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Motivation Min

Motivation Min

Motivation Min

Welcome to the Motivation Min podcast. They say motivation doesn’t last, that’s why it’s recommended daily like a bath. IG:@wearejuntos

14 - Foot off the break, where’s your podcast, BRO?
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  • 14 - Foot off the break, where’s your podcast, BRO?

    @aitrujillo and myself @gabrieltrujill0 go over the rebuild process of life improving and never shooting shade staying humble to others and wishing them well on their endeavors.

    Wed, 24 Oct 2018 - 13min
  • 13 - Death at the Alamo, Anxiety on attitude

    Anxiety, Death and the Alamo. My sister @aitrujillo and I discuss her short trip, her attitude on it and how it’s helped her see the benefits of the time and place she’s alive in currently. Follow us @wearejuntos for all our other content!

    Mon, 22 Oct 2018 - 14min
  • 12 - Car Tank

    Not listening to music or other audio converts it my car into one of my think tanks. @wearejuntos for video blogs ns other episodes.

    Sun, 21 Oct 2018 - 05min
  • 11 - Mic check, new lapels.

    New mics came in for the mobile capabilities and 2 person conversion. Also tried them out with my friend Pete in the previous episode.

    Thu, 18 Oct 2018 - 29min
  • 10 - Tiger tiger woods y’all.

    This episode is a quick recap of Tiger Woods and his return to golf. How I see it and the time and psyche that it took to get to that level. First They love you, then they hate you, then they love you again.

    Mon, 24 Sep 2018 - 04min
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