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Life is Funny

Life is Funny

Josh Tucker and Evan Brinnon

Welcome to the Life is Funny podcast where we think we are funny and hope that you might too! We love to talk about topics that are important in our lives even though most of the time we are far from experts. Tune in for a fun, chill time where you'll almost surely laugh at least once and maybe even learn a thing or two!

285 - Ep. 285: Evening Out Work/Life Efforts
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  • 285 - Ep. 285: Evening Out Work/Life Efforts

    This week, the guys talk about how to even out effort at work. When work takes 100% (or more) of your effort, it can leave you drained and with less time/energy/etc. to put into what really matters: life! So, why does work take so much effort? Would it be better for both workers and companies to ask for less effort and/or find better ways to balance the effort? And how would that fix come about if it's even a possibility? Listen in to find out if they have all the answers, or if they at least have some good thoughts. And as always, listen in for Fact of the Week, "sticking it to the man," and Life is Punny tidbits.

    Tue, 15 Oct 2024 - 46min
  • 284 - Ep. 284: Can We Solve Unhappiness?

    This week, the guys have a heck of a time harping on about happiness. Are they in their peak happy years, or is unhappiness at its highest right about now? And how does today's generation stack up against its predecessors when it comes to happiness levels and timeframes? After sorting all that out, Josh and Evan kick around some ideas about why things are the way they are and what could be done to make things better, if there even needs to be a better. Whatever they come up with, hopefully it gets pieced together like this episode's audio issues... And as always, listen in for Fact of the Week, "sticking it to the man," and Life is Punny tidbits!

    Mon, 07 Oct 2024 - 39min
  • 283 - Ep. 283: Squaring up in Scotland

    This week, the podcast is back to full strength! Josh and Evan are back to being a double act, and both guys have some things to talk about together. Josh obviously has some Scotland stories to spin after returning from vacation, including some skinny-road hi-jinx and intersection square-ups. On the other side, Evan has some Springfield, Ohio, updates and some general life events to speak on. And as always, there are plenty of Fact of the Week, "sticking it to the man," and Life is Punny content for your listening pleasure!

    Mon, 30 Sep 2024 - 54min
  • 282 - Ep. 282: True Tales from a Springfield, Ohio, Pet Owner

    This week, Evan is flying solo for the first time in a while! With Josh being MIA and life going on, he had to make sure to get a recording in, for his sake and yours. Fortunately for Evan, there are some very topical things to talk about! First and foremost, his hometown, Springfield, Ohio, has been in the news recently. That must be a good thing, right? Right? Well, even though the news and surrounding discourse are less than ideal, he's here to set the record straight and provide some expert insights. Even though it's just a one-man show, Evan's still got you covered with Fact of the Week, "sticking it to the man," and Life is Punny tidbits!

    Mon, 16 Sep 2024 - 28min
  • 281 - Ep. 281: Quality Over Quantity?

    This week, the guys are just trying to piece something together. After not recording for 2.5 weeks, and looking down the barrel of another three-week hiatus due to Josh's inability to record, the guys try to squeeze in a quick episode to keep the content coming. However, halfway into their 30-minute recording window, they realized none of the audio had been recorded. So, this is the ~15-minute take-two that they were able to get recorded. Within this expedited recording, the guys get a quick chance to catch up after Josh's vertical sailing situation and some of Evan's podcast-worthy experiences. Even in a quick format, listen in for Fact of the Week, "sticking it to the man," and Life is Punny content!

    Sun, 08 Sep 2024 - 16min
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