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- 77 - New Testament Worship | How Do We Properly Worship God
In this episode we study what the New Testament teaches regarding worship. When you look at churches today, you see a variety of worship styles. There is traditional vs. contemporary worship. Many have bands with guitars, drums, cymbals, and a few singers. Sometimes there is special lighting. There is a wide range of teaching and how the overall service is conducted. How do we know what is right? We submit to you that the New Testament of Jesus Christ is right and we simply need to humbly accept it. Grab your Bible and open your heart as we study this fundamental topic together.
Fri, 06 Dec 2024 - 40min - 76 - A Divine Wife | A Bride For Isaac
In this episode we consider a divine wife, that is, a wife chosen by the Lord through His providence. The account comes from Genesis 24 where Abraham sends his servant to find a bride for Abraham’s son, Isaac. It is a compelling story of faith and the amazing power of God to work in ordinary ways on behalf of His people.
Fri, 29 Nov 2024 - 38min - 75 - Abram’s Call and Fall
In this episode we look at Abram’s call by God. This man we better know as Abraham is described as the father of faith. His love and devotion to the Lord is legendary. He was not without fault, but he was dedicated to serving God and led his family to do the same. We take some time to look at the very beginning of his record in the Bible to motivate us to great faith as well as warn us about the danger of wavering in our faith.
Fri, 22 Nov 2024 - 39min - 74 - Christians Are Like Athletes
In this episode we consider how a Christian is like an athlete. Paul makes multiple comparisons of Christians to an athlete or being involved in an athletic contest. It is imagery we can easily relate to that also challenges us to push ourselves to do our best. We will discuss how we need rigorous training and discipline, as well as how we must follow the rules and endure if we hope to obtain the prize set before us.
Fri, 15 Nov 2024 - 29min - 73 - A Primer On Alcohol In The Bible
In this episode we look at what the Bible says about alcohol. Many people who profess belief in Jesus as the Savior see drunkenness as a sin. However, they are completely comfortable with moderate alcohol use. They will even try to use Jesus as justification for their belief. I submit to you that this is a case of the world influencing people more than the word of God. An examination of Scripture will show that the use of alcohol is contrary to God’s will. Follow along as we explore this in the Bible.
Fri, 08 Nov 2024 - 25min - 72 - Strangers and Pilgrims
In this episode we consider Christians as strangers and pilgrims. Since we are committed to Christ, we are people who do not belong and often feel it. Our dedication to the Lord and His Cause will often make us uncomfortable in this world. In fact, if we do not feel uncomfortable in this world, there is something wrong with us that we need to change. This study will help us better understand what it means to be a stranger and pilgrim, why it is that way and what it requires of us.
Fri, 01 Nov 2024 - 28min - 71 - Soldiers of Christ
In this episode we examine the Bible’s teaching on Christians as soldiers. Some shy away from this topic preferring to view disciples as effeminate and soft – never offending or attacking – instead of strong, bold, or aggressive in any way for any reason. The reality is there is a spiritual war raging and those who will fight for the Lord must be tough, resilient, and energetic in advancing His cause. Continue listening as we dive into the Spirit’s word on Soldiers of Christ.
Fri, 25 Oct 2024 - 47min - 70 - What Does It Mean To Be A Disciple?
In this episode we consider what it means to be a disciple of Christ and we will see it is not the same as being a believer. Being a disciple requires much more – more than some are willing to do. Discipleship includes suffering and sacrifice, diligence and patience, love and devotion. We must all ask ourselves, “Am I really a disciple of Christ or am I paying lip-service to the idea?” Reflect on yourself as we examine the Scripture together.
Fri, 18 Oct 2024 - 35min - 69 - How Do You Know If Your Parents Taught You The Truth?
