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Peace & Conflict

Peace & Conflict

Peace & Conflict

The Peace & Conflict podcast is brought to you by Mike Brand & Claude Gatebuke, two close friends and "brothers" who are passionate about genocide and atrocities prevention. Join us for a weekly conversation about pressing human rights, justice, peace, atrocities prevention, and activism issues. *The views expressed are our own.*

3 - Episode 3: The New Administration's Impact on Atrocities Prevention
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  • 3 - Episode 3: The New Administration's Impact on Atrocities Prevention

    Mike & Claude are finally back with a quick look at how the new administration under President-elect Trump may impact the conflicts in the DRC and South Sudan, and how his presidency may deal with atrocities prevention more broadly.

    Fri, 02 Dec 2016 - 31min
  • 2 - P&C Episode 2 - DRC

    Mike Brand & Claude Gatebuke bring you the Peace & Conflict podcast, a conversation about pressing human rights, justice, peace, atrocities prevention, and activism issues. In our second episode you'll hear a bit about the history and ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Music:

    Thu, 13 Oct 2016 - 56min
  • 1 - Episode 1: Intro & South Sudan

    Mike Brand & Claude Gatebuke bring you the Peace & Conflict podcast, a weekly conversation about pressing human rights, justice, peace, atrocities prevention, and activism issues. In our first episode you'll hear a bit about who we are and why we are doing this podcast. We also discuss the ongoing crisis in South Sudan. Music:

    Fri, 09 Sep 2016 - 41min