn ê pō͘-hūn.- Lîm Hoâi...
Sat, 20 Aug 2022 - 9 - LJOF09 (1/3) Tân-lō͘ ê Bûn-hòa bú sio-ián soah-thoaⁿ | Tân-lō͘ on Taioanese modern dance
Kiàn-gī seng khòaⁿ Tân-lō͘ tī Sè-kài Tâi-oân bûn-hòa lūn-tôaⁿ chiok cheng-chhái ê iáⁿ-phìⁿ, chú-tê sī "Bûn-hòa bú-sio-ián"Link above is the lecture by our guest Tân lō͘ presented to the group members of Sè-kài Tâi-oân bûn-hòa lūn-tôaⁿ online. hù-ka ê tâu-iáⁿ-phìⁿ liân-kiatLink above is the supporting slides of the lecture.1) Tâi-oân-lâng Tâi-oân sū ê tē 138 chip ū kóng tio̍h Hugo Rosijn chhōa Tâi-oân ê bó͘ kap gín-á tńg-khì au-chiu ê kò͘-sū.2) Eng-gí ê podcast Formosa Files S2-E3 ...
Mon, 08 Aug 2022 - 8 - LJOF08 Tâi-gí ê gí-giân hêng-siau | Taiwanese language marketing
Chiok êng-hēng hóng-mn̄g tio̍h Hê-bí (Ngô͘ Ka-bêng), PhahTaigi app ê chok-chiá, mā-sī ChhoeTaigi bāng-ia̍h ê chiau-chip jîn. I ūi-tio̍h Tâi-gí bûn hiān-tāi-hòa, seng-oa̍h-hoa ê kòng-hiàn chin-chiàⁿ sī kóng bōe oân.It's a great honor to interview Hê-bí (Ngô͘ Ka-bêng) who made the well known and widely installed Taigi keyboard app PhahTaigi for mobile phones as well as the Taigi dictionary website ChhoeTaigi that collected and integrated all existing Taigi dictionaries and is one of...
Sun, 24 Jul 2022 - 7 - LJOF07 (té-phiⁿ) N̂g-chio̍h kong-hn̂g 150 hòe kap Tâi-oân kiàn-kok | (short) 150 year of Yellowstone National Park and Taiwan state building
Not only it is the first national park in the US, Yellowstone National Park is the first national park in the world. J-siáⁿ finds it inspirational for us on the path of Taiwan state building.Tâi-oân kiàn-kok#ngchiokonghng #taioankiankok #kiankok #taioankok#taioannesepodcast #taiwanesepodcast #taiwan #taioan #taigi #taigu #bogi #formosa #formosan #lajioohformosa #台美人 #taioanue #taioanese #台語 #台灣話 #bunhoa #gesut #tongtaigesut #taioanpodcast #taiwanpodcast #taiwannativelanguagechhiáⁿ siá p...
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 - 6 - LJOF06 Têng-sin su-khó chhú-siau bûn-hòa | Reconsidering cancel culture.
Iau-chhiáⁿ tòa tī Bí-kok se-hōaⁿ Seattle ê Siông-iông lâi thó-lūn chhú-siau bûn-hòa ê su-iàu chài su-khó ê tiám. Kám sī kòe-khì chò m̄-tio̍h tāi-chì ê lóng su-iàu thoa chhut-lâi tiap?lán nā-sī oân-choân iōng siû-hūn khì chhú-lí tāi-chì ê hām-ji̍p siaⁿmig khoán ê chhim-kheⁿ?J-siáⁿ invited Siông-iông who lives in Seattle to discuss the reasons why we should reconsider the cancel culture.Seattle ê Hái-ang hā-lēng-iâⁿ hêng-têng pió, pò-miâ tī chiaChit chip goán thó-lūn tio̍h:Chhú-siau bûn-h...
Mon, 16 May 2022 - 5 - LJOF05 hoâi-kiū | nostalgia
Lucy iau-chhiáⁿ J-siáⁿ lâi hôe-sióng sè-hàn sî-chūn ê kì-tî, ū hó ê mā-ū bái ê. Chòe-āu ū chhái-nn̄g!Lucy invites J-siáⁿ to share memories of childhood and the reveal of Easter egg toward the end.Chit chip goán thó-lūn tio̍h:sè-hàn sî-chūn lóng sńg siáⁿ-mih?hā-khò 10 hun-cheng lóng sńg siáⁿ?kok-sió hok-lī-siā ê tiōng-iàu sèngkám ū bô bí-hó ê kì-tî?thé-hoa̍t ê khióng-pò͘ hôe-eksì-kè pí-sàikau pit-iúiû-kò͘ ê keng-giāmsé siòng-phìⁿ í-keng chiok kú bô thiaⁿ lâng leh kóng ahBí-kok sè-hàn gín...