In this episode we consider how we determine if we’ve been raised to truly know the Lord. Some people see clearly that one or both of their parents (or the people who raised them) were wrong – either because of selfish, reckless behavior, or what they believe is plainly untrue. Others, however, were raised by people who loved and cared for them. In cases like this it is often taken for granted that what they were taught growing up was true. This is especially so if the parents are humble, sincere people who profess an allegiance to God. But, how do you know if you’ve been raised right; to know the truth and correctly serve the Lord? That is what we examine in this study.
Fri, 11 Oct 2024 - 42min - 68 - The Man In The Wilderness
In this episode we look at the man in the wilderness, John the immerser (popularly known as John the baptist). He was a man that, according to John 10:41, did not work miracles. Yet, his influence and impact was tremendous in Israel. He preached plainly and boldly to the people. Those who were humble listened and accepted his teaching. We want to take a closer look at what is said about John and his work for the Lord.
Fri, 04 Oct 2024 - 32min - 67 - What Do You Seek?
In this episode we take a close look at John’s account of Jesus’ early work; when He called Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael to be His disciples. The men He called to be His disciples were no different than us and, though Jesus does not call men to be apostles today, He does call on us to follow Him. As we examine this account recorded in John 1, we see some profound lessons regarding Who Jesus is and why we would follow Him, as men of the past did.
Fri, 27 Sep 2024 - 23min - 66 - Moral Standards In A Secular Age
In this episode we consider how moral standards have changed in our nation and note we are not the first to experience it. Others have gone through times of shifting moral standards; away from God and into paganism, just as we are doing now. What is the solution? Why should we care about moral standards to start with? These questions and more are what we reflect on in light of God’s word.
Sat, 21 Sep 2024 - 32min - 65 - Calves of God (the social gospel)
In this episode we focus on what people will do to attract and keep an audience or hold a community together. There are those who will rationalize any action necessary to draw people into their sphere of influence, even in religious endeavors. This study will examine the social gospel among churches by considering true evangelism depends on the word of God, the social gospel replaces God’s word with human wisdom, and arguments for the social gospel – how they fail.
Fri, 13 Sep 2024 - 40min - 64 - Musical Worship
In this episode we examine the surprisingly controversial subject of musical worship. These days when you step into the average community church you will be met with essentially the same musical offering: a guy and/or girl singing like they are at the grand ole opry, swaying and waving their hand in the air, backed by a full band with guitars, drums, a keyboard, and more. What is acceptable to God? Does it depend on our feelings or sincerity? Does it matter whether we use pianos, guitars, drums, or tambourines? Should we only use our bodies to produce music, and, if so, can we hum or make clicking noises, whistle or hoot and holler? Listen to the full episode to see what the word of God teaches.
Fri, 06 Sep 2024 - 36min - 63 - Restoration of the New Testament Church
In this episode we delve into the idea of restoring the New Testament Church. This pursuit was necessary because of the innovations and corruption that saturated “Christianity” for centuries. Men departed from the original pattern of truth given by the Lord for the disciples of Christ not long after the apostles died. Through the years the number of people who drifted and the error greatly increased. Though various efforts were made to change these things, including during the “Reformation Movement,” men often fell short. Then, in the 1700s-1800s, there were those who took a radically different approach – an approach to go back to what was originally revealed. We will discuss some important principles and foundational truths that support the restoration of the New Testament Church.
Fri, 30 Aug 2024 - 40min - 62 - Satan, Secularism, and America
In this episode we consider secularism in America because we live in a time when Judeo-Christian values are rapidly disappearing. More and more people are embracing humanistic values; this includes supposed “Christian” churches. And, anyone who has lived more than about 40 years has seen a drastic change in their lifetime. We will note this is not a political war, but spiritual; Satan changes his tactics, but has the same goal; there is a difference in American Nationalism and Christianity; Victory belongs to Christ, and more.
Fri, 23 Aug 2024 - 44min - 61 - Life of a Christian
In this episode we discuss the life of a Christian. It is something to which all men ought to aspire because it is the will of God. Being a Christian brings many blessings including peace, a reason for life, a sure standard to live by, and hope for what lies beyond the grave. We also consider how being a Christian is an honor and has a great heritage.
