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Learn Spanish On the Go

Learn Spanish On the Go

Lingua Virtus

Learn Spanish On the Go Support this podcast:

15 - LSOTG.S2E9.Picante
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  • 15 - LSOTG.S2E9.Picante

    Today's word is "picante." Picante means "spicy" in English and is used to describe food with a hot or pungent flavor.

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    Sat, 26 Aug 2023 - 01min
  • 14 - LSOTG.S2.E8 Desvelado

    Today's word is "desvelado." Desvelado is an adjective used to describe someone who is sleepless or unable to sleep.

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    Sat, 19 Aug 2023 - 04min
  • 13 - LSOTG.S2.E7 Bocadillo

    Today's word is "bocadillo." Bocadillo refers to a delicious sandwich that is popular in Spanish cuisine. It's a quick and tasty option for a meal or snack.

    --- Support this podcast:
    Sat, 12 Aug 2023 - 04min
  • 12 - LSOTG. S2.E.6.Puente

    Today's word is "puente." Puente usually means "bridge" although colloquially it means "long weekend" in Spanish. It refers to a public holiday that falls on a weekday, creating an extended weekend break.

    --- Support this podcast:
    Sat, 05 Aug 2023 - 01min
  • 11 - LSOTG. S2.E.5.Chiringuito

    Today's word is "chiringuito." C-H-I-R-I-N-G-U-I-T-O- Chiringuito refers to a beach bar (or a Tiki hut) in Spanish. It's a place where you can relax, enjoy a refreshing drink, and soak up the sun by the seaside.

    --- Support this podcast:
    Sat, 29 Jul 2023 - 01min
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