Mon, 02 May 2022 - 4 - LJOF04 Tē-hng chhòng-seng | Regional revitalization
M̄-koán sī í-chêng ê siā-khu êng-chō iáu-sī chòe-kīn kúi-tang sî-kiâⁿ ê Tē-hng chhòng-seng, se̍k-bat lán ka-kī ê siā-khu kap tē-hng khoân-kéng lóng sī kiàn-li̍p chū-ngó͘ jīm-tông ê tiōng-iàu khoân-chiat. J-siáⁿ kap Lucy iau-chhiáⁿ lâi-pin A-Kì chò-hóe lâi thó-lūn Tâi-oân tē-hng chhòng-seng ê kò͘-sū.Chit chip goán thó-lūn tio̍h:Tē-hng chhòng-seng án-chóaⁿ khai-sí ê?Goân-chū tó-ūi?Tē-hng chhòng-seng ê bê-suSoāiⁿ-á ê lân-tê (Gio̍k-chéⁿ, lâm-se, Pîn-tong Pang-liâu)A-Ki tī Tâi-lâm Chó-tìn ê ...
Mon, 18 Apr 2022 - 3 - LJOF03 Lí-kái kóng Tâi-gí tú-tio̍h ê tak-kha̍p | Understanding the frustration of using Tâigí
J-siáⁿ iau-chhiáⁿ sim-lí chu-siong choan-gia̍p ê Kang Bēng-sûn phok-sū thàu-kòe thó-lūn lâi lí-kái Tâi-gí chiò-iau-kiàⁿ chiò chhut--lâi ê koài sū.J-siáⁿ invites Dr. Mengchun Chiang - Assistant Director of Training at Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS) of Carnegie Mellon University - to discuss her experience of speaking Tâigí as a performance in Taiwan. And what that reveals Taiwan as a (wounded) society.J-siáⁿ 邀請心理諮商專業 ê Kang Bēng-sûn 博士透過討論來理解台語照妖鏡照出--來ê怪事In this episode:Why...
Mon, 04 Apr 2022 - 2 - LJOF02 Tâi-oân 228 hē-lia̍t_chi̍t ê jī ê choán-hêng chèng-gī | Taiwan 228 massacre series Transitional justice in one word
J-siáⁿ hoat-hiān ū chi̍t ê jī su-iàu choán-hêng chèng-gī. Lucy ū bô kâng-khoán ê thāi-tō͘ khòaⁿ-thāi chit ê jī. Tàu-té sī siáⁿ-mih jī si-iàu choán-hêng chèng-gī--neh?Lí ê khòaⁿ-hoat koh sī jî-hô?J-siáⁿ discovered that there is ONE word that requires some attention regarding transitional justice. Lucy holds a different idea toward this word. WHICH word that requires listeners attention? What's your thoughts on this one?J-siáⁿ 發現有一个字需要轉型正義。Lucy有無仝款ê態度看待這ê字。到底是啥物字需要轉型正義呢?你ê態度閣是...
Mon, 21 Mar 2022 - 1 - LJOF01 Tâi-oân 228 hē-lia̍t_Sin-iâⁿ sū-kiāⁿ | Taiwan 228 massacre series Sin-iâⁿ Incedent
Sui-jiân 228 sī jī-goe̍h po̍k-hoat--ê, m̄-koh 3 goeh sī choân Tâi-oân sì-kè tōa kui-bô͘ siū-tio̍h bô͘-hāi ê khai-sí. Bián-hoâi 228 chhit-cha̍p-gō͘ chiu-nî, lán khai pò ê saⁿ-goeh tō beh chiong thâu nn̄g chip tribute hō͘ 228. Tī 228 75 chiu-nî ê sî-ki, lán lâi thiaⁿ khòaⁿ J-siáⁿ kap Lucy lâi kóng tī Sin-iâⁿ ê kò͘-sū, kap Bú-hàn hì-iām ū siáⁿ-mih koan-hē ne? Lí kám chai Sin-iâⁿ mā sī Tâi-oân bîn-chú sèng-tē?While remembering the tragic 228 massacre took place in Taiwan 75 years...
Mon, 07 Mar 2022
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