Fri, 16 Aug 2024 - 38min - 60 - Healed of Blindness | A Study of John 9
In this episode we examine John 9. This is the account of where Jesus healed a man who had been blind from birth. It was a miracle that caused the man to believe Jesus’ claim to be the Christ, but only hardened the hearts of Jewish leaders. It created faith in the man’s parents as well, but not saving faith. As we study, we will reflect on ourselves and lessons we can learn about our blindness and how to be healed.
Fri, 09 Aug 2024 - 39min - 59 - Revelation, The Mark of the Beast, John Rich and more
In this episode we touch on John Rich and his new song, REVELATION. In an interview we saw of him where he talks about this song, he takes the widely-held position that the book of Revelation is a detailed outline of the “end times.” We will see in our study that this view of the book is wrong. We will lay out seven keys to understanding the book, touching on Armageddon, the Mark of the Beast, the historical context, and more.
Fri, 02 Aug 2024 - 37min - 58 - Hope In The Midst of Moral Darkness
In this episode we reflect on the moral darkness of our world; it is everywhere. We cannot browse the internet, watch the news, or view entertainment without being confronted with moral darkness. Some relish in it, but many of us are bewildered by it. It is discouraging, but we want to study God’s word to see there is hope. Not all is lost. We can find strength in the Light of the gospel.
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 - 44min - 57 - God’s Wrath
In this episode we consider God’s wrath. This is a difficult topic to meditate on, so much so that some deny God has any wrath. There are those who say the God of the Old Testament was wrathful, but the God of the New Testament is different, He is full of grace and love and will not exercise wrath against His creation. Is that true? Did God change personalities and behaviors from the Old to the New. Is God a God of change? Is His nature fluid? Or, does the same God that ruled over ancient man still rule today? Does He have the same nature, that includes wrath and, therefore, something we need to seriously consider? We will search the Scripture to see.
Fri, 19 Jul 2024 - 32min - 56 - Mormonism, A Cult Built On Lies and Failed Prophecies
In this episode we study Mormonism in light of God’s word. We begin with a brief overview of the history of this cult founded by Joseph Smith, including his involvement in counterfeiting. We go on to examine a couple of failed prophecies he made and look at several doctrines taught by Mormons that contradict God’s word.
Fri, 12 Jul 2024 - 52min - 55 - Take Heed
In this episode we look at warnings in the New Testament to take heed. These admonitions range anywhere from our attitudes to our actions. They encourage us to look ahead and not forget what God has revealed. What will surprise some people is that Jesus is perhaps the most prolific person that tells us to “take heed.” Yes, He warned men about the consequences of failing to pay attention and live right. Why? Because we will face God’s wrath if we are ambivalent.
Fri, 05 Jul 2024 - 31min - 54 - Personal Highlights From The Gospel Accounts
In this episode we study some highlights of the greatest story ever told, the gospel accounts that record the life of Christ. We begin with the temptation of Jesus (and how it is a pattern for our dealings with the devil). We move on to the Sermon on the Mount and how it sets a high standard for us. We discuss Jesus walking on water and the lessons concerning our faith or failure. We also consider words of the disciples recorded in the gospel accounts and what encouragement we may draw from them.
Fri, 28 Jun 2024 - 43min - 53 - "Jehovah’s Witnesses” | A False Religion
What do you think of when you hear “Jehovah’s Witness”? Words like “annoying,” “odd,” and “difficult” may come to mind. They are the ones with the literature that shows an idyllic future where children and lions frolic on the countryside. You may think of them as determined; and they are. What you may not know is they are a cult. Their history shows this and their beliefs are radical to say the least, including they believe Jesus was an angel that became a human and deny He is the divine Son of God. We will explore this and much more in this episode.
Fri, 21 Jun 2024 - 50min - 52 - Observe The Law (2): A Study In Deuteronomy 4
In our last episode we began a study in Deuteronomy 4 where Moses addressed the children of Israel in a farewell speech when they were on the brink of entering the Promised Land. He wasn’t simply saying goodbye. His main thrust was to admonish Israel to observe the Law; stay faithful to God or face the consequences. In this continued study we will notice Israel is warned against the ever-tempting pull to idolatry and consider their blessed position before God. Of course, we will make applications to our present circumstances so we may be further encouraged to faithfulness on our way to The Promised Land.
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 - 37min - 51 - Observe The Law (1): A Study In Deuteronomy 4
In this episode we study from Deuteronomy 4, part of Moses’ farewell addresses to the nation of Israel. In this chapter Moses urges the people of God to faithful service as they look to enter the Promised Land. He reminds them of the fullness of God’s word, His mercy, and the consequences of failing to observe His will. The principles laid out here are fundamental and incredibly important for us to learn and heed as we seek to enter The Promised Land.
Fri, 07 Jun 2024 - 36min - 50 - The Destruction of Jerusalem | Matthew 24
In this episode we consider what the Bible says about the destruction of Jerusalem and the final Judgment. Our main text of study is Matthew 24 where Jesus goes into detail about these matters. Many people have been taught wrongly from this passage and on “the end times.” Some become anxious and get confused about the topic. Thankfully, it is not that complicated and, of course, reassuring to know the truth.
Fri, 31 May 2024 - 57min - 49 - Jonathan’s Victory
In this episode we study Jonathan, son of king Saul. We know him as best friend to the giant slayer, David. We may forget Jonathan was a warrior in his own right. He was a brave soldier who took courageous action when others were filled with fear. The story of him and his armorbearer in 1 Samuel 14 is an inspiring account of how one man’s faith can inspire a nation. Join us as we dive into the details.
Fri, 24 May 2024 - 32min - 48 - Rahab
In this episode we examine an unlikely hero of faith. Even though this person lived over 3,000 years ago, her example stands out. In fact, the Holy Spirit honored her above many others you would think ought to be mentioned in an “all-time greatest” list of servants of God. The life lessons, the courage, the commitment to the Lord is front and center in the account of this legend of faith.
Fri, 17 May 2024 - 33min - 47 - The Rich Young Ruler
In this episode we study a timeless story from the New Testament. It is about a young man who had all life has to offer, but lacked something concerning his soul. It seems he knew he was missing something, but did not know exactly what to do about it until he turned to Jesus. When this young man found out, he did not like the answer. The account of the Rich Young Ruler is a cautionary tale to us; one that contains many valuable lessons.
Fri, 10 May 2024 - 30min - 46 - What Is Man?
In this episode we consider the topic of “what is man?” Your worldview determines the answer to this question. If you believe the universe is the result of random events, you see man as an accidental life form differing little from other life on the planet. If you believe the universe is the result of Divine action, then you see man as a special creation of an Almighty God. The Newton church recently studied this in one of our Wednesday night classes. My wife suggested it would be good for a podcast to help get the information to a wider audience. We hope you benefit.
Fri, 03 May 2024 - 46min - 45 - Christianity and World Religions: Are They Equally Valid?
In this episode we look at various views people have of Christianity relative to world religions. Is it inclusive or exclusive? What about Pluralism and Universalism? What does the Bible say about these things? Can we know the truth? Thankfully, we can know the truth as Jesus said in John 8:32, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Listen to the episode and consider some issues we face more and more in our current age.
Fri, 26 Apr 2024 - 38min - 44 - Two Fundamentals: The Church and God’s Plan of Salvation
In this episode we look at foundational teaching that all need to know: the church and God’s plan of salvation. Even if you studied these things in the past, it is helpful to have a refresher to confirm the validity of your beliefs as well as to sharpen your mind to teach others. For those who have never heard these things before, you need to take the time to carefully examine the word of God so you know the truth. We begin with a brief review of the Bible’s teaching on the Church and then move into an examination of the plan of salvation with a focus on what God requires of us.
Fri, 19 Apr 2024 - 51min - 43 - They Are Listening
In this episode we take a fresh look at Paul’s time in Philippi when he was imprisoned for casting out a demon. He and his companion, Silas, were beaten and thrown in jail, but not defeated in their mission of teaching the gospel. Their experience in Philippi is a great example for us when we are going through trying times. Among the lessons we will learn are: God’s providence in our salvation, our faith is on display, the suffering is worth it, and one more about the biblical order of salvation.
Fri, 12 Apr 2024 - 43min - 42 - King of Salem
In this episode we study Genesis 14 where Abram rescued his nephew, Lot. It tells of the first battle recorded in the Bible and gives us the first mention of a priest of God. This seemingly random chapter actually is key to God’s working out the plan of salvation. Among other things we will notice lessons on poor choices, redemption, and the surety of God’s plan.
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 - 42min - 41 - If God Is For Us
In this episode we examine the Old Testament account of a talking donkey. It is found in the book of Numbers, which is commonly considered boring, but is anything but boring. In the encounter and interaction between Balak, Balaam, and Israel, there are several valuable lessons about motivation, commitment to speaking the truth, and God’s love for His people. It is also a warning about forsaking God and provoking His wrath.
Fri, 29 Mar 2024 - 47min - 40 - Through The Depths On Dry Ground
In this episode we study one of the most amazing events recorded in the Bible: the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites as they escaped bondage in Egypt. This was the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham and part of His plan of redeeming man. The account gives us full confidence in the Lord and His power to execute His will and deliver His people.
Fri, 22 Mar 2024 - 54min - 39 - The Holy Spirit: His Nature, Indwelling, and Work
In this episode we consider the nature and indwelling of the Holy Spirit from a biblical perspective. There is a lot of confusion surrounding this topic, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The Bible is fairly straight forward about the work of the Spirit and does not delve into or indicate that the issue is surrounded by mysticism. As with all of God’s truth, this subject is logical and we have the ability to understand… which gives us comfort and assurance.
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 - 38min - 38 - What Is The Gift of The Holy Spirit?
In this episode we examine the “gift of the Holy Spirit” mentioned in Acts 2:38. Is it miraculous? Is it non-miraculous? We will see that a sensible study of the subject reveals the truth. Keep in mind for this, or any, subject, we cannot be given to emotionalism or be moved by the doctrines of men. So, let’s open our hearts and minds to God’s word so we may correctly understand and enjoy the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Fri, 08 Mar 2024 - 25min - 37 - To Live Is To Die
In this episode we look one paradox found in the Bible: to live is to die. The Bible presents this to us to get to the idea that to be a Christian one must change and sacrifice. There is a separation from the old self to be reshaped in the likeness of Christ. This is no easy thing, rather it requires total dedication; a complete commitment to the Lord.
Fri, 01 Mar 2024 - 33min - 36 - Drawing The Young To Christ
Christians are concerned with drawing men to Christ because, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). This includes young people who have reached the age of accountability. Their souls need to be saved. And, it is best to reach them when their hearts are more pliable and minds more pure; before they become cynical and hardened to an appeal from the Lord. The question is: How is this done? Do we need games and gimmicks or is the simple gospel enough? This lesson advocates for presenting God’s word as the means of drawing the young to Christ.
Fri, 23 Feb 2024 - 36min - 35 - Demands of Discipleship
In this episode we discuss the demands of discipleship. Being a disciple of the Lord brings many blessings and a great hope. Christians have the forgiveness of sins. They have fellowship with God that provides comfort and peace. They have a promise and anticipation of eternal life. Discipleship also requires things of us. We are not left to follow our own course. There is a greater authority that requires dedication and devotion. There is a greater cause that involves a change in priorities.
Fri, 16 Feb 2024 - 22min - 34 - Vainly Puffed Up
In this episode we examine arguments from a “progressive Christian.” This is a person who seeks to achieve more feeling and emotions in assemblies through a change in the atmosphere, that is, how the material and physical set up would make you more spiritual with the guise of humility. This is not a new attitude or movement among Christians. It is gaining ground among those who are uniformed or disgruntled. We encourage you to consider what we discuss in light of God’s word.
Fri, 09 Feb 2024 - 1h 02min - 33 - Ruth (3): The Threshing FloorFri, 02 Feb 2024 - 43min
- 32 - Cultural Decay In The United States
In this episode we take a break from our study in Ruth to look at our current time and society. What in the world is going on? Many of us in our 40s, 50s, and older are in utter shock as we watch the chaos unfold around us – or should we say, explode around us. Why is this happening? What can be done about it? These things are addressed in this podcast and we urge you to consider them in light of God’s word.
Fri, 26 Jan 2024 - 43min - 31 - Ruth (2): Gleaning In The Field
In this episode we study Ruth chapter 2 where things begin to turn around for Naomi and her daughter-in-law, Ruth. These two widows find sustenance and favor. While this is fulfilled directly by a close relative, it is ultimately the hand of God that guided the events to bless these women. Lessons we specifically will notice in this episode include the blessing of a community of faith, care for the poor, and doing the right thing.
Fri, 19 Jan 2024 - 35min - 30 - Ruth (1): To Moab and Back
In this episode we begin to look at the book of Ruth. It is more than a love story or a connection between the time of the Judges and the rise of the united kingdom. It shows us the powerful providence of God, how we can and must maintain faith through tremendous loss and suffering, and much more. In this podcast we go through Ruth chapter 1 and especially notice the importance of family and faith, as well as how determination is needed if we are going to serve God.
Fri, 12 Jan 2024 - 40min - 29 - Destructive Deceit of The Devil (5): God Is Not That Strict
In this episode examine the idea that God is not really that strict. You see, some people view God like a gentle grandfather who sees no wrong in his grandchildren. This leads to misbehavior–rebellion against God–sin. We will study the Scripture and see that while God is merciful and patient, He also has a definite standard to which He will hold us accountable.
Fri, 05 Jan 2024 - 16min - 28 - Destructive Deceit of The Devil (4): Sincerity Is Enough
In this episode we consider another destructive deceit of the devil: sincerity is enough. Too many people are convinced that as long as they are sincere, that they have a good heart, that they think well of God, Jesus, and being kind, it will somehow be sufficient for God’s grace to cover them and excuse all their sins. We will look at multiple Bible examples where sincere people suffered the consequences of sincerely doing the wrong thing.
Fri, 29 Dec 2023 - 18min - 27 - Destructive Deceit of The Devil (2): Faith Only Salvation
In this episode we continue to examine the destructive deceit of the devil. We examine two popular doctrines found in denominations and community churches. Doctrines that are seen by many to be universally accepted; ones that many have never examined in light of God’s word. However, when they are compared to the truth of Scripture, they are found to be error–lies of the devil that damn souls. So, it is critical to study these and reject any error and embrace truth.
Fri, 15 Dec 2023 - 25min - 26 - Destructive Deceit of the Devil (1): Denominationalism
In this episode we begin a discussion of the destructive deceit of the devil, the father of lies. Specifically, we dissect popular beliefs and practices in the religious world; things many people do in sincerity, but are wrong. In fact, by accepting the lies of the devil, they condemn their own souls. At least one of the subjects we address applies to almost every person who is part of a typical church in our nation–denominational or community church, large or small. Thus, we urge you to hear us out and seriously consider what we say in light of the Bible.
Fri, 08 Dec 2023 - 19min - 25 - Grow In Knowledge (4): Study Aids and Tools
In this episode we wrap up our study on “grow in knowledge” by thinking about how others can help us study and learn God’s word. We also go over various tools and resources to use and touch on reliable Bible translations. We conclude by discussing personal Bible study with a suggested program of reading and ways to study.
Fri, 01 Dec 2023 - 34min - 24 - Grow In Knowledge (3): It Is Written Again
In this episode we consider the words of Jesus when He said, “It is written again,” as we continue our study on “grow in knowledge.” This study looks at the need to study all points on a subject in order to properly understand the Bible’s teaching on it. We also go over the importance of keeping things in context to avoid any misapplication of truth.
Fri, 24 Nov 2023 - 27min - 23 - Grow In Knowledge (2): Rightly Divide The Word of Truth
In this episode we continue in our study on “grow in knowledge.” We begin by talking about the need to be approved by God and how that requires effort. Next we highlight rightly dividing the word of truth, that is, properly understanding how the Bible is one book with various divisions and, therefore, applications – some that no longer pertain to us, but others we must live by to please the Lord.
Fri, 17 Nov 2023 - 22min - 22 - Grow In Knowledge (1): A Will To Do His WillFri, 10 Nov 2023 - 33min
- 21 - Blaming Others
In this episode we consider the problem of blaming others. It is common to make excuses for our sins and to find some reason why we are not at fault. We will even search for someone else to blame and try to make them responsible for our behavior. The Bible, however, teaches we are responsible for our actions and will be held accountable to God.
Study along as we consider four common people or things that are blamed for our sin: Satan, spouses, shepherds, and situations.
Thu, 02 Nov 2023 - 36min - 20 - Church MembershipThu, 26 Oct 2023 - 33min
- 19 - Water In The Word
In this episode we consider the element of water in the word. We see where there was a mist in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2 or frozen water, hail, used to defeat Israel’s enemies in Joshua 10. There are figurative uses as well, such as Jesus saying He offers living water. Our focus will be on God’s use of water to separate His people from people of the world. How He used it to deliver the obedient and doom the wicked. The three specific uses of water we will examine are the flood, the crossing of the Red Sea, and New Testament baptism.
Thu, 19 Oct 2023 - 32min - 18 - Bad Choices
In this episode we look at a number of examples where men in the Bible made bad choices regarding morality and culture, personal sin, and submission to God. These include Lot who moved to Sodom, Herod who lived in adultery and murdered the prophet of God, and Felix and Agrippa who failed to submit to God’s plan of salvation.
Thu, 12 Oct 2023 - 36min - 17 - Restoring The Nation
In this episode we consider the state of our nation… the terrible condition it is in and what needs to be done about it. The answer is not what many people think. It is not in the institutions of men, their schemes and actions. The answer is in the word of God and those willing to adhere to it. Listen and consider what you can do to help our country be truly great and godly.
Thu, 05 Oct 2023 - 41min - 16 - One Faith
In this episode we examine a phrase found in Ephesians 4:4-6, “one faith.” It is a fundamental truth in God’s word that there is only one faith. However, many do not believe this. The common concept is there are many faiths and you can choose the one that best fits you. Contrary to that, the Bible teaches there is one faith given by the Lord and we must all adhere to it.
Fri, 29 Sep 2023 - 32min - 15 - Death
In this episode we discuss death. Our observation tells us death is universal and the Bible plainly states it in Hebrews 9:27. It is something to which we pay a great deal of attention and spend an enormous amount of money on to delay or sometimes foolishly attempt to prevent it altogether. Still, it is something that is coming to us all unless we are alive when the Lord returns.
In our study, we will look at five questions related to death.
What is death? What happens at death? Why does it exist? Should we fear death? Is there anything good about death in this lifeThu, 21 Sep 2023 - 35min - 14 - Becoming A Christian
In this episode we discuss what it takes to become a Christian. There are many different ideas out there about how someone goes from being a sinner to being a saint. Most of what men teach is contrary to the Bible. We want to look at what it takes to become a Christian. There is certain knowledge the Bible says we must have to become a child of God. Also, there are certain actions that we must take that God requires for someone to be a disciple of Christ.
Thu, 14 Sep 2023 - 38min - 13 - The Gospel Seed
In this episode we study a fundamental truth that seed produces after its kind. A watermelon seed produces watermelons, not oak trees or even strawberries or cantaloupes. The same is true with the gospel seed, it will produce a Christian; nothing more and nothing less. So, when you see something other than simply a Christian, you know this is the result of a different kind of seed.
We expand this principle to see how it applies to churches as well.
Thu, 07 Sep 2023 - 30min - 12 - Helpless, Not Hopeless
In this episode we discuss the thought that we are helpless, but need not be hopeless. We explore the idea of dependence on God, knowing what is important, and looking to heaven. These are things a Christian will do.
The ultimate question is, though, are you a Christian? Not as defined by the teachings and ideas of man, but as outlined in God’s word. We will touch on this at the end of the episode.
Thu, 31 Aug 2023 - 33min - 11 - The Resurrection (part 2)
This episode is the second of two in which we examine the topic of the resurrection with a focus on 1 Corinthians 15. This chapter is an extensive argument for why there will be a resurrection of the dead at the end of time. We will see a denial of the resurrection leads to loose morality. Too, our study looks at objections and questions people have about the resurrection that tend to cause doubt, but are answered in 1 Corinthians 15. We wrap up our study with a look at those who are living when the resurrection occurs.
Thu, 24 Aug 2023 - 27min - 10 - The Resurrection (part 1)
This episode is the first of two in which we examine the topic of the resurrection with a focus on 1 Corinthians 15. This chapter is an extensive argument for why there will be a resurrection of the dead at the end of time. It shows the resurrection of Christ is a historical fact and the implication if it is not. In this first episode we will also see how the resurrection is part of the consummation of God’s plan for mankind.
Thu, 17 Aug 2023 - 31min - 9 - Noah and The Flood
In this episode we study one of the most fascinating events in all of human history, the flood. This account, recorded in Genesis 6-8, is known the world over today. People who have even a little familiarity with the Bible usually know about the flood. That was true in ancient times as well, because the flood was a real event that impacted the entire world. About 200 different civilizations have an ancient flood story.
We will explore some of the evidence for a worldwide flood and examine the account to learn that God’s longsuffering has limits, the foreshadowing of a Judgment to come,, as well as principles of salvation that run counter to the modern religious world.
Thu, 10 Aug 2023 - 43min - 8 - Practical Benefits of Being A Christian
Some people see being a Christian as oppressive, gloom, doom, and too difficult. However, when you read the Bible, you see that Christianity has practical benefits. This episode looks at two areas where it is beneficial to be a Christian: being a member of the Kingdom of God and the daily value it offers. There are more benefits, but these two help us see that in this life there are blessings when following God’s will. For questions and comments on this episode, go to
Thu, 03 Aug 2023 - 46min - 7 - Is Christianity Logical?
Is Christianity logical? Some claim it is foolishness and only those with “blind faith” could possibly accept it. They say reason and rationality must be cast aside; evidence and “science” must be rejected. Is this true? This episode examine the question, “is Christianity logical?” We talk about the dominant Western view, the idea that God wants reason, evidence behind Christianity, and the fact that Jesus was logical. For questions and comments on this episode, go to
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 - 35min - 6 - Jesus Is The Christ
The most controversial subject of all time is the claim that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ. In this episode we consider the controversy during Jesus' time on earth and what it looks like in our time. We close the episode with encouragment not to compromise your conviction that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world.
Thu, 20 Jul 2023 - 35min - 5 - Heaven
The Bible describes both rewards and punishments for our behavior in this life. Temporal rewards include happiness, while punishment can take the form of heartache. The eternal reward is heaven, but the punishment is hell. In this episode we examine the latter, heaven: it is a real place and is glorious.
Mon, 17 Jul 2023 - 33min - 4 - Overview of the New TestamentMon, 17 Jul 2023 - 14min
- 3 - Overview of the Old TestamentMon, 17 Jul 2023 - 23min
- 2 - Sad, But TrueMon, 17 Jul 2023 - 32min
- 1 - Until This WordMon, 17 Jul 2023 - 37min
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